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Why so much hate?


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The way I see it, people are much more likely to post complaints than praise. This game has sold a whole lot for a strategy game, more sales = more people playing = more complaints. Go to pretty much any popular game board, and you'll constantly see a lot of complaints against it, despite it being a popular and loved game.

If that helps you regain your hype at all, I found the game to be utterly amazing personally. I was extremely hyped for this game, and overall it exceeded my expectations. Yes, there's some aspects I don't like much, but overall? It's amazing.

I honestly felt bad about buying a Japanese 3DS just for this game and Langrisser Reincarnation. I could afford it, but I felt it was a waste of money. After having played one of the FE Fate paths, I don't feel bad at all with my 3ds purchase anymore. I feel it was worth the cost.

Thanks for putting that Langrisser game on my radar.

Seems right up my alley, since I just got a japanese 3ds as well!

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You think this is bad? You should try some other sites. There was a thread which started by stating the game sold well and it devolved into how the game should have sold like shit and deserved to die because it encouraged date rape. No, I don't know how we got there but that's how much virtirol is headed towards the game. There's petitions to cancel it or to censor it. There's people spreading misinformation to make sure this game seems like the devil. It seems like there is a concentrated effort to make sure this game sells poorly and its driving me up a wall.

Oh crap! I hope these things don't work. :O *genuinely concerned*

I mean come on! Cancel A WHOLE GAME because there are SOME FEATURES that you don't like? I can just call that stupid. For all I see, this is still the same Fire Emblem series Ive come to love over the years with its brilliant tactical gameplay and interesting characters, it just has more fanservice now to expand its fanbase, because you know what? Fire Emblem wouldn't exist anymore if it wasn't for that! People seem to forget a lot that if Awakening didn't bring anime-ish style and "waifu" system to the table, Fire Emblem if wouldnt even EXIST.

I mean if you really hate the game THAT much, then just don't buy it. :/

Edited by Mekalygie
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You think this is bad? You should try some other sites. There was a thread which started by stating the game sold well and it devolved into how the game should have sold like shit and deserved to die because it encouraged date rape. No, I don't know how we got there but that's how much virtirol is headed towards the game. There's petitions to cancel it or to censor it. There's people spreading misinformation to make sure this game seems like the devil. It seems like there is a concentrated effort to make sure this game sells poorly and its driving me up a wall.

Oh god, its not just me who noticed this?

It's probably going to work too, I mean look at the Eirika and Ephraim thing from all those years back.

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If you're taking about the weird outfits they wear then blame Kozaki. they'll probably change artists again soon anyways, like they always do every few games.

something tells me that he is going to stay lol and haters need hobbies lel

Edited by ivanhellsing
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Am I the only one who likes the idea of Fire Emblem Amie

The only really problems I have thus far is some of the more off-putting designs. Which I'll get used to after a while. I'm still gonna get FE14, I'm still gonna play it, and I'm still gonna have a good time! I like that I get to interact with the characters in-game. It'll certainly give me something to do.

Edited by TheGhosteon
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People seem to forget a lot that if Awakening didn't bring anime-ish style and "waifu" system to the table, Fire Emblem if wouldnt even EXIST.

Oh they know it, they wished that actually happened. There's posts screaming that the series deserves to burn to the ground for DARING to not be 100% about them. Oh, and if you ask them why didn't the support the games, they'll give an excuse for each one. It's just...UGH. Granted, that petition has about as much success as a Level 1 villager against a maxed out Dark Mage but the sheer hatred is overwhelming.

Oh god, its not just me who noticed this?

It's probably going to work too, I mean look at the Eirika and Ephraim thing from all those years back.

My "favorite" is a toss up between there being a rape scene in the game or there's a porn scene with horrible violence in it. Anything to make sure this game looks like the devil.

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My "favorite" is a toss up between there being a rape scene in the game or there's a porn scene with horrible violence in it. Anything to make sure this game looks like the devil.

