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Post-release Planning Thread


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Well, it's more that if the boards get split between Hoshido and Nohr in advance and we find out after the initial hype dies down that there really WASN'T a point in splitting them up in the first place, what then? Would it really be easy to merge it into one forum again? And under which sub forum would all the existing topics go?

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Nah, I think we should have the threads ready in advance, because I believe a lot of people are going to start playing at midnight on the release date, so we could really get slammed with info.

Well, then and again, I think, I don't know. I mean, a lot of the Famitsu preview threads have gone totally out of control, and you couldn't find any real info in them, they got slammed to0 quick, and I'm just imagining that happening on a much, much bigger scale.

Having the threads ready in advance seems like a wise decision, especially since midnight is midnight in Japan, which translates to morning in America, and afternoon in Europe. I'll try and put together a setup for a skills topic, if no one has any problems with it.

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Hmm... it's a possibility, but I think it might over-complicate things in the long run.

How do Pokemon forums usually handle things like this?

Or Zelda forums that discuss Oracle of Seasons/Ages?

Checked both just in case. Zelda seems to do things where they have a forum for Zelda and then the topics are... more recent. Not really much on the Seasons or Ages.

Pokemon had a forum for the versions, like the recent one ORAS. I saw examples where the topics would sometimes separate the games.

So there ya go.

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Right, what are you going to do with the DLC path when they do that? Entirely new subforum? This doesn't sound, well... sound.

In theory, it's be just as sound as individual subforums for Hoshido/Nohr, since the amount of content would be similar.

That being said, I don't think Hoshido and Nohr need individual subforums.

EDIT: Actually, I've changed my mind. I was thinking subforums from the Fire Emblem base forum, which is unnecessary; however, I do think subforums from the Fire Emblem Fates forum may be a good idea.

Edited by Skarthe
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Is it okay to ask for a seperate section containing all sorts of casual topics (for instance "waifuing")?

I kind of have my own personal opinion on these kind of things, so it'd be cool to have a section that focuses entirely on things concerning strategy, gameplay, stats etc..

(Hope I'm not starting something with this..)

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I think we're going to be dividing subjects into multiple threads, so I guess you can just skip the ones about Supports?

Looks like supports are going to have to get their own thread after all, what with children returning. I don't remember how we handled it last time, but that's going to complicate things.

Still, assuming that the majority of characters are faction locked, it makes sense that the majority of children will be as well.

Unless that's secretly the purpose of the third path: to use the children.

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Well, it's more that if the boards get split between Hoshido and Nohr in advance and we find out after the initial hype dies down that there really WASN'T a point in splitting them up in the first place, what then? Would it really be easy to merge it into one forum again? And under which sub forum would all the existing topics go?

I'm wondering this too. If it is easy to merge them again, then I fully support the split forums.

They have more differences than OR and AS do for Pokemon for sure.

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You know, I wonder if Personal Skill should be on the Skill thread...

It is, by definition extremely spoilery, so it may be easier to keep it on the Characters thread.

I think the skill info itself should appear on both threads since it is relevant to both. If you are worried about it spoiling characters, that should be easy to avoid just by listing everyone--recruitable or not--alphabetically. That way even if, say, Garon is on the list, you don't know if he's recruitable or just a boss (I'm assuming major bosses will have personal skills; if not we'd have to think on it). In the rare case where the skill itself is a spoiler (like..."Divine Dragon's Blood" or something) just obscuring the skill name should suffice.
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I think the skill info itself should appear on both threads since it is relevant to both. If you are worried about it spoiling characters, that should be easy to avoid just by listing everyone--recruitable or not--alphabetically. That way even if, say, Garon is on the list, you don't know if he's recruitable or just a boss (I'm assuming major bosses will have personal skills; if not we'd have to think on it). In the rare case where the skill itself is a spoiler (like..."Divine Dragon's Blood" or something) just obscuring the skill name should suffice.

Letting the skills, but obscuring their owners would be the best solution I think.

This way we can play guesses, but at least it limits the spoiler.

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Letting the skills, but obscuring their owners would be the best solution I think.

This way we can play guesses, but at least it limits the spoiler.

If you view the thread purely as information about Skills, that is one approach. I guess the real question is what is the primary purpose of the thread? If it's purely as a skill database like what you'd find on the main site then that approach is fair. If it's to help people who are playing the game then keeping the character names revealed could be the better approach, as I'd forsee more cases of "What is Kamui's personal skill again?" than "What does Mysterious Charisma do again?" while playing.
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If you view the thread purely as information about Skills, that is one approach. I guess the real question is what is the primary purpose of the thread? If it's purely as a skill database like what you'd find on the main site then that approach is fair. If it's to help people who are playing the game then keeping the character names revealed could be the better approach, as I'd forsee more cases of "What is Kamui's personal skill again?" than "What does Mysterious Charisma do again?" while playing.

Fair point.

Though you could seek this info on the Character's page then, maybe ? Unless it risks being too spoilerific.

So we also write the japanese name of the skill, with the tentative translation, then.

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Fair point.

Though you could seek this info on the Character's page then, maybe ? Unless it risks being too spoilerific.

So we also write the japanese name of the skill, with the tentative translation, then.

