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Based on how you talk about it, the game(s) deserves all of the hype. I'm really looking forward to playing Conquest.

Among all the classes seen thus far, what are the ones you want to play with the most? I really like both the Golden Kite Warrior and the Revenant Knight, and I want to see how Snipers/Adventurers work.

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The idea of the Golden Kite Warrior intrigues really much and it's logical for winged units to have bows for anti-air actions. I always wondered why IS didn't implement it earlier.

The Puppeteer are also fun. If I remember correctly, they had a skill where they could create puppets out of other characters. How awesome isn't that?

I also hope Bow Knights are more viable in this game. I loved making Galeforce-units into bow knights back in Awakening to emulate real-life horse archers, though I believe it really wasn't that encouraged. I guess I was the exception :)

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That's a good question! For me, that's the lance fighter (I choose this for my avatar). I'm liking Ninja the most, because they're awesome! I want to have the Garou, too. Revenant Knight is cool. I want to play this game again so i'm going to buy a cheap 2ds or 3ds, and I'll look forward to these!

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Jonin(High ninjas) are incredibly cool, but I'm going to have to go with either the weapon master(for being the non-mounted, non-armored counterpart of the great knight... and for the sheer hilarity of someone carrying a bunch of katana, naginata, and kanabo while being that slim, and without aid) or the Holy bowman/sniper (Because I really like bows)

I must say though, I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of hidden weapon using classes.

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For me, the classes I'm especially looking forward to are Revenant Knight (hybrid offense class with seemingly pretty good stats AND skills I'm dying to use? Yes please), Golden-Kite Warrior (flying anti-air rules, even with kind of low stats), Shura (the Oni, actually, but I don't really like Blacksmith) and Holy lancer (what can I say, I'm a Halberdier fanboy and this is the closest thing). And Trueblade because they aren't clearly inferior to Elite Ninja like Swordmaster was to Assassin

Maid and Butler seem very interesting support units too. Also anyone with Hidden Weapons since I'm interested to see how well the debuff thing is done.

The stat caps are considerably lower than in Awakening (the highest I spot is 40, and 35 seems to be the absolute maximum for stats that are not strength or defense with any playable classes). I'm personally really happy the stat inflation is slowing. Thoughts?

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The only class that I'm really interested in is the revenant knight.

Personally I'm more interested in the changes to pre existing classes.

The changes to a classes stats and skills.

The new thief class uses bows and specialises in Speed and Resistance which is quite interesting.

Edited by Soledge
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I'm partial to the Herb Merchant class. I don't know if I'll actually keep anyone in it, but it seems really interesting with it's unique abilities centering on consumables.

Also Puppeteer because holy shit they ride a mechanical lion dragon.

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I'm most looking forward to Shura. Partly because ax+magic=awesome, but mostly because I made a prediction that Oni were magical, and guess what class proved it. Basara, Puppeteer, and Weapon Master all get honorable mention.

I wouldn't mind the lowering of stat growths, but I don't see much point in lowering the caps of the skills. I've read that Corrin was able to get level 200 end-game (with tons of grinding of course), so at that point why not just throw the player a bone by having high stat caps. If I had played that much of the game and my stats were a mere 30 I know I'd be disappointed.

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I'm looking forward to play with the new and improved General and Great Knight. Pretty nice skills there. Not so keen on the Hoshido classes, I guess it's because they feel weird, being so different from the classes we are used too.

But the class I'm most eager to try is Revenant Knight. A demonic flier with axes and magic, plus very cool skills? Sign me up. I think Deadly Breath will have some very interesting uses.

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Revenant Knight is probably the class I'm looking forward to most. In part because of Camilla, who is one of my favorite Nohrian characters (which I'm hoping will hold up once I, y'know, actually see what she's like in the game), but also because they're... well, cool. They get magic and axes and ride a big glowy-eyed dragon. What's not to like?

I have to admit that Puppeteers are great, too, and I'm hoping Strategists get interesting skills that make them worthy of the name. I've always liked that sort of character, even if "tactical genius" tends to translate to "+1 to stuff for nearby allies" when it comes to mechanics.