What in the actual f-??

Is that really a thing? Do people really believe this absurdity??

This fandom really scares me at times..... :/

Edited by Mekalygie
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The strangest part to me is that they're going to the trouble of making things up. One could say that you can touch your little sister in a sexual manner in this game and it'd be completely correct.

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The backlash is kind of out of proportion. Considering it's supposed to follow up the "masterpiece" that was Awakening, expectations are higher than ever just like FF13's hype..... Awakening isn't a masterpiece, but it's good game no doubt. I wonder what critics will give this new FE......

Edited by Fanatic&Ecstatic
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Okay guys I need some information. Where did this striping thing originate from? I've been playing this game and I've just unlocked the accessory shop to check out what people have been complaining about. Turns out it's not stripping at all, it's literally a costume titled "sexy swimsuit." Sure it's odd to have such a thing in a Fire Emblem, but this is really no different from any other game with a swimsuit costume.

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Okay guys I need some information. Where did this striping thing originate from? I've been playing this game and I've just unlocked the accessory shop to check out what people have been complaining about. Turns out it's not stripping at all, it's literally a costume titled "sexy swimsuit." Sure it's odd to have such a thing in a Fire Emblem, but this is really no different from any other game with a swimsuit costume.

It's just that some people overblown this to the fact it's not what is supposed to be in an FE game. "All strategy! No fanservice allowed!"

Doesn't help that fact FE has been getting a lot more publicity lately about the costume changing thing, Fire Emblem Amie, and Same Sex Marriage.

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The backlash is kind of out of proportion. Considering it's supposed to follow up the "masterpiece" that was Awakening, expectations are higher than ever just like FF13's hype..... Awakening isn't a masterpiece, but it's good game no doubt. I wonder what critics will give this new FE......

I wonder if they will give it a hype rating, disappointment rating, or a neutral rating. I really doubt the last one. xD I also wonder if they will rate them as one game when the gameplay difficulty and such is different.

It's just that some people overblown this to the fact it's not what is supposed to be in an FE game. "All strategy! No fanservice allowed!"

Doesn't help that fact FE has been getting a lot more publicity lately about the costume changing thing, Fire Emblem Amie, and Same Sex Marriage.

Yes, as a post earlier said, a bigger fanbase means of course, bigger and plenty more reactions.

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As far as I can tell, the only real negative reactions seem to be geared towards the Nohr storyline and such.

Granted, it seems like a lot of people saying that haven't actually played it yet. Personally, I'm not going to really comment on that criticism since I won't be playing the game until it comes to America next year.

Though....I hope this doesn't come off as rude or anything....but I wouldn't mind too much if Intelligent Systems got at least a little flak for the fanservice. While I don't overly mind, it is a bit overboard.

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As far as I can tell, the only real negative reactions seem to be geared towards the Nohr storyline and such.

Granted, it seems like a lot of people saying that haven't actually played it yet. Personally, I'm not going to really comment on that criticism since I won't be playing the game until it comes to America next year.

Though....I hope this doesn't come off as rude or anything....but I wouldn't mind too much if Intelligent Systems got at least a little flak for the fanservice. While I don't overly mind, it is a bit overboard.

They weren't kidding about the phrase. "Nohr does what Hoshidon't!" "Nohr fails at what Hoshidoes!"

Don't worry about the flak thing. I think IS will get more enough when critics review the game by the time it's out worldwide.

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Though....I hope this doesn't come off as rude or anything....but I wouldn't mind too much if Intelligent Systems got at least a little flak for the fanservice. While I don't overly mind, it is a bit overboard.

Your criticism is totally warranted, but I don't think IS is going "let's give generals, "butt ventilation," that'll sell more copies" It's all Kozaki's fault. What the hell does a guy have to do to think "butt ventilation" is a good idea for a heavily armored unit? Damn you Kozaki!

