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Scions of Kings by OreoStyx!!!

Primefusion tags along with me to retake the adventure from the beta!

This hack features the ability to customize the tactician to your liking. You as the player can have a choice of which weapon you would like to use in battle. Choose wisely, as once you make the decision, you cannot change it. The tactician also has the ability to "rally" which allows the playable units to move again, gaining the upper hand in battle. And if you paid close attention to the tactician's stats, you'll notice the affinity of the tactician will match the birth month that you chose at the start of a new game.

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Fate of Fire Trailer


Fate of Fire Playthrough

Toa's Fate of Fire is up!

Fate of Fire is an all new FE7 hack that gives the player control over the story through decisions you make. Players will have the option to pursue one or more routes at multiple places in the game. The first demo of the hack is scheduled to release during, or soon after, FEE3, so watch out.

Edited by Ghastly
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and that's all for tonight, folks! The final day is upon us! Check out the Day 3 schedule here!

Day 3:
Digest video 3 (Ghast) (3pm)
Fire Emblem Multiplayer (Ghast) (3:30pm)
Micro Emblem (Ghast) (4:30pm)
Staff of Ages (Trent) (5:30pm)
Brendor's tech demo compilation (6:30pm)
Exalted Legacy Teaser Trailer (7pm)
Generations Teaser Trailer (7:30pm)
Fire Emblem: Bloodlines AMA (Ghast) (8pm)
Closing Video (9pm)
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Micro Emblem by SEVA


Staff of Ages by InvaderZim

I was hoping you guys would post these in my stead...

perhaps presentation wise, but the behind the scenes has been a mess :x

Not really. Saying it was a mess is a huge overstatement. There were a couple of hiccups but that's all it was
Edited by Ghastly
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Hey Ghast, thanks for playing Micro Emblem!

It was a really fun video to watch, and I'd say you did an altogether pretty good job at playing it! But only on the last run.

I'm all up for people coming up with their own story when they play game, honestly. It goes well with being able to name your units whatever you like.

But yeah, good job! Man, if you saw some of the later chapters, that sht gets pretty crazy!


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