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About skill gaining with promoted units


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If I remember correctly, promoted classes can learn pre-promote skills upon level up.

However, there's something I'm curious about. Say you have a promoted class that's like the Bow Knight -- it can come from the Mercenary or Outlaw class. Does that mean that if one parallel seals into the class, he will learn the Outlaw skills, the Merc skills, or both upon level up?

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Well it's depending on where the bow knight class comes from, if it comes from the outlaw class set then upon leveling up they'll learn the outlaw skills and if it comes from the mercenary class set they'll learn the mercenary skills, but i'm not if a unit the has both class sets gets both the outlaw and mercenary skills.

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I think I remember reading in an older topic that a Great Knight Effie (who gets the class from her base Knight) married a Cavalier and then suddenly started learning Cavalier skills while in Great Knight. This suggests to me that the game does the following:

- When a unit gets an S support, the base class of the spouse (or the secondary class if both units share the same base class) is immediately added to the unit's pool of unpromoted classes (but is somehow still banned from access via parallel seals)

- Whenever a unit gains a level in a promoted class, the game checks the unit's pool of unpromoted classes for anything that can promote to the unit's current class

- If any of these classes have skills that the unit has not already learned, the unit can learn all of these skills by leveling up in the promoted class.

In the situation that a unit receives a class (from marriage/buddy seals etc.) that shares a promotion with the unit's secondary class, and the unit directly parallel seals into this shared promotion without ever having spent time in either of the corresponding unpromoted classes, I'd assume that all 4 of the unpromoted skills can be learned, but have no idea how the priority would be determined.

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Essentially, yes you can. BUT only if you have access to the unpromoted class in the first place.

So, in your example, if Zero, an outlaw, promoted to a Bow Knight, he would not learn Mercenary skills since he does not have access to the Mercenary class itself.

There do not appear to be any characters that have overlaps in their base classes (i.e. someone that has Cavalier and Knight which would both overlap in Great Knight) so the only way to do this is to parallel seal into your other class tree or to get an A+ and/or S support with someone in that other base class.

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