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Fire Emblem Fates: Full Names Ideas Discussion

Blue Sun

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Hey everyone, this is Blue Sun Studios here. On a whim, I decided to create a topic here; what this topic is about deals what I plan on doing sometime in the future: a fanfic. Like with my Fire Emblem fanfics each character will have a first and last name (some may include a middle name), but instead of just coming up with the names all by myself I thought to let some of the other members here pitch their ideas in. For those who are curious, these are the names I came up with for my Reawakening cast; it's all spoiler tagged as to not take up so much space, shapeshifters do not get additional names, and since most people reading will know the entire cast of Awakening I won't bother giving descriptions for them except for Phila. And yes, Donnel's last name is indeed canon.



0) Robin Wyrmtongue Lowell

1) Chrom Lowell

2) Elizabeth/”Liz” Melissa/”Lissa” Lowell

3) Frederick Berenstain

4) Soirée “Sully” Étoile

5) Désiré Virion

6) Phila Fýlakas: Emmeryn’s Bodyguard. A stern yet patient commander./Emmeryn’s personal bodyguard, the leader of Ylisse’s Pegasus Knight Squadron. She is a strict but fair knight who is beloved by many, and is seen as a second mother to her pegasus knights. The most protective of her comrades. Born on January 14th.

7) Emmeryn Lowell

8) Maria Sumia

9) Tiamo Cordelia Lear

10) Vaike Nielsen

11) Maribelle Themis

12) Ricken Thomason

13) Miriel Ó Scolaidhe

14) Sort “Stahl” Stern

15) Cherche Couture

16) Kellam Gordon

17) Donnel Tinhead

18) Flavia Cree Goldberg

19) Olivia Montoya

20) Kuroikrokar Lon’qu

21) Basilio Leeroy Jackson

22) Anna Francis Gates

23) Gangrel Khabiith

24) Rajani “Aversa” Sharma

25) Panne

26) Gaius Caesar Abandonato

27) Zabyvat’ “Gregor” Zolnerowich

28) Nowi

29) Libra Papadopoulos

30) Tharja Joshi

31) Henry Ravencroft

32) Kenseijin Say’ri

33) Kenseijin Yen’fay

34) Walhart Rudolf

35) Priam Paris

36) Tiki



0) Morgan Wyrmtongue Lowell

1) Lucina Lowell

2) Owain Eudes Lowell

3) Douglass Berenstain: An enigmatic great knight who exudes great chivalry./Frederick’s future son. He values the code of chivalry above all but his closest. Though he is strict about work, he is less demanding and more relaxed than his father. The most averse to breaking rules. Born on August 21.

4) Kjelle Étoile

5) Clement Virion: An enigmatic archer carrying a broken, lonely heart./Virion’s future son, a man who does his best to make a good impression with the ladies. He’s much less flirtatious than his father, but he’s also more despairing than him as well. The one with the most haunting songs. Born on May 26th.

6) Eiríni Fýlakas: An enigmatic paladin afraid to lose even one person./Phila’s future son.

7) Sotirios Lowell: An enigmatic berserker seen as holy and righteous./Emmeryn’s future son, a peace-loving priest at heart who prefers preaching to pummeling. However, he diligently trains his body to be able to protect the peace should words fail. The most adept with carpentry. Born on December 25th.

8) Cynthia Sumia

9) Serena “Severa” Lear

10) Viktoria Nielson: An enigmatic knight overflowing with brawn and confidence./Vaike’s future daughter. Like her old man she is very confident of herself, even adopting her father’s title “Teach”. Sadly, she also suffers from Chronic Meathead Syndrome. The quickest to brawl. Born on September 4th.

11) Brady Themis

12) Thomas Thomason: An enigmatic mage whose maturity betrays his young age./Ricken’s future son. He may be very young, but his maturity is a direct inversion of his age. Frequent displays of immaturity tend to weary him, especially his own father’s antics. The slowest to annoy. Born on November 13th.

13) Laurent Ó Scolaidhe

14) Zärtlich Stern: An enigmatic knight who puts forth average effort./Stahl’s future son.

15) Gerome Couture

16) Duff Gordon: An enigmatic thief who has trouble cloaking himself from others./Kellam’s future son.

17) Rachel Tinhead: An enigmatic pegasus knight bearing an aversion to murder./Donnel’s future daughter.

18) Dominitan Leonard Goldberg: An enigmatic great knight with the outwitting wit./Flavia’s future son.

19) Inigo Montoya

20) Kuroikrokar Mors’ga: An enigmatic swordswoman whose cold nature melts near men./Lon’qu’s future daughter, who is blunt and sharp, also known as the “Moth of Death”. Her reception is without warmth, though her composure will quickly collapse in the presence of men. The biggest insect fan. Born on October 31.