Edited by SilverPants
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There's a few issues with streetpass being really problematic gameplay wise [Free Premades* being an absurdity. Skill buying trivializing any strategy with the kids]

(PvP existing is a joke, but I'm sure everyone could tell that ahead of time.) (*-- Incentivize Streetpass interaction, allow it be online, and make it so gimping your streetpass team is really beneficial, and you'll find silly things like maxxed MUs unarmed and incredibly easy... think about what that'll do to the difficulty of the game before saying it's solid... )

The DLC policy is 6 of the 7 deadly sins of DLC-- and one only needs to look at the problems that arose in Nohr's story to be able to tell that some Capcom/EA/Activision **** is going down.

The fanservice is overblown, but that's rather minor compared against those.

Of course, yes, it's blatantly obvious that they're out to nail every otaku trope they can. They're gunning for fetishes and they're gunning hard.

Personally, I find the majority of the rage to be absolutely hilarious. Yes, this game's a trainwreck. But a fiery crash is cool.

And really, I really hope this game makes it past the censors unscathed- or at least relatively unscathed. [Particularly that support.]

Tumblr will eat their hats.

It'll be like a well coordinated wave of Lancasters and Halifaxes at Angels 8.

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I can understand that people complain about the features in FE14, but I understand your point as well OP. Indeed, beating a dead horse won't make the current game better. Perhaps the (negative) feedback can be used for future games.

I think it happens often nowadays with games, not only Fire Emblem. Games get so overhyped with trailers, the best features are shown. People get very high expectations of the game. And then when the game gets released, people become dissappointed. Or in this case, after revealing certain bits of information, people already got dissappointed.

Not all things worked out as they'd hoped, or they just want it the way they want it. And that sucks :(, indeed, you can't appeal to everyone.

Personally I did feel a bit mad after seeing the skin-ship features and the children mechanics, I did complain about it, but right now I just wait and want to play the game to give a final judgement. I read that there are a lot of fun and good features about the game as well :).

Flamers and constant complainers should look at the positive things as well.

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People love pointing out the flaws in a game because unless the game is perfect, that's all the player remembers.

Forget the improved gameplay, the added features, the music. In most people's eyes, one rotten apple spoils the barrel.

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People love pointing out the flaws in a game because unless the game is perfect, that's all the player remembers.

Forget the improved gameplay, the added features, the music. In most people's eyes, one rotten apple spoils the barrel.

And a lot of us have played through the game and offer criticism because there is plenty to talk about and things that could have been done far better. Most people don't mention the good things or the stuff they're neutral towards in threads meant for serious discussion. I wouldn't start talking about how amazing the gameplay is in the Soleil/Male Kamui thread because it's completely irrelevant.

I know the Fire Emblem fanbase has a lot of problems, especially with those who seem to take offense at how someone else enjoys the game, but a lot of the criticism I have seen so far has been valid.

Of course, then there are the guys who keep talking about how waifus killed Fire Emblem, but you can just safely ignore those people.

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And a lot of us have played through the game and offer criticism because there is plenty to talk about and things that could have been done far better. Most people don't mention the good things or the stuff they're neutral towards in threads meant for serious discussion. I wouldn't start talking about how amazing the gameplay is in the Soleil/Male Kamui thread because it's completely irrelevant.

I know the Fire Emblem fanbase has a lot of problems, especially with those who seem to take offense at how someone else enjoys the game, but a lot of the criticism I have seen so far has been valid.

Of course, then there are the guys who keep talking about how waifus killed Fire Emblem, but you can just safely ignore those people.

Sometimes, I just wanna ignore everyone and play the damn game for myself. People shouldn't be bothered by other's opinions whether or not something is good. It's honestly all up to you.

It's like if a someone says some piece of food is disgusting. But then you try it and it tastes delicious. Everyone is different, don't worry about others. Sometimes, it's okay to be selfish.

