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Post-release Planning Thread


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Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it. Multiple threads does help, since with only say 3 threads it's hard to get specific information. However, it depends on how specific these threads get. There is such a thing as too specific but it shouldn't be too hard to stay away from that problem.

So yeah, whatever you need, managing threads and whatnot I'll be glad to do so.

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I'm just glad I'll get a chance to play a new Fire Emblem again--last time I had access to a (not remake) Japanese FE at launch was FE9, and I remember how the community was helping share and understand parts of the game like recruitment, secret events, newgame+ features like the bands, and other neat stuff. I'm hoping we get a similar experience when the game comes out soon.

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Whoo, it's nice to see all the enthusiasm ^^

I'll just leave this thread for a bit, since I'm sure it's still early for a lot of people.

True, we need to strike a balance with the number of threads so we have enough to properly funnel all the information, but at the same time avoid flooding the subforum too much.

Here's what I'm thinking so far:

1. Characters (profiles, classes, recruitment information, etc.)

2. Classes (equippable weapons, promotion branches etc.)

3. Items (weapon stats, random items, forging?)

4. Skills (who gets what and what they do)

5. My Castle (what you can build and all the various events; might be one of the bigger threads actually...)

6. Chapters (how many chapters, what's in them, bosses, etc.)

7. Miscellaneous (anything that doesn't fit in the above, eg. gameplay mechanics, how the Hoshido/Nohr split works in practice)

I'm open to suggestions too. Kind of tired at the moment, so I might not be thinking straight o__o

As for me, I am hoping to maintain a general data-mining thread. But, thinking about it, I'm not sure if it's necessary and it might clash with everything else.

I think I might have such a topic in the ROM Hacking/Fan Project forum, but I'll just discuss the technical parts (like what the file structure is like and which file has what data) and post the actual information in the separate threads.


Things like Support Conversation or Story translations will probably require their own threads too. Those threads will probably have the biggest lifespan too, so I'm expecting really confident members to manage those XD

Edited by VincentASM
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Ooh, I was wondering if I can help manage a thread as well when the time comes. I won't be getting a copy of the game until it comes out next year though haha _(:3_/ z)_ I usually lurk here, but I will be more than happy to help organize threads for specific information ノ◉ヮ◉)ノ

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Im kind of surprised you guys didnt have separate threads for separate topics. Other forums do it all the time. This will be my first time following the release of a FE so I'm very excited.

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For the character thread, I believe that it would be good idea to have three separate threads, a Hoshido Character thread, and a Nohr Character thread, as well as a Third path character thread.

I don't know this for sure, but it's possible that even with characters shared between paths, there may be differences in when and how you recruit them, and since you can only play one path at a time, I think it'd be easier for people to find what they're looking for if its divided like that.

I don't think that'll be necessary for skills, items, or chapters, because I don't think there'll be quite as much crossover/confusion, but again, I'm just speculating.

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Depending on how many unique characters are present on each route, splitting up the character lists by country may be justified. I don't think we'll need a separate path for the third path unless it's revealed that the third path has a bunch of new characters that can only be recruited on that path, though.

The thread for skills, classes, and items probably won't need to be split between Hoshido and Nohr (although you'd want to label each of them as being Nohr or Hoshido), but it might be a good idea to split the chapters thread into the two campaigns at least.

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Yeah, splitting up the chapters would be good, since they are two separate campaigns. Maaybe the third route could be held off since I don't think anyone would actually be able to choose that one first, so splitting the Nohr and Hoshido chapters sounds good.

Maybe Classes and Skills could be combined since Skills come from the Classes after all, with the only other skill coming from the personal skills. Of course, there are a lot of Classes (supposedly, at least) so the Skills might get drowned out but combining them sounds like a good way to go.

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Makes sense. I agree, we don't know enough about the third path yet to give it its own thread. I don't expect any new units in the third path (but I really, really hope for some), but if it's a sort of "recruit everyone" scenario, there might be significant differences.

The big thing regarding classes is that unlike past games, it seems (keyword: seems) there are going to be significantly more new classes, and that even existing classes are going to behave differently. I feel like there's going to be a much greater amount of new info than there has been for any game before this.

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Third route won't need a thread at launch, since it isn't launching at the same time as the rest of the game. Once it comes out, it'll probably get a thread of its own anyway, since the major post-launch stuff will likely have died down a bit.

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Multiple smaller threads is definitely the way to go. And I'd be willing to help manage one of those threads. I managed the Localized Name Thread for Awakening when that came out in America, so you know my organizational skills. If it hasn't been chosen yet, I'd be willing to manage a Skills topic, preferably.

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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You're not short of volunteers and I don't have any prior experience, but I can be on regularly if I'm needed.

I'm pretty sure it won't be much different from managing a mafia game. Actually, it might not be as bad as managing a mafia game since you don't need to write up role PMs and you can't make any modding decisions that'll get people subbed out. /still salty

Since I'm importing the Hoshido version I could probably manage the character list for that one if no one else wants it?