21) Nicole Eleanor Jackson: An enigmatic great knight with a larger-than-life disposition./Basilio’s future daughter.

22) Anna Melody Gates: An enigmatic assassin who is cutthroat and greedy./Anna’s future daughter, the black sheep of the family whose avarice knows little bounds. Her ruthlessness led her from risky and unsavory enterprises to becoming a wanted outlaw. The most reluctant to spend gold. Born on October 29th.

23) Vladimir Khabiith: An enigmatic dark knight who emanates ungodly dread and might./Gangrel’s future son, a foreboding warlock who aggressively seeks out untold power. He rides with his women warriors to accomplish this (and to aid the Shepherds). The most likely to laugh evilly. Born on November 21.

24) Mohana Sharma: An enigmatic dark knight whose allure matches her cruelty./Aversa’s future daughter.

25) Yarne

26) Julian Arancia Abandonato: An enigmatic thief beyond obsessed with oranges./Gaius’s future daughter.

27) Zapóminát’ “Zabyvat’” Zolnerowich: An enigmatic sellsword who is hearty and forgetful./Gregor’s future daughter.

28) Nah

29) Aries Papadopoulos: An enigmatic sorcerer who despises Naga and her church./Libra’s future son.

30) Noire Joshi

31) Harleen Ravencroft: An enigmatic thief who is both jester and killer./Henry’s future daughter.

32) Kenseijin Hi’ki: An enigmatic assassin known to be fierce and loyal./Say’ri’s future son.

33) Kenseijin Bēi’jì: An enigmatic assassin known to be brooding yet compassionate./Yen’fay’s future daughter.

34) Valmhalt Rudolf: An enigmatic griffon rider who possesses an unconquerable will./Walhart’s future son. His upbringing left him extremely hateful towards his father. The good that came out of it however is an immovable man of justice despite his frigid harshness. The most resistant to pain. Born on March 20.

35) Hesione Paris: An enigmatic valkyrie who bears a young maiden’s heart./Priam’s future daughter.

36) Manasa: An enigmatic Manakete whose quiet demeanor conceals her unbidden wrath./Tiki’s future daughter.

The names are all based on something; Chrom and his family for example share Marth's last name from the OVA, Priam and his future daughter's last names are based on Priam's Japanese name (and Ike's beta name), and the Anna's names are variations of Melinda Ann French Gates. Some require my help to decipher since some of the names are either foreign, meshed together with another name or both. And no, the new second gen profiles are not all finished and the story itself is sadly on hiatus for the time being. With the Hoshidans and Nohrians though, I would like the naming themes to be based on Japanese and European themes respectively, and I''ll refer to the Hoshidans with their official Japanese/romanized names while the Nohrians will be referred to be their official English names if available; you could give the Hoshidan royal family the last names of Miyamoto for example. I'll provide two (easy) examples myself: this game's Anna could be named "Anna French Gates" (as long as her middle name is not the same as another Anna's middle name) or the Hoshidan royal family could have "Byakuya-ryū" (which means white night dragon, white night for the name of their kingdom and dragon because of their dragon heritage). I'll come up with suggestions myself but I want everyone to put some effort into their chosen names. That's all for this first post; have fun everyone :).

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That is... alot of efforts you have put in there. As I read through your list, some did ring a bell and I am quite impressive on how much work you have put in. Inigo Montoya is just spot on!

I have had thoughts of my own to make fanfics, though lack of commitment and confidence in my literary skills have prevented me, so now I mostly write for my own entertainment. I had an Awakening fanfic where I thought about names for some characters and I can just pitch them here.

- Validar's bloodline (and by extension, Robin's) I called the Fellborns, as they are refered several times in the game as such, the avatars and vessels of Grima. So it would be Validar Fellborn and Robin Fellborn. Aversa was never given a surname, as it's hinted that it might not be her true name and she is not of the Fellborn bloodline.

- Since Robin lack memories, he (I assume Robin is a she in your Awakening fanfic since it looks like she marries Chrom, though he is a he in mine), Robin has no surname in the beginning. With time as he proves his worth, he is given the name "Tacticus" as a reference to the byzantine military writer Aeneas Tacticus (or "Aeneas the Tactician").

- I pondered a little about Maribelle's surname, as it's explicited told that she is from the region of Themis and her father is the duke of Themis. Yet giving her the surname Themis is not fitting. Chrom is part of house Ylisse so the same convention would give him the name Chrom Ylisse. If you need a reference to this, think about Richard of York, duke of York and head of house of York, yet his full name is Richard Plantagenet. Giving Maribelle a surname like "Justman" or "Justicar" would fit more IMO.

. On to Fates, a lazy solution to the royal houses of respective nation is just give them the Japanese name of the kingdom. Like the prince of Hoshido is Ryoma Byakuya and the prince of Nohr is Xander Anya.

