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Whoa that sounds pretty broken. If one can get both of those skills I don't see why they couldn't proc in the same turn then. Would work wonders with a brave tome or a 1-2 melee with forged crit. Could be even more powerful with Ogre Strike and the stupidly op Magic Counter and Counter combo.

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@Sire, Lodestar and Great Lord are Amiibo only and even then, exclusive to their respective Amiibo.

However if they were not, damn.

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@ Azz01

For some reason I thought I remembered reading that in addition to the amiiibo class, they also granted you a one-time item for reclass purposes. Perhaps I may have gotten it mixed up with Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon (the DLC classes, I believe) somewhere down the line.

Now off to search to see if I can remember what source I used, if any, so I don't go nuts.

Edit: Found it. It's the DLC topic, take note of spoilers

Link: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55083#entry3846574

Edited by Sire
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Whoa that sounds pretty broken. If one can get both of those skills I don't see why they couldn't proc in the same turn then. Would work wonders with a brave tome or a 1-2 melee with forged crit. Could be even more powerful with Ogre Strike and the stupidly op Magic Counter and Counter combo.

Just chiming in this topic real quick...

I remember reading somewhere that Lodestar (Marth) and Great Lord (Lucina) are available for reclassing. If this is true, then I can see Awakening (Great Lord) + Vantage (Samurai) to be a very powerful combination. However, if I read correctly, Lodestar is male only while Great Lord is female only.

Anyways, going on from Awakening + Vantage (maybe Vengeance and possibly even Miracle too), what I want to find out next is to find a suitable weapon before thinking about more skills. I am looking for...

1. A weapon that can Crit

2. A weapon that can Double Attack

3. A weapon that has 1-2 Range

Of course, due to changes on how weapons work, finding such a weapon with those criteria can prove to be somewhat difficult.

After that, decide on a class and fill out the rest of the skills. In theory, we suddenly have a very powerful character. (Alternatively, the option can not happen, Vantage and Awakening can not proc at the same time, and a good idea was suddenly shot that day.)

As I was reading so many people talk about how good berserkers and generals are. And of course their stats are really really good I felt like I need an antiphysical antimeta unit in my game for online 5v5 battles. And I came up with this idea:

Luna@Brave Hero






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Okay so here is what I thought off:

Crit/Build MU:

MU +Skl/-Luk


Secondary Class:Fighter

Partner:Rinkah(Will provide Oni class for Ogre Strike)

Note:You must A rank Hana/Hinata/Ryoma and Takumi/Setsuna for Samurai and Bowman access

Weapon:Brave Axe(More Crit)


Roundhouse(More Crit)

Ogre Strike(More Crit)

Raven Strike(Makes up for Hit rate)

Astra(Is activates you could get 5 free crits in a row)

Hoshido(Helps activate Astra)/Axefaire(More damage)

Edited by Azz01
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Okay so here is what I thought off:

Crit/Build MU:

MU +Skl/-Luk


Secondary Class:Bowman

Partner:Rinkah/Charlotte/Arthur(Anyone whose base is Fighter or Oni)

Weapon:Brave Axe



Ogre Strike

Raven Strike


Hoshido(If you play Hoshido Campaign)/Axefaire(If you play Nohr)

I wish there was a skill that could copy personal skills and this would be so much better with Arthur personal skill.

And that's why I build my anti berserker/general character (it only works on path 3 tho). Because that are some nice builds.

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Just chiming in this topic real quick...

I remember reading somewhere that Lodestar (Marth) and Great Lord (Lucina) are available for reclassing. If this is true, then I can see Awakening (Great Lord) + Vantage (Samurai) to be a very powerful combination. However, if I read correctly, Lodestar is male only while Great Lord is female only.

Anyways, going on from Awakening + Vantage (maybe Vengeance and possibly even Miracle too), what I want to find out next is to find a suitable weapon before thinking about more skills. I am looking for...

1. A weapon that can Crit

2. A weapon that can Double Attack

3. A weapon that has 1-2 Range

Of course, due to changes on how weapons work, finding such a weapon with those criteria can prove to be somewhat difficult.