The Character thread is definitely too dangerous. Like, suppose you fight Marx in Chapter 12 of Hoshido. You'll want to know his Skill, but if you go to the Character thread you might see "Recruited in: Hoshido Chapter 20" and you've just been spoiled that Marx joins in the Hoshido path. Ideally you should never have to go to a story-heavy thread like the Character thread for gameplay information like Skills.
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Just stick 'em in the Characters thread with their owner (Owner? Practitioner? Perpetrator? How does one describe the possession of a skill?), and have them listed anonymously in the Skills thread, too. Also, in regards to the above post, put everything in different spoilers. For example:


[spoiler=Bio] stuff

[spoiler=Recruitment-Nohr] things

[spoiler=Unit Data (stats, reclassing, skills)] miscellaneous

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The Character thread is definitely too dangerous. Like, suppose you fight Marx in Chapter 12 of Hoshido. You'll want to know his Skill, but if you go to the Character thread you might see "Recruited in: Hoshido Chapter 20" and you've just been spoiled that Marx joins in the Hoshido path. Ideally you should never have to go to a story-heavy thread like the Character thread for gameplay information like Skills.

In that case, you should have the name of the skill already, so you could find it in the Skills thread even if it doesn't list who has the skill.

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In that case, you should have the name of the skill already, so you could find it in the Skills thread even if it doesn't list who has the skill.

True, but again it comes down to usability. I personally wouldn't want to make them try and find "伝説上の髪" or whatever when they could just look for "Marx"; if they were comfortable reading Japanese they could just read the skill description in the game under that scenario. Not that it even matters since someone else already requested the Skills thread and it really doesn't have anything to do with me.

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True, but again it comes down to usability. I personally wouldn't want to make them try and find "伝説上の髪" or whatever when they could just look for "Marx"; if they were comfortable reading Japanese they could just read the skill description in the game under that scenario. Not that it even matters since someone else already requested the Skills thread and it really doesn't have anything to do with me.

Yeah, the layout for how the skills are displayed more or less falls to me. Right now, as far as personal skills go, the layout I was thinking of was this.

a. Hoshido/Nohr recruited characters

b. Hoshido recruited characters

c. Nohr recruited characters

With each section in spoilers. Each Skill would be displayed in that tab, and its effect, but then name of the wielder, which would be in spoilers. In this way, I'm hoping to minimize the accidental spoilers for anyone. Though if anyone has any ideas to improve upon this setup, I'm open to suggestions.

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Something I'm wondering about is how we'll handle supports. We could go and take pictures and transcribe it, but that stuff will eventually be on the Japanese side if the internet at which point we'll default to translating it from there. What I'm wondering is how we'll decide the order of supports translated.

I suppose at first the people who are playing will be doing whatever supports they get on the first play through, and then translators will be doing things either on whim or request/popular consensus after things get on the internet.

So I guess I just answered my question. Unless anyone else thinks we should go in a different direction? I care about supports, so I think the process of translation is something we should have at least a bit of dialogue about.

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Hey everybody,

I'm kind of a newbie to this site, but I was wondering, since I have pre-loaded the game on my japanese 3ds, and I speak moderate japanese, if anyone still needed help with this. If not, sorry for being so late!

Great site you guys have here by the way!!!


The Hopeful Rob

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I'll probably continue to manage the romance topic. But if someone feels I'm not up to it, then they can take over. That said, I might completely overhaul the topic as well, stating the parents and children for each pair or unit, unless somebody agreed to make a topic for it already. I might also list all the possible pairs or the units that cannot support or marry with one another, and who has limited options, or which units have forced marriages.

I'd prefer people who disclose information directly PM it to me or post it in the topic so I can update.

Is that fine?

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Hey, sorry for kinda disappearing. I've been tied up with the E3-related updates and whatnot o__o

Anyway, I think now is a good time to start preparing the mega threads if you haven't done so already. If anyone is ready, they can even post their thread now.

I don't think we have to be too formal, so if you called dibs on a thread, you can probably go ahead with it. But if it turns out two or more people are making the same thread, you should discuss between yourselves who should be the topic creator (and pool together the resources into that one thread).

Some suggestions:

For now, I think I'll keep the Fates subforum as one, but if the need arises, I can add subforums for Hoshido and Nohr.

But as Shadow Stalker X suggested, I would start with a triple or even quadruple post, so you can have 3-4 of your posts at the front, where you can divide the information between Hoshido, Nohr and "other" (shared content, etc.).

It might help to disable your signature between these posts, so it's easier to scroll around.

Anything else...?

Oh yeah, this is a really important time, but there's no need to be too serious. Just do what you can, relax when you can and more importantly try to have fun XD

If people want the latest info, they should naturally view the topic from the end. So your main job is just to update the first post(s) with all the important info before that point.

Depending on the information, sometimes it's fine to just link to a post by somebody else in the same thread (or another thread).

Once you've made the thread, let me know so I can link to it from here.

Of course, if you have any questions, just continue to drop them here ^^

...And if anyone is managing the class section, this might be helpful (working on the Hoshidan classes atm).

Something I'm wondering about is how we'll handle supports. We could go and take pictures and transcribe it, but that stuff will eventually be on the Japanese side if the internet at which point we'll default to translating it from there. What I'm wondering is how we'll decide the order of supports translated.

I suppose at first the people who are playing will be doing whatever supports they get on the first play through, and then translators will be doing things either on whim or request/popular consensus after things get on the internet.

I think going on a whim is the best direction near the beginning. Then as conversations get transcribed, you can informally poll members, etc.

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