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How crucial is it to ditribute your exp correctly in the Nohr path?


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So, because of the fact that the Nohr path seems to be quite limited when it comes to exp compared to Hoshido, I wanted to know if the game would forgive a couple of mistakes or so when it came to choosing which units to Lv up and whatnot.

Also, which units are definitely not worth leveling up for both paths?

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It's hard to say.

For starters, one thing that I guess should work is that, if you are underleveled, you also get more exp, so it sort of balances out.

For example, enemies towards the end of the game could easily give 50exp a kill depending on your levels.

Though, it seems on Nohr, it may be difficult to actually use as many characters are you're allowed (about 12-15 in most chapters)

It is still somewhat limited, so it requires careful managing, unlike Hoshido where any "problems" can be "rectified" with grinding

As for the characters, it's hard to say, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses of sorts

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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I'm not an expert by any means seeing as I've only played Awakening, but I hear a lot of people say to try not to let the Jagen-type characters soak up the exp. In this game I think that's Gunther? This is probably the most obvious of advice, but I have seen people make it to Nohr endgame with Gunther in their party.

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In a stream I saw a lot of people dissing on Zero, but it was because the guy didn't level up Zero like the rest of the units who were +10 where as he was still below 10. Zero has far better growth rates than Asura that it's not even up for debate for comparing the archers in Nohr.

Zero: HP 40, Str 35, Mgic 20, Skl 40, Spd 50, Lck 30, Def 30, Res 40 compared to Asura: HP 30, Str 25, Mgic 10, Skl 20, Spd 35, Lck 30, Def 15, Res 35

Now for the cavaliers growth rates, Silas has higher skill by 20, higher defense by 15 and higher health by 10, so you'll probably want to make him your far better Gunter because he'll be able to make use of Luna activation more than Pieri who has 5 more strength, 10 more speed along with 20 more residence than Silas. I'm going to be using Silas over Pieri.

Next are the dark mages growth rates, Odin has more physical stats than Nyx (why the strength growth... should have stuck to being a myrmidon), but she has more magic and residence than him along with more speed than him. I'm personally going to be using Nyx over Odin mostly.

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I would just say pick a set team and stick with it. Usually what I do is plan out my team from the start, and then only funnel kills into those units unless i'm about to die if I don't give a kill to someone else.

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I would just say pick a set team and stick with it. Usually what I do is plan out my team from the start, and then only funnel kills into those units unless i'm about to die if I don't give a kill to someone else.

This is always my strategy as well. At present I think I'm leaning toward:

Kamui, Jakob, Silas, Kaze, Elise, Effie, Odin, Zero, Nyx, Camilla, Flannel, and (if she's playable) Draj. With the remaining slots being filled (and possibly a few of these choices being replaced) by various children, potentially

Kanna, Dia, Midoriko, Sophie, Siegbert, Foleo, Eponine, Ophelia, and/or Velour.

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I would just say pick a set team and stick with it. Usually what I do is plan out my team from the start, and then only funnel kills into those units unless i'm about to die if I don't give a kill to someone else.

Pretty much how I go about any FE, regardless of the type of run i'm doing.

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"How crucial is it to distribute exp correctly" isn't really a nohr vs. hoshido question from the streams I've seen. It's more a difficulty level question, since even on hoshido you're not going to have fun trying to do encounters on lunatic and exp gains are cut. And nohr on normal is just whatever, hard to screw up.

In that respect, it's like every other fire emblem game out there, yeah. You want to pick a small core team and just have anybody else act as satellites to that team as needed, swapping them in and out.

edit: Your "not worth using" question is the same and also requires a bit more time to determine I'd think. On low difficulty nobody will ever have the label of "not worth using", but on higher difficulties we'd need to see enemy base stats vs. unit base stats at time of joining and the expected growth of both as the game progresses to determine the "literally unusable" characters for lunatic.

Edited by lysander
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In a stream I saw a lot of people dissing on Zero, but it was because the guy didn't level up Zero like the rest of the units who were +10 where as he was still below 10. Zero has far better growth rates than Asura that it's not even up for debate for comparing the archers in Nohr.

Zero: HP 40, Str 35, Mgic 20, Skl 40, Spd 50, Lck 30, Def 30, Res 40 compared to Asura: HP 30, Str 25, Mgic 10, Skl 20, Spd 35, Lck 30, Def 15, Res 35

Now for the cavaliers growth rates, Silas has higher skill by 20, higher defense by 15 and higher health by 10, so you'll probably want to make him your far better Gunter because he'll be able to make use of Luna activation more than Pieri who has 5 more strength, 10 more speed along with 20 more residence than Silas. I'm going to be using Silas over Pieri.

Next are the dark mages growth rates, Odin has more physical stats than Nyx (why the strength growth... should have stuck to being a myrmidon), but she has more magic and residence than him along with more speed than him. I'm personally going to be using Nyx over Odin mostly.

The growth rates you have for Zero are the same as the ones on the main page... so where are you getting your growth rates for Azura? According to the page, Azura's growth rates are:

HP 25, Str 50, Mag 25, Skl 60, Spd 60, Lck 40, Def 15, Res 35.

