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Why do people barely complain about the really risque character designs?


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Because japanese people like it, at least boys do and we're talking about a japanese game, so people shouldn't expect less. Is the same when you watch an anime released in ocident with censors, changing clothes and blabla

But for me it's whatever, you already had a preview and if didn't liked, why go on? ._.

Edited by Haeresis
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Free the nipple?


While I agree that complaining about Camilla's bust size is unfair and sexist, there wasn't very much of such complaining in the last couple pages of this thread. Just "this outfit looks stupid"-esque stuff.

...speaking of which, I don't really like the ass vent on the general, either. Metal + exposed ass = bad, but that's just my taste.

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Showing thigh is not necessarily bad design, but I'd rather them did it the traditional Zettai Ryouiki way (even though I think that design element is very overused, it is aesthetically pleasing enough) rather than a way that pretty much just frames the crotch. It's also awkward because I'm not too fond of thigh cutouts on armored characters in general-and it was a gripe I had since I saw Isadora's design in FE7, though if she weren't a rider it wouldn't be as egregious. Generally the more metal covering the person has, the more I'm opposed to thigh windows on them. Trousers are also an underutilized design element on female characters in general.

Rinka's design works because it's calling upon the MUSCLES OF STEEL imagery which works for her class. Sarashi provide decent support for her breasts and make sure they don't get in the way, as well. Cleavage isn't necessarily bad either, and even my redesign of Charlotte (which a lot of people seem to like) had ample cleavage, but it's also about that the breasts are often drawn defying gravity and in very unnatural shapes than ZOMG BOOBS itself. Like, there's nothing wrong with having a few cleavage characters here or there, but there's an issue with them being really in your face about it and also anatomically incorrect.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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But calling out sexist left and right is baffling as well. It's okay to show Nishiki's chest? Gender equality? Free the nipple? Apparently the female form is so insulting and taboo and offending that it needs to be suppressed, just like any form of sexuality anywhere.

I think those ideals are laughable and absurd. Boob plate? okay dumb. Bare ass in full armor? Dumb. But if a girl is wearing a sexy over-all outfit just for the sake of it, then so the fuck what? Nobody's complaining about Rinka. Is she not feminine enough? So much garbage.

Please don't tell me you think these outfits are comparable


​really now

​People don't complain about Rinkah because for one, Rinkah avoids the farce of wearing a scant few pieces of armour in places that would ultimately afford little protection; dropping armour altogether makes more sense (this also applies to Nishiki, incidentally). Two, the class is defined by its strength, which is reflected by Rinkah's musculature - whereas Charlotte is, if anything, even ​less muscular than the average female unit. Three, Rinkah actually wears pants. Practically every design decision regarding Charlotte seems made purely for the sake of being stereotypically attractive (something her supports even lampshade), whereas Rinkah's outfit is no more sexualising than a sports bra. That's the difference here. Charlotte's design is considered sexist purely because practically every decision regarding it was based on nothing more than sex appeal.

And her personality gimmick certainly doesn't help matters.

Edited by Twylis
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Okay, designs like a fully armored girl with JUST the ass cut out are pretty fucking dumb.

But calling out sexist left and right is baffling as well. It's okay to show Nishiki's chest? Gender equality? Free the nipple? Apparently the female form is so insulting and taboo and offending that it needs to be suppressed, just like any form of sexuality anywhere.

I think those ideals are laughable and absurd. Boob plate? okay dumb. Bare ass in full armor? Dumb. But if a girl is wearing a sexy over-all outfit just for the sake of it, then so the fuck what? Nobody's complaining about Rinka. Is she not feminine enough? So much garbage.

The V-necks aren't sexist; they seem to show up as just as much on guys as girls. I do think they're overdone but I'm not overly concerned.

But the underwear treatment is absolutely sexist. If male Paladins and Great Knights and Generals and Dark Princes were just as frequently pantsless and showing off their crotches, it'd still be a terrible design for an armored character, but it wouldn't be sexist; it'd be equal treatment like the V-necks. But assigning those ridiculous outfits specifically to female characters is sexist.

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Having no excuse for something != murdering family. That is an extreme over-extrapolation. It's especially because they're professionals that they should be under more scrutiny, especially since they are getting paid to do this.


That's a real pity. Outside of the bad boob armor I actually liked the female general design in this game until I saw the bottom half. Sigh. :facepalm:

Edited by Eevonee
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Much as I disagree with the way user presented themselves, they have a point.

They can make their point without breaking the Code of Conduct or being overly dramatic. Which that person failed to do.

To the person who wrote that, and anyone else considering such an immature way of leaving the site: Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

wow uh

​this thread went places

​and holiest of cows that general

​I hadn't seen it and what I was imagining was nowhere near that bad, it almost looks like a graphical error or something

​Kozaki why

This is something I'm actually fine with. It's questionable given it's the player character and whatnot, but from an aesthetic standpoint, I think it actually divides the design in a neat way.

​Plus thigh slits have historically been the go-to fanservice for FE so it feels a bit less jarring

Both genders have the thigh hole. The difference is that Leon wears pants underneath, so it's not so obvious.

Okay, designs like a fully armored girl with JUST the ass cut out are pretty fucking dumb.

But calling out sexist left and right is baffling as well. It's okay to show Nishiki's chest? Gender equality? Free the nipple? Apparently the female form is so insulting and taboo and offending that it needs to be suppressed, just like any form of sexuality anywhere.

I think those ideals are laughable and absurd. Boob plate? okay dumb. Bare ass in full armor? Dumb. But if a girl is wearing a sexy over-all outfit just for the sake of it, then so the fuck what? Nobody's complaining about Rinka. Is she not feminine enough? So much garbage.

1. It is socially acceptable for men to walk around in public without a shirt. In most places, women need to keep their chest covered.

2. It wasn't too long ago where women had much less rights than men - and in more than a few points in history, women were considered property, because they were women. This is why objectifying women, in this day and age, is looked down upon by certain people (including me). Objectifying men isn't the answer, either.

3. Biggest complaint about Rinka ATM is that her muscles are lost the minute she dons a bikini.


I think many of these issues could be solved with a good pair of pants, that both genders should wear.

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