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Zero Discussion

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A lot of characters are getting their own discussion, but this is a guy I seriously want to talk about. He is described to "love watching people suffer." Sadism at its finest, it seems. Do you think this will be played for laughs like Henry or is this a dark, serious character with a real problem?

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I have zero clue, but I could really imagine Zero having both a humorous and a dark side. A purely sadistic character would probably be WAAY too dark, but I doubt that Henry will be reincarnated in Zero. If Zero won't be just a watered-down sadist, he'll probably have some interesting back story too.

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I'm interested in his backstory, as well. And he presumably tortures characters to get them to side with Nohr? Where did that occupational skill come from? Was he tortured at some point? And why is he missing an eye?

Too many questions. I suppose I can get intimately familiar with him in a few months when the game is released here.

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Posted · Hidden by Balcerzak, June 23, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Balcerzak, June 23, 2015 - No reason given

I'm interested in his backstory, as well. And he presumably tortures characters to get them to side with Nohr? Where did that occupational skill come from? Was he tortured at some point? And why is he missing an eye?

Too many questions. I suppose I can get intimately familiar with him in a few months when the game is released here.

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What the hell!? The thread said "Zero Discussion" so why is there is discussion here!?

I imagine Zero will be a "cool" collected character, who is trustworthy to his allies, but brutal to his enemies. I could see him having a dry sense of humor; I don't expect him to be anything close to Henry.

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Here are his FE Amie lines. Seems relevant?

I want to see face(s) distorted in pain...

Stroking the head, it's a manifestation of domination greed ...

Are you going to start teasing?

Begging to be touched... even a kiss?

More... show me your face

I also like touching.. to cry.. I want to suffer it

What's wrong? Are you scared?

I like you... more than anyone else...

Your hands.. they're beautiful

I'm dirty, mind and body

Being lonely was painful.. If I didn't have you I would be useless

For you... to forgive my heart

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Henry's... "humorous"... attitude towards death and blood and stuff was almost purely localisation transformation. He barely makes jokes and mentions blood only twice in the Japanese release of the game... (Full analysis of his character change here: http://amielleon.dreamwidth.org/213760.html)

Even if Zero is pretty serious in the Japanese version (which seems to be the case) the NA localisation could very well play it up so it isn't as dark as it's implications. But I don't think it'll be as bad as Henry, with an almost unrecognizable personality. (At least, I hope so)

Edited by Nakaion
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Wonder why he was chosen as the

bisexual option



And considering what I've heard already, he seems to have quite the dark back story that lead to him wanting to torture others (mostly the ones that had an easy noble life or something) in the first place.

Judging from what he says to Kamui in their S support though, he doesn't really want to tell you what happened to him. Which is, honestly, kind of dumb. Seems like the easy way out for the developers, unless he ends up talking about his background with someone else.

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And considering what I've heard already, he seems to have quite the dark back story that lead to him wanting to torture others (mostly the ones that had an easy noble life or something) in the first place.

Judging from what he says to Kamui in their S support though, he doesn't really want to tell you what happened to him. Which is, honestly, kind of dumb. Seems like the easy way out for the developers, unless he ends up talking about his background with someone else.

Just because he doesn't talk about his past in a support doesn't mean we won't find out. We may find it out in the story itself. As the only capture unit of Nohr I imagine he may be of slight importance. Think about blazing sword, Matt was just a thief/spy for Ostia but we got to see his romance and some of his history in the cutscenes, and he got one of the more dramatic ones when his love died in the story.

So my hope is that Zero is like that. Minor character but his story is important enough to come up in story scenes and whatnot.

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