Is it true that you can lower the game's difficulty at any time, but not raise it after you started? All this talk about Nohr's difficulty has made me hesitant to start on Hard. I thought I read that somewhere, and if that's true, I don't really need to worry... but maybe I'm getting Fates confused with another game.

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Doesn't anybody here aside from me feel that character deaths adds to the story and development? I actually prayed that there would be character deaths in this game when it was announced, to actually get the feeling that this is WAR. Sure, you can have no-death run to get supports and get to know the characters, but in my headcanon, people have to DIE. Quoting Sun Tzu: "It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on."

Of course character deaths add to the story, but you can't just throw death into a story to make it good. From the previous posts, it seems like there will points in the game where if you do certain actions you can prevent certain characters' deaths (If my assumption is wrong please correct me). Preventable deaths are hard to pull off because the player's natural response would be to save the character. Aerith's death in FFVII is tragic because there's nothing you can do about it. However, Shadow's death in FFVI is forgettable because you can save him, and most players choose to do so. Furthermore, it's hard for character's death to effect the story if the story can continue if the character is still alive. If Fates does have some of these optional deaths, of course I'm going to reset and see if I can do things differently to save that character. If that means looking things up and spoiling myself about the plot, then so be it.

Is it true that you can lower the game's difficulty at any time, but not raise it after you started? All this talk about Nohr's difficulty has made me hesitant to start on Hard. I thought I read that somewhere, and if that's true, I don't really need to worry... but maybe I'm getting Fates confused with another game.

I'm pretty sure this is true. This is also my feelings on it. I'm reluctant of starting games on their lowest difficulty out of fear that it'll be too easy, so I'll probably start on Nohr hard/classic. If it turns out that it is legitimately too difficult (not just something different that'll take some getting used to), then I'll drop to normal.

Revenant Knight seems awesome. Flying magic users are always cool. Puppeteer seems really interesting, and Great Knight and Basara get some pretty cool skills.

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The stat caps are considerably lower than in Awakening (the highest I spot is 40, and 35 seems to be the absolute maximum for stats that are not strength or defense with any playable classes). I'm personally really happy the stat inflation is slowing. Thoughts?

I've never understood why people care about stat inflation. Literally, like I don't understand.

Revenant Knight is probably the class I'm looking forward to most. In part because of Camilla, who is one of my favorite Nohrian characters (which I'm hoping will hold up once I, y'know, actually see what she's like in the game), but also because they're... well, cool. They get magic and axes and ride a big glowy-eyed dragon. What's not to like?

Sums up perfectly why I'm looking forward to that class so much.

EDIT: I just read the skills for Revenant Knight and now I love it even more...

In fact, I'm looking forward to using any class that lets you use tomes and a physical weapon like Shura (axes + magic), Basara (lances + Magic), Dark Blood (swords, stone and magic), and of course Dark Knight, especially since they removed lame Slow Burn for Magic Seal.

I just hope the characters who can get those class actually have good strength and magic and won't be a mediocre with both.

BTW, R.I.P. to my favorite class, Dread Fighters, since they removed tomes.

As far as non-magic classes, Adventurer and War Priestess sound like GREAT support units with using bows and staves, and how could I NOT be looking forward to Weapon Master, the only Hoshido class I've seen that can wield all 3 physical weapons. Plus Weapon Master is just an awesome title.

Herb Merchant sounds awesome just based on skills.

Last, I must have Hinoka be a Golden-Kite Warrior. Besides the golden kite looking awesome, the thought of flier wielding a bow is hilarious. Between that and Soar, class just sounds like it was made to kill fliers, especially if Delphi Shield is in this game.

EDIT: I might actually use Generals in this game for reasons beyond gaining skills since I like their replacement for Rally Defense, even if Defensive Formation is a double edged sword, it's much sharper for your foes.

Sorcerer's new skill Bowbreaker makes Magic's advantage over bows even greater combined with new weapon triangle. Choosing what path to go first will be hard between Sorcerer and Dark Knight...I might need to use Nyx and Odin.

Skimming the skill list makes me feel like they did a great job making all the classes viable.

