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[spoilers] Question about Luna, Odin and Lasward


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I'm aware they're the same characters from Awakening.

But I'm wondering since I haven't peeked at many supports, have they all matured since Awakening?

Is Severa not as much of a tsundere now?

Are Inigo and Owain more mature?

I like it, if characters are going to be put into more than one game, that they mature over time. So I'm just wondering if they did.

I heard Inigo at the very least is more mature now.

Sorry if this type of thread was made before.

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Oh don't worry. The tsun-tsun Severa we all know and some of us love while I hate is back. And it's annoying. I mean seriously, Owain has matured along with Inigo and their characters sorta changed... But Severa.... oh Severa. Nothing changed her, along with Matoi(Cordelia). Mother and daughter die together. Kukuku....

Edited by DualMix
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Well, I mean, I like Severa, unironically, and I'm hoping she was toned down a bit, because the tsundereness is grating to me sometimes, but I digress.

Does anyone have a list of their supports lying around?

Or give me some examples on the three's characters in this game?

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I haven't really read many supports to give judgement whether they've matured or not, but I can at least give in on what I've read so far. I feel like Owain has matured a bit, at least not mentioning and shouting those ridiculous "special moves" he had in Awakening.

And I don't think Severa is as rude as before. I mean, I could totally see how Severa was a total jerk to Cynthia, Owain, and the other children... and her mother... and the cast of Awakening lol, but in Fates, she seems different to me. She still has that tsundere vibe, but she isn't throwing insults left and right like she was in Awakening. I also don't see any of that bratty attitude like she had with her supports with her father.

Here is Luna's supports with Joker: http://pastebin.com/8uFvQwK4 if anything, Joker is the asshole of the game, rather than severa

Inigo, still as he was in Awakening... I mean, seriously, read this S-Support between Lazward (Inigo) and Charlotte:

CHARLOTTE: Even if we get married, I'm still gonna try and pick up guys. Are you gonna be okay with me even if I do that, Lazward?
LAZWARD: Sure. I mean, your heart will always be mine, right?
CHARLOTTE: Of course. That won't ever change.
LAZWARD: And I'm still gonna try and pick up chicks even if we get married, too.
CHARLOTTE: But your heart will always be mine, isn't that right?
LAZWARD: That's right. Nobody will ever mean more to me than you do. Not until the day I die.

Cracks me up! I knew Charlotte would be a hilarious character XD

Full Lazward / Charlotte (S-Support): http://pastebin.com/q0gfQwyc

Edited by Carter
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Oh wow, Joker really is an asshole, I expected Severa to come back with more insults but she kinda just conceited and said that she can do what she wants with her money. Seriously, Joker greets her by calling her an idiot. I know that Joker was said to only talk to Kamui in Famitsu but I didn't expect him to be an asshole to everybody else.

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