I tried adding in the class growth rates (Outlaw for Zero, Singer for Azura), and I got...

Zero: HP 40, Str 45, Mag 25, Skl 50, Spd 70, Lck 30, Def 30, Res 60.

Azura: HP 25, Str 60, Mag 25, Skl 80, Spd 80, Lck 60, Def 15, Res 35.

So... I think it's still up for debate whether Zero or Azura has better growth rates. Especially considering that Zero seems to be somewhat of a magic tank, whereas Azura seems like a glass cannon, which makes it a bit difficult to compare the two. I know this isn't a huge point of the topic, but I just got really confused after reading your post, because Azura seems to be one of the units with pretty good growth rates?

Also, isn't Azura a singer? Why are you assessing her capability as an archer?

Edited by Minischew
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The growth rates you have for Zero are the same as the ones on the main page... so where are you getting your growth rates for Azura? According to the page, Azura's growth rates are:

HP 25, Str 50, Mag 25, Skl 60, Spd 60, Lck 40, Def 15, Res 35.

I tried adding in the class growth rates (Outlaw for Zero, Singer for Azura), and I got...

Zero: HP 40, Str 45, Mag 25, Skl 50, Spd 70, Lck 30, Def 30, Res 60.

Azura: HP 25, Str 60, Mag 25, Skl 80, Spd 80, Lck 60, Def 15, Res 35.

So... I think it's still up for debate whether Zero or Azura has better growth rates. Especially considering that Zero seems to be somewhat of a magic tank, whereas Azura seems like a glass cannon, which makes it a bit difficult to compare the two. I know this isn't a huge point of the topic, but I just got really confused after reading your post, because Azura seems to be one of the units with pretty good growth rates?

Also, isn't Azura a singer? Why are you assessing her capability as an archer?

Asura, not Azura

Additional comments, basically Prepromotes have decent to good stats, but only the Siblings have good growths

The other prepromotes have between terrible (Gunter) to less satisfactory growths (Yuugiri, Asura, Izana).

Crimson does pretty well though for all things considered

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So not exactly on topic, but still kind of related, is there any way to grind supports on Nohr?

Seems like such a shame to have to miss out on so many.

Through My Castle's Amie, it there for a reason.

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Through My Castle's Amie, it there for a reason.

Does that even work for non Kamui supports? Because I'm guessing it doesn't and if so that means we're back to pre-Awakening style support log farming in the Nohr version. Well, not as bad as that, but still limited to the units we can feasibly deploy and use to clear the game and all instead of getting almost everything in one playthrough.

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I would just say pick a set team and stick with it. Usually what I do is plan out my team from the start, and then only funnel kills into those units unless i'm about to die if I don't give a kill to someone else.

Yeah. Nohr looks like its very traditional FE in distribution so its all about choosing well.

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As far as grinding support in Nohr goes, that the only way beside Map Battles. You might have to buy a DLCs map for grinding non-Kamui supports in Nohr. But gaining supports is faster now, you are very likely to get all the units married.

Edited by Awakener_
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As far as grinding support in Nohr goes, that the only way beside Map Battles. You might have to buy a DLCs map for grinding non-Kamui supports in Nohr.

Support grinding in Nohr is hot springs and amie (for Kamui) among the battles. The hot springs are not just for Kamui from what i understand. I think there likely will be a DLC similar to the Golden Pack in FE13 for this purpose.

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As far as grinding support in Nohr goes, that the only way beside Map Battles. You might have to buy a DLCs map for grinding non-Kamui supports in Nohr.

You'll probably be able to get enough support points per map for a typical run. Because well in an FE game I don't tend to try to use everyone (Unless its FE4, but that game is different in that aspect).

Nohr will be like FE9 like in its supports but with Awakenings system of gaining points. It should be easy to get a few S ranks relatively quickly after you figure out what pairs you're gonna do.

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Yeah I assume there'll be a DLC. I just hope I can unlock supports at my own pace instead of constantly worrying about it.

And sorry for kind of hijacking the thread!

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Support grinding in Nohr is hot springs and amie (for Kamui) among the battles. The hot springs are not just for Kamui from what i understand. I think there likely will be a DLC similar to the Golden Pack in FE13 for this purpose.

I think hot spring is only for grinding same-sex support, females will kicked the males out unless they're their spouse.

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Assuming I remember correctly, you can still get support points in Streetpass battles

Yeah if you have an internet connection you can spam my castle battles for supports. It is not difficult at all.

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By my castle battles you can grind supports fairly fast,just pick weaker players as opponents with simple castle layout,then have the your pairs you want to hook up clearing most of the map.

Exp punishment while being way too overleveled is pretty heavy this time and vice versa,plus you wont do well in some of the more dynamic maps with limited viable units in your hand.

One thing I like to do is having my major units go in with guard stance to draw enemies' attention and weaken them(Nohr Kamui is quite superior in this case with his debuff skill),then let my lower level units go forth to take their killing blows with the help of attack stance.

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