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Say what you like about Awakening, but...


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Screw all the haters, I will always stand by my words that Awakening will always be the superior FE game. Even when I am a veteran (first game is Sacred Stone then FE7 with the last NA game I brought is the Shadow Dragon) I was never a fan of the series until Awakening is revealed. Never was I once that hyped about a video game before. I followed Rey's videos daily, I cut a class for that Nintendo Direct about the Awakening, I pre-ordered the game even before there a official title for it, I bought that limited edition 3DS from Japan, I cried when I couldn't get the game when it suppose to be released, I brought all the DLCs, I brought the Knight of Iris and Soundtrack CDs. There will never a time where I had such a fond memory of a video game, I wish i can show you guys my face when I get my NA copy. Awakening WILL always be my favorite #1 FE game, other and future title will always fight for that #2 spot.

Edit: Even if i'm being called a "filthy casual" for favoring Awakening, I will gladly cherished that title.

Everything you described is literally the opposite of casual. Heck, if you're a "filthy casual," what about the guy who wrote Fates' stories who only had two weeks' possible time with Awakening after he finished all his year-end work? And then got his best bit of advice from his daughter?

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@Awakener_ - You need more Smash.

It around 80 hours, rank around 9-12 on the list. Not really a Smash fan but I brought it for Lucina and Robin. I primarily play only JRPGs and turn-base/real-time strategy like Civilization or total war.

Edited by Awakener_
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I love Awakening a great deal myself. I mean, I have a hard time putting the game down even moreso now that I know Fates is released and coming stateside in the future. Heck, I have 2500+ hours on it.

Holy crap! Are you sure you didn't type an extra 0 or something? If that's true then you deserve an award or something. I don't even think I have that many hours with all me 3DS games combined. I'm impressed at all the Awakening love here, I like the game too but all I have is a measly 100 hours.

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Holy crap! Are you sure you didn't type an extra 0 or something? If that's true then you deserve an award or something. I don't even think I have that many hours with all me 3DS games combined. I'm impressed at all the Awakening love here, I like the game too but all I have is a measly 100 hours.


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As someone who played Melee when it came out and mained Roy, got FE7 Winter 2003 right after it came out because I was sure Roy was on the cover and spent half the game going, "When's this motherfucker gonna show", never meeting another person who had heard of the series when now even casual friends of mine have played Awakening, times sure have changed. I still remember thinking that Sacred Stones had come out a while before it did and having the cashier at Gamestop tell me that it hadn't but that he could get me a game that was "just like Fire Emblem". He then brought over the gba port of Breath of Fire, the cunt. The only thing that sucks is that you'd have never gotten a Camilla or Charlotte or cockthroat peach-cleavage DLC Micaiah (seriously, how could any artist have been satisfied with that shit?) in literally any of the 12 games pre-Awakening, even in a series where people argued adamantly and passionately proclaiming actual physical ownership over fuckin Priscilla, and Fates has seemed to show a new disappointing precedent regarding character design, but its a relatively small price to pay to keep the series alive.

Edited by emblempride
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For a long time my favorite video game of all time was The World Ends With You (seriously, look it up). Then I played Fire Emblem Awakening. Soon, that game replaced TWEWY as my #1. I've blown over 800 hours on that game. It took over my life. Seriously, I had to pry myself from that game.

Awakening brought in a new group of people to the Fire Emblem franchise. The game was highly successful, earning a 92 on Metacritic, the highest score out of the entire franchise (Blazing Sword is second with a 88). All of a sudden the FE community turned into the something similar to the Smash Bros community, with the elitists and the filthy casuals. In other words, our community sucks. But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. So, I'm looking forward to Fates release and the new fans that come with it.

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Awakening had a lot of flaws, but it was still a fantastic experience and it's one of my absolute favorite games of all time. What's important for the series now is that they learn from the mistakes of that game and fix them, which I think Fates has done pretty well.