- A more creative one would probably be naming after their influences, such as the Imperial House of Japan (the Yamato dynasty) for the Hoshidans and a Roman dynasty, such as the Julio-Claudian dynasty for the Nohrians.

- Kazahana is stated to hail from a family distantly related to the royal family. Sounds like the Minamoto or the Taira to me, though I prefer Minamoto as they are often stated to be true warriors (like Kazahana).

That's all I have for now. Would you point to one of your FE fanfics? Would be an interesting read.

Edited by Taka-kun
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That is... alot of efforts you have put in there. As I read through your list, some did ring a bell and I am quite impressive on how much work you have put in. Inigo Montoya is just spot on!

I have had thoughts of my own to make fanfics, though lack of commitment and confidence in my literary skills have prevented me, so now I mostly write for my own entertainment. I had an Awakening fanfic where I thought about names for some characters and I can just pitch them here.

- Validar's bloodline (and by extension, Robin's) I called the Fellborns, as they are refered several times in the game as such, the avatars and vessels of Grima. So it would be Validar Fellborn and Robin Fellborn. Aversa was never given a surname, as it's hinted that it might not be her true name and she is not of the Fellborn bloodline.

- Since Robin lack memories, he (I assume Robin is a she in your Awakening fanfic since it looks like she marries Chrom, though he is a he in mine), Robin has no surname in the beginning. With time as he proves his worth, he is given the name "Tacticus" as a reference to the byzantine military writer Aeneas Tacticus (or "Aeneas the Tactician").

- I pondered a little about Maribelle's surname, as it's explicited told that she is from the region of Themis and her father is the duke of Themis. Yet giving her the surname Themis is not fitting. Chrom is part of house Ylisse so the same convention would give him the name Chrom Ylisse. If you need a reference to this, think about Richard of York, duke of York and head of house of York, yet his full name is Richard Plantagenet. Giving Maribelle a surname like "Justman" or "Justicar" would fit more IMO.

. On to Fates, a lazy solution to the royal houses of respective nation is just give them the Japanese name of the kingdom. Like the prince of Hoshido is Ryoma Byakuya and the prince of Nohr is Xander Anya.

- A more creative one would probably be naming after their influences, such as the Imperial House of Japan (the Yamato dynasty) for the Hoshidans and a Roman dynasty, such as the Julio-Claudian dynasty for the Nohrians.

- Kazahana is stated to hail from a family distantly related to the royal family. Sounds like the Minamoto or the Taira to me, though I prefer Minamoto as they are often stated to be true warriors (like Kazahana).

That's all I have for now. Would you point to one of your FE fanfics? Would be an interesting read.

Here's the link to my profile on FanFiction.net:


As I said before, I'm currently on a hiatus with my stories. I'm kind of suffering from a lack of motivation as of late, but hopefully I should pull out of it soon. On to some of the names I made for the FE:A cast, I admittedly could not come up with a really good surname for Maribelle so a gave her the last name Themis. Maybe later I'll come up with something better before I write her introduction.

With both of the Robins and Morgans, I wanted something that alluded to their draconic origins, especially something sinister. I actually browsed Grima and found a character with the same name from The Hobbit, who had the last name "Wormtongue". So the Robins and Morgans' last names was slightly twisted to bear reference to such a sinister character while having with a draconic take on the original name (Wormtongue became Wyrmtongue). Plus, Grima uses Expiration and refers to themselves as the "Breath of Ruin", so the "tongue" part sounded a bit fitting. Also, looking now I forgot to edit out the Lowell part from their names. Oops. In the fanfic, they do take on the Lowell family's last name as part of their own, but the reason will be left alone until I actually get to the part. Aversa's not actually related to the Wyrmtongues as far as I know and in the story she's not given the name (as she was not worthy), so I came up with a different name for her.

Some of the other characters had their names either moved to last name (Sumia and Virion) or became nicknames (Lissa, Sully, Severa, etc.). In the story, all of the second generation characters have the same surname as their parent. There's a reason for this as well but it's fairly huge so I won't delve into that.

On to the subject of the Hoshidans and Nohrians, I may actually come up with a somewhat simpler surname for the royal family, such as a variation of white dragon for the Hoshidans and dark dragon for the Nohrians. Not entirely sure what to do with the other characters since I just started and I'm tired right now. Maybe "Zero" will become the nickname for the Nohrian outlaw and his true name will probably be a reference to Dio Brando (same voice actors, bisexual, depraved individuals, etc.). No way am I naming Benoit after Chris Benoit though.

