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So [Smash Leak character] is pretty much confirmed to get an amiibo!


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I wonder what people who know nothing about the series will think.

Camp 1: T3H PH1R3 IS BACK!!!! ROY'S OUR BOY!!!!

Camp 2: So now we have a Fire Marth, in addition to Girl Marth, Jacked Marth, Magic Marth, and Actual Girl Marth...

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Why does everyone use swords?

Swords and capes. Also, counters. Robin was definitely a turn in the right direction regarding FE reps in Smash.

Edited by Lord-Zero
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I was playing Roy earlier today, I like him a lot, a lot more then I did in Melee anyway. To me he feels nothing like Marth, especially since Marth's moveset changed a little since Brawl and Roy's is more like Melee with some touch-ups. Overall I'm happy they added him in, there's still the dlc character from the poll though isn't there? I think they're picking that one towards the end of the year. October 3rd I believe so I think people are getting upset over nothing. Last time I checked a lot of people wanted characters like King K. Rool (Donkey Kong), Banjo Kazooie (which they probably couldn't do 'cause Rare is owned by Microsoft), Isaac (Golden Sun), Shovel Knight and Inkling (though considering the trophies being added and mii outfits and all it seems unlikely).

Anyway, regarding the Amiibo I'm a bit stressed out as I feel the need to find the other FE amiibo before the launch of 'If'. Hopefully when it comes to the U.S. Nintendo will ship out some more of them. I do hope that they make Roy's amiibo compatible though, considering he's one of my favorite lords next to Ike.

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Does this mean they'll do a remake of his game and localize it?

(Did I pirate it for nothing?)

Have they ever done a remake of F-zero of course they wont remake his game just cause he's in smash

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You can get F-Zero and F-Zero X for the Virtual Console at least, which is a bit of a contrast to FE6 which you can't get outside Japan.

Still, I wouldn't hold my breath. Given that the FE1 and FE3 remakes did not do particularly well, I can't imagine Nintendo is dying to greenlight a remake for a game which is relatively less popular in Japan (IIRC?) and comparably little reason to do well overseas. (Yes, I know FE6 is connected to FE7, but the window to milk that connection has long, long since passed. FE7 is 12 years old!)

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You can get F-Zero and F-Zero X for the Virtual Console at least, which is a bit of a contrast to FE6 which you can't get outside Japan.

Still, I wouldn't hold my breath. Given that the FE1 and FE3 remakes did not do particularly well, I can't imagine Nintendo is dying to greenlight a remake for a game which is relatively less popular in Japan (IIRC?) and comparably little reason to do well overseas. (Yes, I know FE6 is connected to FE7, but the window to milk that connection has long, long since passed. FE7 is 12 years old!)

Unless both are remade into one big game like they did with the HD Phoenix wright trilogy

Edited by Mackc2
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Still, I wouldn't hold my breath. Given that the FE1 and FE3 remakes did not do particularly well

I didn't know meeting Awakening's supposed sales requirement makes a game a flop.

Edited by Alazen
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