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Amigo's Class Trees

S.C. Amigo

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As the title says, this is my own unique take on the several classes usually seen in the FE games and my version of their promotions. However, classes like the dancer, or manaketes or trainee classes are not included. There is also two versions. The first is based off the more traditional weapons & magic triangle style, then the second is the new dual weapons triangles introduced in Fates.

First, the traditional kind. Please comment and voice your thoughts!

Original Weapons & Magic Triangle Style:

*Myrmidon (Sword)

**Trueblade (Sword) <-> Ranger (Sword and Bow)

*Mercenary (Sword)

**Sentinel (Sword and Lance) <-> Hero (Sword and Axe)

*Lancer (Lance)

**Slayer (Lance) <-> Halberdier (Lance and Bow)

*Soldier (Lance)

**Sentinel (Lance and Sword ) <-> Vanguard (Lance and Axe)

*Brigand (Axe)

**Berserker (Axe) <-> Warrior (Axe and Bow)

*Fighter (Axe)

**Hero (Axe and Sword) <-> Vanguard (Axe and Lance)

*Archer (Bow)

**Sniper (Bow) <-> Halberdier (Bow and Lance)

*Hunter (Bow)

**Ranger (Bow and Sword) <-> Warrior (Bow and Axe)

*Thief (Knife)

**Assassin (Knife) <-> Rogue (Knife and Bow)

*Armor Knight (1/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe)

**General (2/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe) <-> Great Knight (Sword, Lance and Axe)

*Cavalry Knight (1/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe)

**Paladin (2/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe) <-> Great Knight (Sword, Lance and Axe)

*Pegasus Knight (Lance)

**Pegasus Master (Lance and Anima Magic) <-> Pegasus Wizard (Lance and Choice of Light Magic [/] Dark Magic)

*Wyvern Knight (Lance)

**Wyvern Master (Lance and Sword) <-> Wyvern Lord (Lance and Axe)

*Shaman (Light Magic)

**Druid (Light Magic and Anima Magic) <-> Sangoma (Light Magic and Choice of Staff [/] Knife)

*Mage (Anima Magic)

**Sage (Anima Magic and Choice of Light Magic [/] Dark Magic) <-> Consular (Anima Magic and Choice of Staff [/] Knife)

*Wizard (Dark Magic)

**Sorcerer (Dark Magic and Anima Magic) <-> Enchanter (Dark Magic and Choice of Staff [/] Knife)

*Priest (Staff)

**Bishop (Staff and Choice of Light Magic [/] Dark Magic) <-> Abbott (Staff and Anima Magic)

*Healer (Staff)

**Defender (Staff and Choice of Sword [/] Axe) <-> Guardian (Staff and Lance)

Edited by S.C. Amigo
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And now the Fates-inspired one.

New Primary & Secondary Weapons Triangle Style:

*Myrmidon (Sword)

**Trueblade (Sword) <-> Weapons Master (Sword, Lance and Axe)

*Mercenary (Sword)

**Sentinel (Sword and Lance) <-> Hero (Sword and Axe)

*Lancer (Lance)

**Slayer (Lance) <-> Weapons Master (Lance, Sword and Axe)

*Soldier (Lance)

**Sentinel (Lance and Sword) <-> Vanguard (Lance and Axe)

*Brigand (Axe)

**Berserker (Axe) <-> Weapons Master (Axe, Sword and Lance)

*Fighter (Axe)

**Hero (Axe and Sword) <-> Vanguard (Axe and Lance)

*Armor Knight (1/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe)

**General (2/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe) <-> Great Knight (Sword, Lance and Axe)

*Cavalry Knight (1/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe)

**Paladin (2/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe) <-> Great Knight (Sword, Lance and Axe)

*Pegasus Knight (Lance)

**Pegasus Master (Lance and Sword) <-> Pegasus Archer (Lance and Bow)

*Wyvern Knight (Lance)

**Wyvern Master (Lance and Axe) <-> Wyvern Mage (Lance and Magic)

*Mage (Magic)

**Sage (Magic) <-> Warlock (Magic and Lance)

*Wizard (Magic)

**Sorcerer (Magic and Sword) <-> Juggernaut (Magic and Axe)

*Assassin (Hidden Weapon)

**Whisper (Hidden Weapon) <-> Reaver (Hidden Weapon and Lance)

*Thief (Hidden Weapon)

**Rogue (Hidden Weapon and Sword) <-> Outlaw (Hidden Weapon and Axe)

*Archer (Bow)

**Sniper (Bow) <-> Halberdier (Bow and Lance)

*Hunter (Bow)

**Ranger (Bow and Sword) <-> Warrior (Bow and Axe)

*Priest (Staff)

**Bishop (Staff and Magic) <-> Templar (Staff and Bow)

*Healer (Staff)

**Defender (Staff and Hidden Weapon) <-> Guardian (Staff and Lance)

Edited by S.C. Amigo
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