This rift in the fandom is pretty damn sad; I wasn't sure I wanted to join this forum since many Fire Emblem fans have always come across as kind of elitist jerks to me - sort of like the people who play Dark Souls and think they're gaming gods - and that view hasn't changed that much. However, there's good and bad in every fanbase, the bad is just more prevalent for this series. But, like the original post showed, there are plenty of cheerful people working hard to contribute to the community, and it seems to be a growing trend!

Edited by Thane
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As someone who played Melee when it came out and mained Roy, got FE7 Winter 2003 right after it came out because I was sure Roy was on the cover and spent half the game going, "When's this motherfucker gonna show", never meeting another person who had heard of the series when now even casual friends of mine have played Awakening, times sure have changed. I still remember thinking that Sacred Stones had come out a while before it did and having the cashier at Gamestop tell me that it hadn't but that he could get me a game that was "just like Fire Emblem". He then brought over the gba port of Breath of Fire, the cunt. The only thing that sucks is that you'd have never gotten a Camilla or Charlotte or cockthroat peach-cleavage DLC Micaiah (seriously, how could any artist have been satisfied with that shit?) in literally any of the 12 games pre-Awakening, even in a series where people argued adamantly and passionately proclaiming actual physical ownership over fuckin Priscilla, and Fates has seemed to show a new disappointing precedent regarding character design, but its a relatively small price to pay to keep the series alive.

The spriting guys have something known as "balloon tits". The reference model for that. . .is Sonia.


Awakening changed a bunch of stuff, some for the better, some for the worse. I was a bit more apprehensive about Awakening than this game, though.

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Damn.I used to think 4chan was just the dark place of Tumblr times a lot, but now I can see the brighter side of things.I see dedication.I hope that they stick around and get the translation finished.While I won't play it(Cause I would have no clue how to obtain it),I would love to see what the fandom can do.

/feg/ has always been great. It's the only thing I use the site for anymore after the owner lost his mind and replaced his entire mod team with some rather unlikeable individuals.

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As someone who played Melee when it came out and mained Roy, got FE7 Winter 2003 right after it came out because I was sure Roy was on the cover and spent half the game going, "When's this motherfucker gonna show", never meeting another person who had heard of the series when now even casual friends of mine have played Awakening, times sure have changed. I still remember thinking that Sacred Stones had come out a while before it did and having the cashier at Gamestop tell me that it hadn't but that he could get me a game that was "just like Fire Emblem". He then brought over the gba port of Breath of Fire, the cunt. The only thing that sucks is that you'd have never gotten a Camilla or Charlotte or cockthroat peach-cleavage DLC Micaiah (seriously, how could any artist have been satisfied with that shit?) in literally any of the 12 games pre-Awakening, even in a series where people argued adamantly and passionately proclaiming actual physical ownership over fuckin Priscilla, and Fates has seemed to show a new disappointing precedent regarding character design, but its a relatively small price to pay to keep the series alive.

This makes me think. Is Intel. Systems making Fire Emblem games for Quantity of money over Quality of game now?

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The spriting guys have something known as "balloon tits". The reference model for that. . .is Sonia.

Nothing compared to Awakening and Fates though, and you can't even see her cleavage in her portrait, or in-game really. Limstella wouldn't have been so androgynous today.


This makes me think. Is Intel. Systems making Fire Emblem games for Quantity of money over Quality of game now?

Both, but can't really fault them for a profit motive. The games are still good though, can't really imagine a bad FE game.

Edited by emblempride
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I'm personally really happy for Awakening. I started FE wayyy back when I was kid, playing Blazing Sword and then Sacred Stones. Which were the first games (aside from Pokemon) that I actually played through to completion and then REPLAYED. Then of course Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, but they lacked that portability (obviously) that I so enjoyed as a kid.

And Awakening was great for me, personally. Before it, nobody I knew even knew of the Fire Emblem series. If I found anyone who knew of it, it was SUCH a big deal, because it was so rare. But now I have plenty of people I know who played Awakening and loved it, and I think that's really cool, and it makes me happy that they'll keep with the series.