After that, decide on a class and fill out the rest of the skills. In theory, we suddenly have a very powerful character. (Alternatively, the option can not happen, Vantage and Awakening can not proc at the same time, and a good idea was suddenly shot that day.)

Vengeance is a lot less viable now because not only has its proc rate been nerfed to Skill*1.5 %, but Skill caps are universally lower, so while it was possible to reach 100% Vengeance in Awakening, here you're looking at rates in the 40s and 50s and maybe 60s (depending on the class and Guard Stance stat bonuses and such)

On the other hand the Awakening skill sounds really cheap and broken and I hope it stays limited to Lucina.

Edited by Bovinian
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Okay so here is what I thought off:

Crit/Build MU:

MU +Skl/-Luk


Secondary Class:Fighter

Partner:Rinkah(Will provide Oni class for Ogre Strike)

Note:You must A rank Hana/Hinata/Ryoma and Takumi/Setsuna for Samurai and Bowman access

Weapon:Brave Axe(More Crit)


Roundhouse(More Crit)

Ogre Strike(More Crit)

Raven Strike(Makes up for Hit rate)

Astra(Is activates you could get 5 free crits in a row)

Hoshido(Helps activate Astra)/Axefaire(More damage)

Now after I checked the exact skills holy cow that build is insane. But wouldn't it be better to go luck+ to get even more crits. You could do something like that witz arthur. Just partner him with rinkah(3rd path cause that's just great) and than make him a samurai with a buddy seal. This way you would have to give up on raven strike and use something like aegis for example. Or you're lucky and meet somebody who has raveb strike on his arthur. You know seeing this I think I have to give luna a pavise instead of aegis to survuve such shenanigans xD. But thwn I'm more vulnerable to magic....man hard decision Edited by Dämonplay
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Now after I checked the exact skills holy cow that build is insane. But wouldn't it be better to go luck+ to get even more crits. You could do something like that witz arthur. Just partner him with rinkah(3rd path cause that's just great) and than make him a samurai with a buddy seal. This way you would have to give up on raven strike and use something like aegis for example. Or you're lucky and meet somebody who has raveb strike on his arthur. You know seeing this I think I have to give luna a pavise instead of aegis to survuve such shenanigans xD. But thwn I'm more vulnerable to magic....man hard decision

Arthur and Rinkah can't support in 3rd path.The reason I did not go +luk is because I could not remember which stat affected the chance of crits.I would make a Berserker build with Arthur, but he would suck sincce his luck would be terrible and he would get critted so much.

Another build:


(Mainly Hoshian.Good cause Nohr has a lot of mages)

MU +Res/-Luk

Falcon Warrior

Wyvern Rider Re-Class


Note:A support with someone who has access to Rod Knight e.g. Jakob or Felicia and Priest/Priestess e.g. Asama or Sakura

Mirror Strike(Less magic damage)

Overbearing(Most mages are not mounted)

Tomebreaker(More Hit and Avoid)


Other Skill

Still beta, I really don't see much use from this but it is decent.

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Arthur and Rinkah can't support in 3rd path.The reason I did not go +luk is because I could not remember which stat affected the chance of crits.I would make a Berserker build with Arthur, but he would suck sincce his luck would be terrible and he would get critted so much.

Another build:


(Mainly Hoshian.Good cause Nohr has a lot of mages)

MU +Res/-Luk

Falcon Warrior

Wyvern Rider Re-Class


Note:A support with someone who has access to Rod Knight e.g. Jakob or Felicia and Priest/Priestess e.g. Asama or Sakura

Mirror Strike(Less magic damage)

Overbearing(Most mages are not mounted)

Tomebreaker(More Hit and Avoid)


Other Skill

Still beta, I really don't see much use from this but it is decent.

1.why can't they support? I thought everyone couod support everyone in the 3rd path. Hopefully my luna build is not ruined. Btw would be nice if you could help me out on that. Still don't know if it's worth going for pavise or rather aegis or something completley different. Anyways I don't see a rwason for an antimagic build. Magic has been heavily nerfed from awakening so it won't be as common. I'm still looking for a magic class for my 5v5 3rd patz team. And I hotta admit your critical set is amazong. I think my only way to beat that thing would be sing for MU to get boosts and hope lethality with 54% or breaking sky with a brave sword goess off and kills you.