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With both of the Robins and Morgans, I wanted something that alluded to their draconic origins, especially something sinister. I actually browsed Grima and found a character with the same name from The Hobbit, who had the last name "Wormtongue". So the Robins and Morgans' last names was slightly twisted to bear reference to such a sinister character while having with a draconic take on the original name (Wormtongue became Wyrmtongue). Plus, Grima uses Expiration and refers to themselves as the "Breath of Ruin", so the "tongue" part sounded a bit fitting. Also, looking now I forgot to edit out the Lowell part from their names. Oops. In the fanfic, they do take on the Lowell family's last name as part of their own, but the reason will be left alone until I actually get to the part. Aversa's not actually related to the Wyrmtongues as far as I know and in the story she's not given the name (as she was not worthy), so I came up with a different name for her.

Do they refer themselves to with their surnames? I would believe that Robin would want to discard that name since it's likely they loathe their father if they remembered him or unconcisously forgot it following their amnesia. I would believe Robin would align themself more with their mother, who gave birth to them, likely gave them their name and saved them from their fate. I guess it depends on how you want to characterize Robin.

On to the subject of the Hoshidans and Nohrians, I may actually come up with a somewhat simpler surname for the royal family, such as a variation of white dragon for the Hoshidans and dark dragon for the Nohrians. Not entirely sure what to do with the other characters since I just started and I'm tired right now. Maybe "Zero" will become the nickname for the Nohrian outlaw and his true name will probably be a reference to Dio Brando (same voice actors, bisexual, depraved individuals, etc.). No way am I naming Benoit after Chris Benoit though.

IMO, not all characters need surnames, as some don't have a cause to have one. Some were orphaned, others conceal their surname. Some again, refer themselves to other names, such as your example with Zero. Another example would be Saizou, as it's a hereditary name. Maybe his real name is Hattori Hanzo.

The only ones I believe should have it are the characters that hails from the noble families, which there are alot of in this game.

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Do they refer themselves to with their surnames? I would believe that Robin would want to discard that name since it's likely they loathe their father if they remembered him or unconcisously forgot it following their amnesia. I would believe Robin would align themself more with their mother, who gave birth to them, likely gave them their name and saved them from their fate. I guess it depends on how you want to characterize Robin.

I am super sorry, I did not mean to leave this thread alone for two whole days almost. My internet service was acting wonky and it either shut off completely or ran super slow. To answer your question, yes, they do refer to themselves with their surnames fairly often. And when I say surnames, I mean "Lowell", not "Wyrmtongue". They legally had their names changed at least twice since their amnesia, the first time giving them "Lowell" as a surname, and the second time they took in their former surname as a middle name. The Robins align themselves more with the Lowells (i.e. Chrom and his family) than others, much more than their father and mother once they find out who the two are (Validar obviously and a woman whose identity I will not spoil to you just now).

IMO, not all characters need surnames, as some don't have a cause to have one. Some were orphaned, others conceal their surname. Some again, refer themselves to other names, such as your example with Zero. Another example would be Saizou, as it's a hereditary name. Maybe his real name is Hattori Hanzo.

The only ones I believe should have it are the characters that hails from the noble families, which there are alot of in this game.

Not to start an argument, but a part of me feels that surnames are a part of a person's legacy. As stated, not everyone will get a surname though, namely the shapeshifters outside of Kamui and Kanna because their naming system is somewhat different. For some other characters I'm still on the fence as to who should get a surname, but for Zero his nickname is what defines him (still very tempting to call him something along the lines of a Dio Brando reference). Since you seem somewhat interested in this thread, what sort of names would you give certain characters? I'm all ears.

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Not to start an argument, but a part of me feels that surnames are a part of a person's legacy. As stated, not everyone will get a surname though, namely the shapeshifters outside of Kamui and Kanna because their naming system is somewhat different. For some other characters I'm still on the fence as to who should get a surname, but for Zero his nickname is what defines him (still very tempting to call him something along the lines of a Dio Brando reference). Since you seem somewhat interested in this thread, what sort of names would you give certain characters? I'm all ears.

Well, I just name the characters according to what I feel right in my head, since I do like making references. I don't have for all characters but I give you what I have.


The royal family: The Yamatos (the longest imperial family in Japan which commands great respect, even if they have not always been in power).

Suzukaze Hattori (after Hanzo Hattori, the famous samurai that commanded a ninja clan)

Kazahana Minamoto (after the Minamoto clan, a samurai clan who are distant relatives to the imperial family, just like Kazahana).

Subaki Takeda (Takeda is the clan famous for fighting with cavalry, and Hoshido's pegasus are the next best)

Saizou Hattori.

Asami Benkei (Benkei is a famous warrior monk and a retainer of a samurai general).

Setsuna Chosokabe (the Chosokabe clan had good bowmen).

Tsukuyomi Seimei (a magician in Japanese folklore).

