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Unit Optimization Thread


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This might sound a bit odd, but I'm having a little confusion reading the chart as far as the A+ supports are concerned.

Am I assuming correctly that it is meant to be read from left to right (not up and down), and that a space with a green box indicates that the unit beginning the row can A+ the unit in that particular column?

And are A+ supports reciprocal? I.e. If Lutz achieves an A+ support with Hisame, can both of them use a Buddy Seal to change into each other's base class?

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This might sound a bit odd, but I'm having a little confusion reading the chart as far as the A+ supports are concerned.

Am I assuming correctly that it is meant to be read from left to right (not up and down), and that a space with a green box indicates that the unit beginning the row can A+ the unit in that particular column?

And are A+ supports reciprocal? I.e. If Lutz achieves an A+ support with Hisame, can both of them use a Buddy Seal to change into each other's base class?

The chart is designed in a way such that for any particular character, you need to find their name on both the left and the top, and read left-->right and top-->down respectively to find all of the supports. It could be a bit unintuitive at first but it eliminates redundancy. I would assume green means person on left and person on top are compatible.

From what I understand, A+ supports are not reciprocal. If Lutz uses up his A+ support on Hisame, he'll be able to use the Buddy Seal to reclass into Hisame's Samurai. This doesn't use up HIsame's A+ support though, so Hisame is free to A+ with somebody else and doesn't automatically have access to Lutz's Wyvern Rider.

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This might sound a bit odd, but I'm having a little confusion reading the chart as far as the A+ supports are concerned.

Am I assuming correctly that it is meant to be read from left to right (not up and down), and that a space with a green box indicates that the unit beginning the row can A+ the unit in that particular column?

And are A+ supports reciprocal? I.e. If Lutz achieves an A+ support with Hisame, can both of them use a Buddy Seal to change into each other's base class?

Sorry for the confusion. Anything below and left of the yellow cells with the unit's name is who they can support with. Green cells mean they can support. Example: Oboro has no supports to the left and has four supports below. Saizou has one support to the left and 3 supports below.

it's not reciprocal. Lutz could A+ to Ignis while Ignis can A+ to Grey.

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Thank you for your responses!

And sorry for all the questions, but I have another one regarding skills.

Would class skills with similar or potentially overlapping effects such as Counter and Magic Counter stack if a unit engages a magic-user at 1-range?

For that matter, would personal skills with an effect similar to a class skill that's also equipped (like Azura's Healing Voice, and Sun God) stack with each other?

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What units can learn all 5 Sealing Skills via varying means (Marriage, Inheritance, A-Plussing)? So far I've thought of Kamui, Hinata, Oboro!Hisame, Rinkah!Shinonome, Hana!Shara, Oni Savage!Kamui!Shinonome, Oni Savage!Kamui!Ophelia, Thats not even involving skill inheritance, save for the last 2 but I'm too tired for that right now.

Edited by Trickeroo
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You need 4 class trees to pull it off:

Lancer (Defense and Speed)

Oni Savage (Resistance)

Dark Mage (Magic)

Samurai (Strength)

Let's see… Oboro!Matoi and Hinoka!Matoi get both Lancer and Samurai… if they can marry a Kamui with Oni Savage and buddy with a Dark Mage… although this might not work that well, seeing that Dark Mages are on the other side…. Or they could marry a Dark Mage, but then they'd need to buddy an Oni Savage, and those don't have wide distributions either…

Nyx Matoi would give both Strength and Magic…..

Hm… this is tricky….

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What happens if the base class is shared? For example, we've determined what happens if the child has the same base class as their parent… they get the parent's secondary…. does this same principle work here, or does the marriage seal simply not work in this case?

Also, a question…. if Azura marries one of the men who can have kids, and that kid already starts off as a Pegasus Knight (example: a hypothetical Azura!Matoi), does the kid get Rod Knight like Azura's son, who also starts as a Pegasus Knight, gets instead of his mothers Singer/Songstress class?

Pretty sure I can at least answer the first one, as this was in one of the seal threads. If the base class is shared, the marriage seal WILL instead go to the partner's secondary class.

For the second, I don't believe the Singer/Songstress class in inheritable, as it would sort of break the game since you could just have two singers dancing around each other and gain unlimited experience. Matoi may get Rod Knight or some other class to fill in for her mother's passed down class. Or she may not get another class at all.

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Well, a Nyx!Matoi would get growth rates (personal) of 23.333% in Strength and 28.333% in Magic, assuming Awakening growth inheritances, so that's on the lowish side.

(Subaki, who has lowish strength, has 30% strength, and he has 20% magic; Nyx has 5% strength and 50% magic).

Although if you made her a Dark Knight, she'd get personal+class growths of: 43.333% Strength and 38.3333% Magic…. she also has access to Swordfaire from Subaki's classes. (Dark Knight would come from Nyx's classes). If she buddy supported with a Spellcaster (is not!Tharja an option?), she could pick up Tomefaire as well for this. B rank swords and A rank tomes are available from Dark Knight.

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Miracle Build:


Holy Bowman

Vantage, Hoshido, Norh, Flamboyant, Proximity Shot.

Pair with Lodestar Kaze(feed him to 40 luck, resummon)

Guard Stance+, Prayer, Aether, Sol, Lethal.