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1.why can't they support?

No support data found in data mining. There's only a handful of characters who can cross-support in 3rd route. Speaking of which, I believe I came across a Rinka/Charlotte file in there while I was digging.

@Ogre Strike build, that would theoretically pass Fighter to Rinka as well, and I feel she would benefit from Berserker since it helps her two weaker stats. It's a win-win. That's what I plan on doing for her on the run I S rank her.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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No support data found in data mining. There's only a handful of characters who can cross-support in 3rd route. Speaking of which, I believe I came across a Rinka/Charlotte file in there while I was digging.

So but everyone can get an A+ support with another with the same gender right? So my buikd isn't ruined xD.

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So I assume this is your Luna Build:

Luna@Brave Hero
-LancefaireIs useless with BH
-Kunaifaire/SolKF is same as LF

Luna's class options are:

Merc->Brave Hero/Bow Knight

Peg Warrior->Falcon Warrior/GK Warrior

Marriage Options:


*=3rd Route only

Jakob provides Rod Knight which is useless with a BH set-up

Kaze provides Ninja which is good but not for what we want

Subaki is not good cause class overlap

Silas is good cause you get Aegis which is what you want

Hinata provides Samurai, an alternate for Berserker

Arthur gives you some overlap but is good if you are not on the 3rd route

Odin is more magical so that is a no

Lazward is a no cause complete overlap

Benoit is good if you want a tank

Leo is same as Odin

Flannel I am just gonna stay away from since we don't know if we can reclass to Garou

Xander is same as Silas

Crit builder could work but there is no oni class for Luna.She can get Wyvern Rider if she A+ supports with Belka or Camilla so Overbearing is good since many Hoshidan units are unmounted.Actually, Luna is very similar to Severa, so I guess, she could pair with Odin or Leo but that 5% Mag growth.

Anyways here are some builds:


Luna@Brave Hero

w/Arthur or Hinata as husband(preferably Hinata)

A+ support needed with Camilla or Belka(Bought give Wyvern Rider)

-Axefaire/Swordfaire(Berserker/Trueblade Lv.15)

-Overbearing(Revanant Knight Lv.15)

-Astra(Trueblade Lv.5)/Soar(GK Warrior Lv.5)

-Shallow Strike(Peg Warrior Lv.1)

-Swordbreaker(Wyvern Lord Lv.15)/Deadly Breath(Revenant Knight Lv.5)

Axefaire or Swordfaire depending on who is the husband.Overbearing for people who are not mounted.Astra just cause a proc and Soar is there if Arthur is your husband and you are struggling with flying units.Shallow Strike allows you to double attack more.Swordbreaker if you use axes or Deadly Breath for AoE damage.

Mobile Tank:

Luna@Great Knight

w/Benoit as husband(Silas can be too but he can be better with others)

Again A+ with Camilla or Belka

-Defensive Formation(General Lv.5)

-Sol(Brave Hero Lv.5)or Luna(Great Knight Lv.5)(Preferably Luna since you will be moving)

-Overbearing(Revenant Knight Lv.15)

-Mirror Strike(Falcon Warrior Lv.15)

-Patient Assurance(Merc Lv.10)

This set-up is about waiting and being attacked not attacking.Defensive Formation is so faster units can not double.I recommend Luna over Sol since you will be moving and if needs be you may need to attack to clear the way for some allies.Sol is there if you want this set-up to be a General.Overbearing is a really good skill since many units are unmounted and many of these are fast units.Mirror Strike so Mages don't kill you instantly and patient assurance since I did say you will be standing around a lot.(Pavise can fill this spot too)

Also, units can only A+ support with certain other units.They are limited.Currently, Luna can A+ support with Belka or Camilla.It is unknown if there are others.