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I'm pretty sure it won't be much different from managing a mafia game. Actually, it might not be as bad as managing a mafia game since you don't need to write up role PMs and you can't make any modding decisions that'll get people subbed out. /still salty

Since I'm importing the Hoshido version I could probably manage the character list for that one if no one else wants it?

You don't get to be salty until you're the godfather who scans as guilty to cops

I'm not importing, so I don't have any preference.

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You don't get to be salty until you're the godfather who scans as guilty to cops

But you do get to be salty when you make modding mistakes that get people subbed out of your games. In at least three different games, nonetheless.

EDIT: Anyway, yeah, I can't particularly think of any other info thread that we might particularly need, aside from maybe a general support conversation and story translation thing?

Edited by Sunwoo
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Separating the chapter threads by path would be a good idea; it'll prevent confusion and help people avoid spoilers for one route when they wanted to check the other. Otherwise, everything looks good.

I can't manage threads, but if there's a need for more translators, I'd be happy to oblige. Best wishes to those who take on the task!

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I think the biggest problem right now is we don't yet know enough to know what we need. For example, are there going to be special rules about supports that would justify giving them their own thread (eg, Chrom marrying Olivia requiring a certain series of conditions, or Pent and Louise) or are they all going to be straightforward?

Similarly, are there going to be specific conditions to recruit characters (Douglas, Raven, etc.) or is it going to be ridiculously straightforward (Awakening).

Just my two cents but I don't think special support situations like Chrom or Pent and Louise need their own thread. They don't usually occur enough to warrant their own thread from the games I've played. I think just having a section in the original post of the Support Thread labeled something like "Unique Support Situations" would be fine. Or it could just be listed under an FAQ at the end of the post, depending on how it's organized.

For the character thread, I believe that it would be good idea to have three separate threads, a Hoshido Character thread, and a Nohr Character thread, as well as a Third path character thread.

I don't know this for sure, but it's possible that even with characters shared between paths, there may be differences in when and how you recruit them, and since you can only play one path at a time, I think it'd be easier for people to find what they're looking for if its divided like that.

I don't think that'll be necessary for skills, items, or chapters, because I don't think there'll be quite as much crossover/confusion, but again, I'm just speculating.

True, but I do think at the minimum it would be nice to have the route exclusive items listed separately on the items thread so people won't have to scroll through the list looking for indicators of which items belong to which path. Ditto for any path exclusive non-personal skills.

Also, maybe it goes without saying, but the items thread should also have a section indicating which characters cause certain weapons to be sold at a discount.

Edited by BlueL
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I'm willing to manage one of the non-story threads like classes. I'm not importing the game, though, since I don't have a Japanese 3DS.

Normally, I would also volunteer for translation services, but I'd really like to avoid story spoilers this time around and play the game fresh.

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I think the organized approach is a good idea, Vincent. Considering both games are said to be Awakening sized, you may need that sort of organization to avoid inevitable chaos. As you know I am importing, but will be doing some translations here and there (menus and character profiles).

I guess to keep it organized, rather than delve into the depths of whatever the forum will become, I can just PM them directly to you to post wherever relevant?

I think it's a good idea, yeah.

Are we doing support translations again? I can't really transcribe them or translate them, but I can take pictures of the dialogue lmao.

I won't be managing a thread, but I'm willing to help with screenshots(using miiverse, so it's really tedious to do a lot, though) and small information requests.

Screen shots of any kind would be very helpful. The two things I am planning on doing is translating menus and all the options, as well as the brief character profiles with every new recruit I get. (The brief blurb that is given in the games, that is).

I'm willing to manage one of the non-story threads like classes. I'm not importing the game, though, since I don't have a Japanese 3DS.

Normally, I would also volunteer for translation services, but I'd really like to avoid story spoilers this time around and play the game fresh.

A shame, you're a really good translator. : ) I fully understand wanting to enjoy it fresh given that drawback of now having a JPN 3DS, however.

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Apologies if this has been discussed, but if the two games are as different as they claim wouldn't it be a good idea to have a separate subforum for each game?

Just a thought, might be easier to manage. Or harder.

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Apologies if this has been discussed, but if the two games are as different as they claim wouldn't it be a good idea to have a separate subforum for each game?

Just a thought, might be easier to manage. Or harder.

Hmm... it's a possibility, but I think it might over-complicate things in the long run.

How do Pokemon forums usually handle things like this?

Or Zelda forums that discuss Oracle of Seasons/Ages?

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Maybe we should wait until the Japanese release to make that decision? If enough people who played both Hoshido and Nohr say that the games are significantly different enough to warrant separate subforums maybe split it then, but for now it just seems like a preemptive decision?

Edited by Sunwoo
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Nah, I think we should have the threads ready in advance, because I believe a lot of people are going to start playing at midnight on the release date, so we could really get slammed with info.

Well, then and again, I think, I don't know. I mean, a lot of the Famitsu preview threads have gone totally out of control, and you couldn't find any real info in them, they got slammed to0 quick, and I'm just imagining that happening on a much, much bigger scale.

Edited by dragonlordsd
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