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Hai everyone o3o. I'm kai, a 15 year old with a life apparently o3o. I'm kinda new to FE, I only got FE:A last christmas so... THAT'S THE ONLY GAME I GOT and i'm pretty bad. I came to this forum because of shadowofchaos... He tempted me with his tumblr and youtube videos. I am really bad with these kind of introductions... If you have any questions feel free to ask me them!

Oh and before I forget. For FE:IF/Fates I am getting white kingdom only because the family story o3o.

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You just got Awakening? Please don't subject yourself to the nightmare that is Lunatic mode just yet then because you will have a 3DS shaped mark on your head :P nah i'm just kidding

Welcome to Serenes, please avoid the cookie hunting Swordmaster lurking in the shadows.

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You just got Awakening? Please don't subject yourself to the nightmare that is Lunatic mode just yet then because you will have a 3DS shaped mark on your head :P nah i'm just kidding

Welcome to Serenes, please avoid the cookie hunting Swordmaster lurking in the shadows.

Yes I only just got it... I'm a skrub ;-; I bairly even beat the game... Thanks to some of my broken units.

"Cookie hunting swordmaster lurking in the shadows" I shouldn't read this the way I have.

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