Edited by Azz01
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So I assume this is your Luna Build:

Luna@Brave Hero


-LancefaireIs useless with BH

-Kunaifaire/SolKF is same as LF



Luna's class options are:

Merc->Brave Hero/Bow Knight

Peg Warrior->Falcon Warrior/GK Warrior

Marriage Options:


*=3rd Route only

Jakob provides Rod Knight which is useless with a BH set-up

Kaze provides Ninja which is good but not for what we want

Subaki is not good cause class overlap

Silas is good cause you get Aegis which is what you want

Hinata provides Samurai, an alternate for Berserker

Arthur gives you some overlap but is good if you are not on the 3rd route

Odin is more magical so that is a no

Lazward is a no cause complete overlap

Benoit is good if you want a tank

Leo is same as Odin

Flannel I am just gonna stay away from since we don't know if we can reclass to Garou

Xander is same as Silas

Crit builder could work but there is no oni class for Luna.She can get Wyvern Rider if she A+ supports with Belka or Camilla so Overbearing is good since many Hoshidan units are unmounted.Actually, Luna is very similar to Severa, so I guess, she could pair with Odin or Leo but that 5% Mag growth.

Anyways here are some builds:


Luna@Brave Hero

w/Arthur or Hinata as husband(preferably Hinata)

A+ support needed with Camilla or Belka(Bought give Wyvern Rider)

-Axefaire/Swordfaire(Berserker/Trueblade Lv.15)

-Overbearing(Revanant Knight Lv.15)

-Astra(Trueblade Lv.5)/Soar(GK Warrior Lv.5)

-Shallow Strike(Peg Warrior Lv.1)

-Swordbreaker(Wyvern Lord Lv.15)/Deadly Breath(Revenant Knight Lv.5)

Axefaire or Swordfaire depending on who is the husband.Overbearing for people who are not mounted.Astra just cause a proc and Soar is there if Arthur is your husband and you are struggling with flying units.Shallow Strike allows you to double attack more.Swordbreaker if you use axes or Deadly Breath for AoE damage.

Mobile Tank:

Luna@Great Knight

w/Benoit as husband(Silas can be too but he can be better with others)

Again A+ with Camilla or Belka

-Defensive Formation(General Lv.5)

-Sol(Brave Hero Lv.5)or Luna(Great Knight Lv.5)(Preferably Luna since you will be moving)

-Overbearing(Revenant Knight Lv.15)

-Mirror Strike(Falcon Warrior Lv.15)

-Patient Assurance(Merc Lv.10)

This set-up is about waiting and being attacked not attacking.Defensive Formation is so faster units can not double.I recommend Luna over Sol since you will be moving and if needs be you may need to attack to clear the way for some allies.Sol is there if you want this set-up to be a General.Overbearing is a really good skill since many units are unmounted and many of these are fast units.Mirror Strike so Mages don't kill you instantly and patient assurance since I did say you will be standing around a lot.(Pavise can fill this spot too)

Also, units can only A+ support with certain other units.They are limited.Currently, Luna can A+ support with Belka or Camilla.It is unknown if there are others.

I'm just stupid the skills are




Sorry it is meant to beat generals and berserkers. So I thought maybe using aegis over pavise to get some magical protection. And the BH was just an example cause I didn't look too much into the max stats. I just thought a faster class would be better for a mixed playstyle (offense and defense.) After all I don't see the reason I put kunaibreaker in there. So sol is by far the better option at least imo. But with your post we at least now have her marriage and A+ options so I won't create something impossible...

Edited by Dämonplay
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I'm just stupid the skills are





It's fine we all make mistakes.:P

I hope I was helpful.I just recently got into making set-ups.

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So Golden-kite Warrior has pretty bad stat caps, so rather than taking that, I'm thinking of Bow Knight instead. Sure I lose flying utility but hey, I won't die miserable and it has better caps in pretty much everything. End result:

Asset/Flaw - + Speed/- Luck

Alternate Class - Mercenary

Wife - Setsuna

Class: Golden Kite Warrior

Weapons: Lance, Bow


Hoshido (+10% Skill Activation Rate)

Bowfaire (+5 Damage when a Bow is equipped)

Breaking Sky (Skill x 1.5% chance of adding half the enemy’s Strength or Magic as damage)

Prescient Victory (+4 Damage when initiating attack)

Ogre Strike/Aggressor/Flamboyant (+20 Crit when initiating attack/+7 Damage when initiating attack/+30 Hit and +15 skill activation for user and enemy)

Breaking Sky could hit 73% activation rate if Hoshido and Flamboyant stack, so you could a reliable damage mod. Need to A-rank Oboro or someone else to get access to Lance Fighter but it wouldn't be a hassle in the Hoshido route, and possibly Rinkah if going with Ogre Strike.