Hinata Musashi (after Mushahi Miyamoto, the dual-wielding samurai).

Kagerou Chiyome (after Mochizuki Chiyome, credited for creating the kunoichi).


The royal family: The Plantagenets (this is a loose link, but Xander, with his black armor and chivalry, reminds me of Edward the Black Prince, who was of the Plantagenets. Edward's brothers were also said to be battle commanders and the brother's assisted their father to conquer France).

Felicia Arendelle (after Elsa from the movie Frozen)

Gunther Guesculin (after Bertrand du Guesculin, a French knight of the lower noble houses who became the Constable, essentially protector of France. Gunther had similar origins).

Silas Bedivere (after sir Bedivere of king Arthur's court who is often protrayed as Arthur's right-hand man).

Nyx Tartarus (following the similar Greek theme and her connection to darkness).

Arthur Pendragon (I admit, that is just blatant king Arthur ripoff).

Effie Tarth (to Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones, the most capable female knight in that series)

Flannel Bigby (referencing Bigby Wolf from The Wolf Among Us)

Flora Arendelle.

That's all I have, as I made connotations between the characters and various other figures inhabiting my mind. Knowing more about the character's background would help but this will do for now. Comments?

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Well, I just name the characters according to what I feel right in my head, since I do like making references. I don't have for all characters but I give you what I have.


The royal family: The Yamatos (the longest imperial family in Japan which commands great respect, even if they have not always been in power).

Suzukaze Hattori (after Hanzo Hattori, the famous samurai that commanded a ninja clan)

Kazahana Minamoto (after the Minamoto clan, a samurai clan who are distant relatives to the imperial family, just like Kazahana).

Subaki Takeda (Takeda is the clan famous for fighting with cavalry, and Hoshido's pegasus are the next best)

Saizou Hattori.

Asami Benkei (Benkei is a famous warrior monk and a retainer of a samurai general).

Setsuna Chosokabe (the Chosokabe clan had good bowmen).

Tsukuyomi Seimei (a magician in Japanese folklore).

Hinata Musashi (after Mushahi Miyamoto, the dual-wielding samurai).

Kagerou Chiyome (after Mochizuki Chiyome, credited for creating the kunoichi).


The royal family: The Plantagenets (this is a loose link, but Xander, with his black armor and chivalry, reminds me of Edward the Black Prince, who was of the Plantagenets. Edward's brothers were also said to be battle commanders and the brother's assisted their father to conquer France).

Felicia Arendelle (after Elsa from the movie Frozen)

Gunther Guesculin (after Bertrand du Guesculin, a French knight of the lower noble houses who became the Constable, essentially protector of France. Gunther had similar origins).

Silas Bedivere (after sir Bedivere of king Arthur's court who is often protrayed as Arthur's right-hand man).

Nyx Tartarus (following the similar Greek theme and her connection to darkness).

Arthur Pendragon (I admit, that is just blatant king Arthur ripoff).

Effie Tarth (to Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones, the most capable female knight in that series)

Flannel Bigby (referencing Bigby Wolf from The Wolf Among Us)

Flora Arendelle.

That's all I have, as I made connotations between the characters and various other figures inhabiting my mind. Knowing more about the character's background would help but this will do for now. Comments?

Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. (Quan Cheesy reference there) Those are all good names, and among my favorites are the references to famous historical figures. Also, for Felicia and Flora, you beat me to the punch. I'll see if I can come up with some names of my own soon.

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Hm?Should clan members like flora have last names?

Correct me if I am wrong but you named Phila's son Eirinh which is a female name.Any particular reason?

And why a Greek last name for Libra?

Whether they sould or shouldn't is up to you, but I would personally give them last names. Like Taka-kun had suggested above, Felicia and Flora (and Clear by extension) would have the surname of Arendelle to fit the Frozen reference and dynamic with Felicia and Flora, and within the entire Ice Tribe the Arendelles would be the head members. Originally the Yōko/Kyūbi no Kitsune and (Loup-)Garou/Mánagarmr would have no surnames but I'm slowly changing my mind about it. it helps that Taka-kun has good ideas.

Y'know, I honestly may have forgotten why since I came up with some of the names a long while ago (started the whole thing somewhere in January). When I was first coming up with ideas for some of the other characters' future children, some of them were a different sex than what they are now to make it an even amount of male and female characters from across first and second generation (like Aries who was originally going to be female and was often mistaken for a boy in addition to their current personality), and since I didn't want to change Phila's child's name (since it ties in to their personality and goes with the Greek naming theme with him and Phila) when I first came up with it that's why a man has a woman's name.

Libra in Reawakening doesn't remember his actual surname (either being too young to remember or never having it brought up), and as well as him honestly caring less if he ever met his parents again he chose to take on the surname his foster father (a priest) gave him. This also helps since I don't plan on Libra meeting his parents in the story anyways.