Also, despite what people say, I actually really liked Awakening's story/characters, because it was cute and fun, and made me laugh. It wasn't some great thinkpiece or riveting plot, but for what it was, I loved it, and also I played the game wayyyy too many times, and made so many different characters, and sometimes when I'm bored I just like to play a DLC chapter or two, just to strategize.

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Just as a disclaimer, another long time veteran (and lurker) who joined recently to just help with FE IF/Fates pre-release and now post-release stuff.

I totally agree with Nexas.

Personally I think Awakening is a good game. If it wasn't a Fire Emblem game I would deem it an excellent game. But as a Fire Emblem game I found it kind of lacking.

Sadly Awakening has somewhat divided the fanbase due to mix feelings about the game. We're unsure if this is what Fire Emblem should be moving forward. My favorite thing about Awakening was what it offered in terms of mechanics. Although it lacked many objectives, it did a good job in making Pair Up and how it works. It may have been op, but it pioneered the idea into the Fire Emblem franchise.

I agree with everything you said here. : )

Screw all the haters, I will always stand by my words that Awakening will always be the superior FE game. Even when I am a veteran (first game is Sacred Stone then FE7 with the last NA game I brought is the Shadow Dragon) I was never a fan of the series until Awakening is revealed. Never was I once that hyped about a video game before. I followed Rey's videos daily, I cut a class for that Nintendo Direct about the Awakening, I pre-ordered the game even before there a official title for it, I bought that limited edition 3DS from Japan, I cried when I couldn't get the game when it suppose to be released, I brought all the DLCs, I brought the Knight of Iris and Soundtrack CDs. There will never a time where I had such a fond memory of a video game, I wish i can show you guys my face when I get my NA copy. Awakening WILL always be my favorite #1 FE game, other and future title will always fight for that #2 spot.

Edit: Even if i'm being called a "filthy casual" for favoring Awakening, I will gladly cherished that title.

There is certainly no issue in liking Awakening best, nor professing your love for it. I noticed a lot of people around here are quite... timid when it comes to something like this. I assume they get a lot of backlash, yet have seen none. I guess the mods do a good job, or I just don't see many threads. xD

No joke. This game looks like it may actually dethrone FE7 as my favorite because of DAT STORY.

You there. Work it. I refuse to judge you for it because i have like 500 hours clocked into that shit.

Ah... well I know story is a person by person bases, but it certainly didn't overtake FE7 for me : \

But of course if it does for you, I will be happy that you were impressed. : )

Everything you described is literally the opposite of casual. Heck, if you're a "filthy casual," what about the guy who wrote Fates' stories who only had two weeks' possible time with Awakening after he finished all his year-end work? And then got his best bit of advice from his daughter?

And doesn't want to make his daughter mad with cliches xD

I wonder how his daughter took the results! It certainly was better in story, I felt.

I'm personally really happy for Awakening. I started FE wayyy back when I was kid, playing Blazing Sword and then Sacred Stones. Which were the first games (aside from Pokemon) that I actually played through to completion and then REPLAYED. Then of course Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, but they lacked that portability (obviously) that I so enjoyed as a kid.

And Awakening was great for me, personally. Before it, nobody I knew even knew of the Fire Emblem series. If I found anyone who knew of it, it was SUCH a big deal, because it was so rare. But now I have plenty of people I know who played Awakening and loved it, and I think that's really cool, and it makes me happy that they'll keep with the series.

Also, despite what people say, I actually really liked Awakening's story/characters, because it was cute and fun, and made me laugh. It wasn't some great thinkpiece or riveting plot, but for what it was, I loved it, and also I played the game wayyyy too many times, and made so many different characters, and sometimes when I'm bored I just like to play a DLC chapter or two, just to strategize.

It is great that it brought in quite a few people. It's a little strange to me how nobody (apparently) gets along on the matter. In the end everybody likes some sort of Fire Emblem game on here. I guess if they are imposing a thought onto you, (I like this game, you should too!) then it's a problem, but otherwise no real issue to be had.

You like what you like. xD

I have no idea how people put so many hours into Awakening! But I am glad they had so many endless hours of fun as a result.

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