And who knows, maybe they're only saying that because they want more of the food for themselves.

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Sometimes, I just wanna ignore everyone and play the damn game for myself. People shouldn't be bothered by other's opinions whether or not something is good. It's honestly all up to you..

Whether they talk about the positive or the negative, it's going to be hard to ignore people talking about the game on a forum page dedicated to the discussion of it. Of course everything is subjective, but a lot of the more serious complaints from those who have finished the game have been almost unanimous.

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People love pointing out the flaws in a game because unless the game is perfect, that's all the player remembers.

Forget the improved gameplay, the added features, the music. In most people's eyes, one rotten apple spoils the barrel.

Some of the flaws are overlookable.

Some are really not.

The DLC policy is a big one.

It's pretty obvious from what's been seen they gutted the game to sell DLC. [Particularly, all the missing info in Nohr. No, not getting to the revolutionize until the very end isn't a problem. Missing the info to have the story make competent sense? That is a problem]

They locked up a lot of content behind paywalls. Content that should be part of the base game.

That's not anything minor-- that's truly despicable, and indefensible on all angles.

On the other hand, stuff like say MKamui/Soleil is laughable.

It's quite sad that the support is getting more rage than the DLC bull though.

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Some of the flaws are overlookable.

Some are really not.

The DLC policy is a big one.

It's pretty obvious from what's been seen they gutted the game to sell DLC. [Particularly, all the missing info in Nohr. No, not getting to the revolutionize until the very end isn't a problem. Missing the info to have the story make competent sense? That is a problem]

They locked up a lot of content behind paywalls. Content that should be part of the base game.

That's not anything minor-- that's truly despicable, and indefensible on all angles.

On the other hand, stuff like say MKamui/Soleil is laughable.

It's quite sad that the support is getting more rage than the DLC bull though.

I keep reemphasizing how unfortunate it is, for those of us who played and understood both paths (especially Nohr) about the push for the "DLC has all the answers! Stay tuned and pay such and such to find out more!"

It really is disappointing in a way...it wouldn't be as much if they weren't pushing for it so hard, to the point of, as you said, making Nohr a bit of a mess when it comes to "what is going on?"

Edited by Kirokan
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I keep reemphasizing how unfortunate it is, for those of us who played and understood both paths (especially Nohr) about the push for the "DLC has all the answers! Stay tuned and pay such and such to find out more!"

It really is disappointing in a way...it wouldn't be as much if they weren't pushing for it so hard, to the point of, as you said, making Nohr a bit of a mess when it comes to "what is going on?"

I don't wanna derail this thread, but is the story of the Nohr campaign a bit confusing if you don't buy the DLC?

Some of the flaws are overlookable.

Some are really not.

The DLC policy is a big one.

It's pretty obvious from what's been seen they gutted the game to sell DLC. [Particularly, all the missing info in Nohr. No, not getting to the revolutionize until the very end isn't a problem. Missing the info to have the story make competent sense? That is a problem]

They locked up a lot of content behind paywalls. Content that should be part of the base game.

That's not anything minor-- that's truly despicable, and indefensible on all angles.

On the other hand, stuff like say MKamui/Soleil is laughable.

It's quite sad that the support is getting more rage than the DLC bull though.

I agree that DLC shouldn't be sold as something you need to fully understand the game. The Vanilla product should be enough. DLC should only add content, at least imo that is. Not something like *Cough* Destiny *Cough*. But I think that's another story.

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I don't wanna derail this thread, but is the story of the Nohr campaign a bit confusing if you don't buy the DLC?

I agree that DLC shouldn't be sold as something you need to fully understand the game. The Vanilla product should be enough. DLC should only add content, at least imo that is. Not something like *Cough* Destiny *Cough*. But I think that's another story.

The surface story will make enough sense, but the why behind several important characters and moments will not. Some reasons appeared in Hoshido, but the rest seemed to be saved for the third path. : (

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