Any other questions you happen to have?

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Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. (Quan Cheesy reference there) Those are all good names, and among my favorites are the references to famous historical figures. Also, for Felicia and Flora, you beat me to the punch. I'll see if I can come up with some names of my own soon.

Glad to be of help. If it's not too much of a hassle, could you notify me of any development with your story (I assume the Fates story)? I do feel a personal investment in this now after all. I am all for juggling ideas.

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I am curious about this story as well. After doing some searching on the internet, I found out that there's an actual famous ninja known as Saizou Kirigakure, so I think that Kirigakure should be the last name for him and Suzukaze. In real life, Saizou attempted an assassination on Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but due to carelessness, was captured and failed on his mission. In FE,

Saizou attempted an assassination on the Fuuma clan, but failed and lost one of his eyes (Which was said in Saizou's and Suzukaze's B-Support).

Though there are differences between them, I found the similarities pretty interesting.
Edited by luankachu
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I am curious about this story as well. After doing some searching on the internet, I found out that there's an actual famous ninja known as Saizou Kirigakure, so I think that Kirigakure should be the last name for him and Suzukaze. In real life, Saizou attempted an assassination on Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but due to carelessness, was captured and failed on his mission. In FE,

Saizou attempted an assassination on the Fuuma clan, but failed and lost one of his eyes (Which was said in Saizou's and Suzukaze's B-Support).

Though there are differences between them, I found the similarities pretty interesting.

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Glad to be of help. If it's not too much of a hassle, could you notify me of any development with your story (I assume the Fates story)? I do feel a personal investment in this now after all. I am all for juggling ideas.

Glad to have you on board mate. I am most likely to start the story once I have a clear understanding of Fates'. I already know so much about Fire Emblem: Awakening that I know how I want to tweak the plot a little, but Fates is a whole 'nother playing field. With fan translations running about here and there (some of which may be stylized somewhat) there may be different sources of information, but I do want get the story up and running when the hype for Fates is still pretty high. On another note, I do want to start working on my other stories, especially The Lord and the Dark Mage and Reawakening, but don't worry too much since I may be out of my slump for a bit. I'll give you a holler when I have my Fates story up (the title is undecided for now but I'll have something up).

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Glad to have you on board mate. I am most likely to start the story once I have a clear understanding of Fates'. I already know so much about Fire Emblem: Awakening that I know how I want to tweak the plot a little, but Fates is a whole 'nother playing field. With fan translations running about here and there (some of which may be stylized somewhat) there may be different sources of information, but I do want get the story up and running when the hype for Fates is still pretty high. On another note, I do want to start working on my other stories, especially The Lord and the Dark Mage and Reawakening, but don't worry too much since I may be out of my slump for a bit. I'll give you a holler when I have my Fates story up (the title is undecided for now but I'll have something up).

Alright, nice.

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Here are some ideas for names.

Royal families: Nohr royals get a middle name based on their status (king, son, daughter), and the surname "Nohr". In contrast, Hoshido royals simply get "Byakuya".

Garon Rex Nohr

Xander Filius Nohr

Leonidas Filius Nohr *Leo*

Camilla Filia Nohr

Elisabeth Filia Nohr *Elise*

Corrin Filius Nohr/Corrina Filia Nohr

Azura Filia Nohr

Mikoto Byakuya (her maiden name would be Meiji)

Ryoma Byakuya

Takumi Byakuya

Hinoka Byakuya

Sakura Byakuya

Kamui Byakuya

Mizuno Byakuya *Akua* (to my understanding, Azura was adopted to the Hoshidan royal family like how the avatar was adopted by the Nohrian one. If not and she's just a hostage or something, then this is null)

Royal servants: The Nohrians get middle names based on the Knights of the Round Table of Arthurian Myth (my idea for this was that they get the middle names as part of becoming servants to the royals, and they're interchangeable with their last names), while the Hoshidans just get whatever. I'm also counting Felicia (who doesn't have a surname herself), Gunther and Jakob as servants for the avatar.

Jakob Pelleas Winterbell

Felicia Gareth

Gunther Bors Wellington

Lazward Galahad Azur

Pieri Percival Namor

Odin Tristan Eudes

Arsene Aglovale Brandios *Zero*

Luna Lancelot Serena

Belka Bedivere Jack

Arthur Gawain Fortuna

Effie Lamorak Armstrong

Yuugiri Korosu

Yukimura Isoroku

Hattori Kirigakure *Saizou* (shameless idea theft #1)

Kagerou Iga

Oboro Koujirou

Hinata Musashi (shameless idea theft #2)

Asama Shintou

Setsuna kyudo

Kazahana Yagyu

Tsubaki Shinano

The rest:

Silas Carlyle

Nyx le Fay

Benoit Price

Charlotte Donelly


Crimson Leenlee


Anna Hermes Gates


Orochi Yamata




Asyura Watanabe

Izuna Izumo


-Names between asterisks denote nicknames and aliases.