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This is more of a general question, but does anyone know how easy it was to max out a unit's stats once they reached 20/20 levels?

use eternal seals to increase the lv cap. Each eternal seal gives 5 lv

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A Question About A-Plussing:

I want to make a Butler Kamui!Shinonome, but I can't get Rod Knight on him. He inherits Nohr Prince from Kamui so even if I make Rod Knight my secondary class he still won't get it via inheritance. HOWEVER Kanna is already a Nohr Prince, so he will inherit RK from Kamui. The only way I can get RK on Shinonome when his mom is Kamui is to A+ him to his sibling, Kanna. As far as I know, this is the only way to get RK on Kamui!Shinonome. So...

- Can siblings A+ with siblings? (Shinonome can A+ Male Kanna anyway but IDK if it applies when they're siblings.)

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I was thinking… would Trueblade be a good ending class choice for Luna!Matoi?

Her mods are -1 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +0 Lck, +5 Def, and +0 Res.

She gets Pegasus Warrior/Falcon Warrior/Golden Kite Warrior and Samurai/Trueblade/Weapons Master from her starting class and her father respectively. She gets Mercenary/Brave Hero/Bow Knight from her mother.

Trueblade has (unmodified) max stats of the following, according to the information on this site:

55 HP, 30 Str, 28 Mag, 32 Skl, 35 Spd, 33 Lck, 27 Def, 31 Res

Modifying them with Luna!Matoi's stat mods:

Luna!Matoi Trueblade:

55 HP, 29 Str, 29 Mag, 34 Skl, 36 Spd, 33 Lck, 32 Def, 31 Res

Also, the website notes that Trueblade has an inherent +10 crit and +10 avoid.

Her skills would be:

Swallow Strike, Eastern Heart, Rally Speed, Mirror Strike, Soar, Sun God, Flowing Strike, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire, Strength Seal, Line of Death, Patient Assurance, Stubborness, Sol, Axebreaker, Rally Skill, Kunaibreaker

What do people think? Do you have a better suggestion for a class that would be more optimal for a Luna!Matoi?

The idea is that she could abuse high speed, Swallow Strike, Swordfaire, Prodigy, the choice of either regular swords (including Brave Swords) or Levin Swords, optionally line of death, breakers, etc. She also has alternate options for a player phase strategy with Vantage and Patient Assurance, as well as perhaps using the Warrior Katana.

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use eternal seals to increase the lv cap. Each eternal seal gives 5 lv

I heard that this only works to a max of level 40, so you could very well not max out some stats if you get really unlucky. Do you know if stat boost items can be bought infinitely?

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I heard that this only works to a max of level 40, so you could very well not max out some stats if you get really unlucky. Do you know if stat boost items can be bought infinitely?

I don't know I hope. But yeah it should be possible at max lv Store consideting IS included a direct online pvp mode.

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use eternal seals to increase the lv cap. Each eternal seal gives 5 lv

Yes, I know about eternal seals. What I'm asking is, do characters generally begin capping stats when they reach 20/20, WITHOUT using the crazy expensive eternal seals? Could anyone who's played through the game answer this question?

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A Question About A-Plussing:

I want to make a Butler Kamui!Shinonome, but I can't get Rod Knight on him. He inherits Nohr Prince from Kamui so even if I make Rod Knight my secondary class he still won't get it via inheritance. HOWEVER Kanna is already a Nohr Prince, so he will inherit RK from Kamui. The only way I can get RK on Shinonome when his mom is Kamui is to A+ him to his sibling, Kanna. As far as I know, this is the only way to get RK on Kamui!Shinonome. So...

- Can siblings A+ with siblings? (Shinonome can A+ Male Kanna anyway but IDK if it applies when they're siblings.)

I'm also curious about this. It applies with Shigure as well and opens up a lot of possibilities if they can A+.

Speaking of Shigure, did we ever get a confirmation on whether he gets rod knight from his mum or not? And whether his sibling will also get rod knight if they start with peg warrior, while we're at it.

Edited by capmalachi
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I'm trying to figure out how to make siegbert decent so I've been messing around with Belka!Siegbert. We know that Hinoka!Matoi ends up passing down the Lancer class to Matoi because of the overlapping pegasus knight, but would Siegbert inherit Fighter through Belka!Siegbert because of the overlap of wyvern rider despite it being a secondary?

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Yes, I know about eternal seals. What I'm asking is, do characters generally begin capping stats when they reach 20/20, WITHOUT using the crazy expensive eternal seals? Could anyone who's played through the game answer this question?

I haven't played through the game but I made a thing that calculates characters' average 20/20 stats, and according to that a lot of units end up capping 1-2 or sometimes 3 stats. This assumes no reclassing, so a few of those units may be able to cap more than that with clever use of Parallel Seals (and blessings from the RNG goddess). Basically no one caps HP though...

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Speaking of 20/20 stats, how does that work out for children characters when using child seals? Are they properly credited for their growth rates?

I'd assume so. Maybe child seal stat bonuses can be used to check if the old calculation for children's growth inheritance still holds. Preferably at endgame so the jump in levels is as wide as possible.

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Speaking of growth rates and optimization:

Seeing that level boosting seals are limited until later in the game and after a certain Dragon Vein point investment, perhaps optimization topics like this one should consider at least two separate optimizations: 1.) Maingame, 20/20 optimization, and Post-game, level boosted stat capped optimization.

Actually, is there an upper level for level capping? That would help determine whether it would actually possible for everything to get maxed out, like the maxed stats with mods approach to optimization often assumes. Likewise, as stat boosters buyable after a certain point, as that would also help reaching maxed-out stat optimizations.

But yes, you have a good idea in using child seals as a test.

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