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It's fine we all make mistakes.:P

I hope I was helpful.I just recently got into making set-ups.

Well I edited that post a bit you can read it. I explain my reasosn for those skills a bit. And of course that was helpful. In the end I plan something and it doesn't work cause the pairing is impossible. My 5v5 team so far would be:

-MU Skill/Lethailty monster

-Aqua You know I don't care I have to do that even if she is bad as hell xD

-Luna antimeta build

So missing 2 slots do you have any idea. I think a mounted unit wouldn't hurt

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So Golden-kite Warrior has pretty bad stat caps, so rather than taking that, I'm thinking of Bow Knight instead. Sure I lose flying utility but hey, I won't die miserable and it has better caps in pretty much everything. End result:

Asset/Flaw - + Speed/- Luck

Alternate Class - Mercenary

Wife - Setsuna

Class: Golden Kite Warrior

Weapons: Lance, Bow


Hoshido (+10% Skill Activation Rate)

Bowfaire (+5 Damage when a Bow is equipped)

Breaking Sky (Skill x 1.5% chance of adding half the enemy’s Strength or Magic as damage)

Prescient Victory (+4 Damage when initiating attack)

Ogre Strike/Aggressor/Flamboyant (+20 Crit when initiating attack/+7 Damage when initiating attack/+30 Hit and +15 skill activation for user and enemy)

Breaking Sky could hit 73% activation rate if Hoshido and Flamboyant stack, so you could a reliable damage mod. Need to A-rank Oboro or someone else to get access to Lance Fighter but it wouldn't be a hassle in the Hoshido route, and possibly Rinkah if going with Ogre Strike.

Breaking sky is awesome and if they stack it is even better. Although I'll ne using nohr and hoshido as practice with the new mechanics and units. And my ultimate run will be the 3rd route. I hope you can grind in it.

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Hmm, I want to make a set-up where a M!MU marries Zero.

M!MU +Str or +Mag/-Luk


A supports-Camilla/Kaze/Silas

Class-Rev Knight

Alt.-Berserker or Exorcist


-Snake Venom




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Hmm, I want to make a set-up where a M!MU marries Zero.

M!MU +Str or +Mag/-Luk


A supports-Camilla/Kaze/Silas

Class-Rev Knight

Alt.-Berserker or Exorcist


-Snake Venom




I don't know but overbearing doesn't seem useful to me.

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I don't know but overbearing doesn't seem useful to me.

It is if you side with Nohr.

There is only four mounted classes for Hoshido(three is puppeteer does not count).It might nor be good for competitive but definitely in-game.

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It is if you side with Nohr.

There is only four mounted classes for Hoshido(three is puppeteer does not count).It might nor be good for competitive but definitely in-game.

Ingame definitley.

well after I realized I won't be able to build my Brave Hero Luna I thought why not use Inigo (sorry can't pronounce his new name). Hw has ninja as a reclass option. So do you know if copycat works outside of pupeteer class and if he can marry rinkah if so that would be great. Also whwre do you get your information from?

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Ingame definitley.

well after I realized I won't be able to build my Brave Hero Luna I thought why not use Inigo (sorry can't pronounce his new name). Hw has ninja as a reclass option. So do you know if copycat works outside of pupeteer class and if he can marry rinkah if so that would be great. Also whwre do you get your information from?

Lazwald cannot marry Rinkah

Marriage chart:Red and white means they can't marry.(Note there is an error the two white spaces under Elfie should be under Elise)


I do believe Copycat works outside of Puppeteer.I get my info from the main site.

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