-Children have the same surnames as their parents. Kanna and Shigure would probably have different names if you go Nohr.

-Azura and the avatar both have a birth name and an adopted name.

-When Hoshidans refer to each other by their full names, they do it Japanese-style (so Takumi would be called Byakuya Takumi, Setsuna would be Kyudo Setsuna, etc), while Nohrians do it normally.

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I am curious about this story as well. After doing some searching on the internet, I found out that there's an actual famous ninja known as Saizou Kirigakure, so I think that Kirigakure should be the last name for him and Suzukaze. In real life, Saizou attempted an assassination on Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but due to carelessness, was captured and failed on his mission. In FE,

Saizou attempted an assassination on the Fuuma clan, but failed and lost one of his eyes (Which was said in Saizou's and Suzukaze's B-Support).

Though there are differences between them, I found the similarities pretty interesting.

Oh that is definitely a keeper right there! Nice historical parallel and reference; that is one of the things I'm looking for with these names. Names that are very fitting for each character, and while the name Hattori is very nice too (Saizou and Suzukaze have the Samurai class in addition to being ninjas and Saizou is Ryouma's subordinate) Kirigakure is a near-perfect match for Saizou Suzukaze can share the surname as well of course.

On the subject of the story itself it will follow a similar outline to Fire Emblem: Reawakening. Reawakening is Awakening's plot with some twists here and there, minor and major. Here is the link to the story itself:


My goal with the Fates story I plan on writing is to tie all three of the plots together into one. Even the first five chapters are almost the same as they originally were, but it has two Avatars (always two male and female when it comes to these stories) who each factor into the plot in similar and different ways.

Not to be rude, but unless I am working on the story with someone I'd like to withdraw some crucial pieces of information about it's plot (and Reawakening's plot as well). If you really want to help pitch in then you may do so (I'll open another thread exclusively for that or I'll rename this one). And if I'm being honest, I may actually need the help too; I'm doing this story writing all by myself with no beta reader to speak of. I'm trying to strike some balance between light and dark with these stories.

Frozen_Blades81, on 08 Jul 2015 - 3:49 PM, said:

Here are some ideas for names.

Royal families: Nohr royals get a middle name based on their status (king, son, daughter), and the surname "Nohr". In contrast, Hoshido royals simply get "Byakuya".

Garon Rex Nohr

Xander Filius Nohr

Leonidas Filius Nohr *Leo*

Camilla Filia Nohr

Elisabeth Filia Nohr *Elise*

Corrin Filius Nohr/Corrina Filia Nohr

Azura Filia Nohr

Mikoto Byakuya (her maiden name would be Meiji)

Ryoma Byakuya

Takumi Byakuya

Hinoka Byakuya

Sakura Byakuya

Kamui Byakuya

Mizuno Byakuya *Akua* (to my understanding, Azura was adopted to the Hoshidan royal family like how the avatar was adopted by the Nohrian one. If not and she's just a hostage or something, then this is null)

Royal servants: The Nohrians get middle names based on the Knights of the Round Table of Arthurian Myth (my idea for this was that they get the middle names as part of becoming servants to the royals, and they're interchangeable with their last names), while the Hoshidans just get whatever. I'm also counting Felicia (who doesn't have a surname herself), Gunther and Jakob as servants for the avatar.

Jakob Pelleas Winterbell

Felicia Gareth

Gunther Bors Wellington

Lazward Galahad Azur

Pieri Percival Namor

Odin Tristan Eudes

Arsene Aglovale Brandios *Zero*

Luna Lancelot Serena

Belka Bedivere Jack

Arthur Gawain Fortuna

Effie Lamorak Armstrong

Yuugiri Korosu

Yukimura Isoroku

Hattori Kirigakure *Saizou* (shameless idea theft #1)

Kagerou Iga

Oboro Koujirou

Hinata Musashi (shameless idea theft #2)

Asama Shintou

Setsuna kyudo

Kazahana Yagyu

Tsubaki Shinano

The rest:

Silas Carlyle

Nyx le Fay

Benoit Price

Charlotte Donelly


Crimson Leenlee


Anna Hermes Gates


Orochi Yamata




Asyura Watanabe

Izuna Izumo


-Names between asterisks denote nicknames and aliases.

-Children have the same surnames as their parents. Kanna and Shigure would probably have different names if you go Nohr.

-Azura and the avatar both have a birth name and an adopted name.

