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Creating a Streetpass Avatar

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I'm attempting to build a reasonably scary Streetpass team. While I doubt it would intimidate anyone who knows what they're doing (pair-up system and actual tactics being game-breaking and all), I bet it could definitely terrorize your average casual player. For a small town like the one I'm in, I'm going to go with the assumption that Limit Breaker and Counter for everyone would be enough for the team to at least be seriously annoying before their ultimate destruction to the average college kid who stumbles across it, so I'm not really looking for advice on the team itself.

Rather, I'd like my avatar to be worth recruiting after the fight, at least as far as characters who don't support with anyone go. So, for a MaleMU with +Magic/-Luck, what sorts of skills would people appreciate on a recruited character? At the moment I'm running a Grandmaster with Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Sol, Counter, and Ignis (don't worry, he's the only one with Armsthrift; I know better than to put utility skills on Streetpass characters). While I kind of really want to keep him as a Grandmaster because of aesthetic reasons and since people can reclass him easily enough if they don't like the current class, I'm wondering if there's better skills I should go for. I know that most people are only going to really use their own team, but I'd still like to put some thought into it because... well, I'd just like the fun of creating a character that people might actually be tempted to use. I'm also wondering if I should keep Limit Breaker or use the skill slot for something else, since last I heard people who haven't bought the DLC won't get the skill with the recruited character.

Edited by NobodyInWonderland
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The only Avatar someone might consider recruiting is a rally bot (which is the exact opposite of a threatening team). You can take the item shop route which just has a bunch of cool items that other people can buy from you to ease the grinding. Or, you can take the "challenging" route which can be found here:


Has no dlc + yes dlc teams and discussions. You could also consider sending a pm to those 2 who took up most of the topic discussion as they're the more well versed in the topic.

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