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Can we make a detailed list of how skills are acquired?


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This is what I've been hearing lately.

1) Natural way. Level up and acquire skills at appropriate levels. New mechanic: Any skills not learned on previous levels will be learned by leveling up once.

2) Marriage seal. Allows a unit to change class into class of the married unit's level.

3) Streetpass battles. A character who encounters the same character can learn the skill of anyone else's same character.

4) DLC scrolls.

Are there other ways?

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Buddy seals:Allows you to class change into the base class of anyone you A+ supported with(A supported with is MUs case)

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Buddy seals:Allows you to class change into the base class of anyone you A+ supported with(A supported with is MUs case)

Wait, wouldn't that make him/her really broken?

...an avatar character that is broken, where have I heard that before?

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Nope it works.

Ooh! Nice! This is good for me to know, because now I know what class I want to pick as a secondary for my Avatar on the Nohr route, since this mean I can get Wyvern Rider promos and Sorcerer promos by A supporting units who have those classes.

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If these are all true, including the A-rank buddy seal method, then theoretically isn't it possible for ANY unit to get ANY skill (not counting special classes like Songstress), and have them all at the same time?

1. Have two files that can Streetpass each other. Call File A your main file, and File B an extra file.

2. On File B, have F!Kamui get whatever skill you want via the buddy seal method.

3. Make F!Kamui the mother of a child of your choice, and pass down the skill you obtained in step 2.

4. Streetpass with File A.

5. Have the child unit in File A learn the skill from the corresponding child in File B.

Rinse and repeat with multiple different "File B"s.

A similar thing can be done with Gen 1 units if you S-support them with someone who has access to a skill you want in File B, then Streetpass with File A.

Edited by Bovinian
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If these are all true, including the A-rank buddy seal method, then theoretically isn't it possible for ANY unit to get ANY skill (not counting special classes like Songstress), and have them all at the same time?

1. Have two files that can Streetpass each other. Call File A your main file, and File B an extra file.

2. On File B, have F!Kamui get whatever skill you want via the buddy seal method.

3. Make F!Kamui the mother of a child of your choice, and pass down the skill you obtained in step 2.

4. Streetpass with File A.

5. Have the child unit in File A learn the skill from the corresponding child in File B.

Rinse and repeat with multiple different "File B"s.

A similar thing can be done with Gen 1 units if you S-support them with someone who has access to a skill you want in File B, then Streetpass with File A.

How do you Streetpass if you only have one 3DS? I'm sorry, I've never done this before.

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