-When Hoshidans refer to each other by their full names, they do it Japanese-style (so Takumi would be called Byakuya Takumi, Setsuna would be Kyudo Setsuna, etc), while Nohrians do it normally.

Totally forgot to respond to your list of names. My bad. Anywho, I see what you did with the whole Knight of the Round Table theme with the royal retainers, and I see the Dio Brando reference with Zero (it literally took me over an hour to get the whole thing ^^;, even though I knew that it was a reference right away). There are some names on which the context/meaning is lost on me (Donelly, Leenlee, Shinano, Iga, Isoroku, Koujirou).

NEWS FLASH: Names for the cast in my Fates stories will be finalized by next Monday, so if anyone has anymore ideas it's best to get them in beforehand. On that note, this is a list of my chosen/personal favorite names for the characters ("original" means my idea, second generation characters share their immediate parent's surname, and nicknames are denoted by ""):



Yamato Kamui (Male Avatar)

Corrin Plantagenet (Female Avatar)

Gunter Guesculin

Felicia Arendelle

Jakob/"Joker" Michaelis (original)

Aquazura/"Aqua"/"Azura" Pallas Mizuchi (original)

Yamato Sakura

Minamoto Kazahana

Takeda Tsubaki

Kirigakure Suzukaze

Zhurong Rinka

Seimei/"Susano'o" Tsukuoymi

Yamato Takumi

Takeko Oboro (original)

Musashi Hinata

Kirigakure Saizō

Yamata Orochi

Gozen Yūgiri

Chiyome Kagerō

Camilla Plantagenet

Serena/"Luna" Lear (original)

Ddraig "Belka" Ddu (original)

Inari Nishiki

Flannel Bigby

Silas Bedivere

Elise Plantagenet

Arthur Pendragon

Effie Tarth

Benoit Sauveterre (original)

Charlotte Flair/"Bad Girl" (original)

Rokkaku Ashura (original)

Nyx Tartarus le Fay

Yamato Ryōma

Yamato Hinoka

Benkei Asama

Chosokabe Setsuna

Ddraig "Crimson" Goch (original)

Xander Plantagenet

Leo Plantagenet

Owain/"Odin" Eudes Lowell (original)

Inigo/"Lazward" Montoya (original)

Pieri Bathory (original)

"Zero Brandio"

Susano'o Fūga

Hideyoshi Izana

Yukimura Sanada

Flora Arendelle

Yoshida Mozume (original)

Anna French Gates



Canna Plantagenet

Yamato Kan'na

Mizuchi Shigure

Dia Michaelis

Sophie Bedivere

Kirigakure Midoriko

Yamato Shinonome

Yamato Kisaragi

Kirigakure Gurei

Inari Kinu

Musashi Hisame

Benkei Mitama

Takeda Matoi

Seimei Shara

Siegbert Plantagenet

Foleo Plantagenet

Ignis Sauveterre

Velour Bigby

Lutz Pendragon

Ophelia Lowell

Soleil Montoya

Éponine Brandio




Takeko Haitaka

Zhurong Kumagera



Nacht Ddu

Dragée Cousineu (original)









Marth Lowell (original)

Ike Paris (original)

Lucina Lowell (original)

Robin Wyrmtongue Lowell (original)

Roy McReynolds (original)

And remember, I would like each submitted name to relate to the character personally (it can be an attribute of theirs or even contrasting) or allude to another person or group, fictional (like Felicia and Flora to Anna and Elsa) or real (like Yūgiri to Tomoe Gozen). By the way, if a character does not have a surname, it's either an error or I haven't come up with one for them yet.

Edited by BlueSunStudios
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Some comments about the names:

- I am not sure where you got Murahono for Rinka from. I would suggest "Zhurong", after lady Zhurong from the Chinese epic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", in which she is the only woman to fight in that book. She is named after Zhurong, the god of fire, and Koei portrayed her as a dark-skinned, midriff-baring woman.

- Same thing for Toppumura, I am at loss. My thought is Susanoo, the Japanese god of sea and storms, for the Wind Tribe chief Fuuga.

- Nyx la Fey (after Morgana la Fey) was suggested previously and I think it rolls of the tongue better. It's hinted that Nyx did some pretty bad things in the past with her sorcery power, much like the tale of Morgana.

- I am surprised you didn't go for Sanada Yukimura, the famous samurai who commanded the Toyotomi forces in the sieges of Osaka. It's also a double homage, as Sanada Yukimura's original name was Sanada Nobushige, named after Takeda Nobushige, the tactician of the Takeda and the lord's brother.

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EDIT: The names have all been put into my documents on my computer. This thread will now be closed in preparation of the new thread I plan to put up.

Edited by BlueSunStudios
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EDIT: The names have all been put into my documents on my computer. This thread will now be closed in preparation of the new thread I plan to put up.


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