The pain of waiting intensifies...sigh

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I've never understood why people care about stat inflation. Literally, like I don't understand.

EDIT: I just read the skills for Revenant Knight and now I love it even more...

Skimming the skill list makes me feel like they did a great job making all the classes viable.

I just didn't like the grind for stats tbh. This time I feel like I can actually get a team for the ultimate challenge DLC if it makes an appearance again.

I feel that smaller caps also leave less chance for stat screwage, but that might be just my imagination.

Those skills are one of the reasons I'm really looking forward to using Revenant Knight. They basically make its offense be on par with non-hybrids (that have no skills though)

And yeah, there doesn't seem to be any as obvious losers in the skill lottery as Slow Burn was.

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I was wondering what the people, who've completed the game, thought about Fates. Is it a huge improvement over Awakening in terms of story, gameplay, graphics, etc?

Not really a question to ask here, since no one wants any spoilers here (so barely anyone played the game).

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Not really a question to ask here, since no one wants any spoilers here (so barely anyone played the game).

There are people who own AND have played the game, and I am not asking for details. I just want to know if the game is a huge step-up from Awakening.

Like, if it's a more fun and enjoyable experience.

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There are people who own AND have played the game, and I am not asking for details. I just want to know if the game if a huge step-up from Awakening.

Like, if it's a more fun and enjoyable experience.

That's highly subjective. I'm playing through the game and while they seem to have fixed some of my complaints regarding Awakening, there are a few things I don't like as much.

Without giving away too much, certain maps have gimmicks; some I rather like, and some that just make the map less fun to play.

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In regards to classes, I'm not particularly as attached to the classes as I am to the characters themselves. However, Revenant Knight does look cool, so I'll say that.

Also, I've heard that this game has a REALLY dark storyline. Like, almost FE4 dark. Thoughts?

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In regards to classes, I'm not particularly as attached to the classes as I am to the characters themselves. However, Revenant Knight does look cool, so I'll say that.

Also, I've heard that this game has a REALLY dark storyline. Like, almost FE4 dark. Thoughts?

I prefer a darker storyline. I like it when a story has weight with unexpected twists and losses, which Fates seems to have. I know FE would probably not be SMT dark but its a nice change. As long as said twists and losses (if there are any) don't come from thin air, I think I will enjoy it.
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Out of curiosity, Do you guys think that the traditional archetypes (Cain and Abel, Jeigen, Est) will return and which ones do you personally don't want to return?

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I just didn't like the grind for stats tbh. This time I feel like I can actually get a team for the ultimate challenge DLC if it makes an appearance again.

I feel that smaller caps also leave less chance for stat screwage, but that might be just my imagination.

Those skills are one of the reasons I'm really looking forward to using Revenant Knight. They basically make its offense be on par with non-hybrids (that have no skills though)

And yeah, there doesn't seem to be any as obvious losers in the skill lottery as Slow Burn was.

OH ok. I do like that there seems to be a set cap rather than the really high cap of Awakening, although I only grinded post-game to get supports so I wasn't annoyed by grinding as other people.

Yea, and about Revenant Knight. I just realized (since I never paid much attention to differences between classes in each game) that overbearing is basically special made for fighting Hoshido since there are only 3 mounted classes (maybe 4 if puppeteer counts). It's a nice little touch.

Have you seen Herb Merchant's skills? Skills allowing boosted healing and acting after healing would great skills to pass on to any kids. Totally redeems the face it's called Herb Merchant.

The only class whose skill I was disappointed by was Bow Knight. It feels like Rally Skill and KunaiBreaker make it's role to situational but maybe that was their point.

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Out of curiosity, Do you guys think that the traditional archetypes (Cain and Abel, Jeigen, Est) will return and which ones do you personally don't want to return?

Well starting from Awakening itself, there have been less of the "archetypes" so to speak.

It seems we have even less in this game, but it's hard to say without spoilers.

Though it is kind of obvious that the game doesn't exactly follow the main trend of the previous games (awakening aside)

Like, FE13 didn't have an Est character if I remember correctly, nor a very "Gotoh" character either

The entire game also runs on the "Arran and Samson" ideology as well, sort of

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