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Let's talk about Anna! Theory Crafting~


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But you can use Midoriko as a money-maker since her personal skill boosts the Easy Life and Smithy skills, and she can get both easily, and with puppeteer she could also make a double of herself to grind more gold. Even though Anna can get both Easy Life and Copycat, a 20% activation bonus is something to value heavily, since we don't know how much money Anna would get upon beating an enemy, and nabbing Smithy for her would be costly since likely only the Avatar could pass it to her.

But of course, like I said, there are other ways of getting money, but that's a lot of work to make sure the character can bring in cash, but Anna gives you money the second she joins, with no extra effort.

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Some skill setup Ideas for Anna as a Zerker and Sorceror


Axefaire: for more damage

Copy Kat: cause, two Annas are better than one!

Extravagance: doing +10 damage and taking -10 damage is too OP

Lucky 7: Having that +20 to Hit and Avoid, is always good, especially to offset the nature of low hit rates in this game.

Sol: for survivability!

Preferred Weapons:

Killer Axe: due to her ridiculous Lck Growth, and Zerkers innate high crit, this will have criting more times than not!

Bolt Axe: For some range coverage, and her high magic growth will ensure that she'll make great use of this weapon!

notes: Her res growths and +2 stat mod, means she can still take magic hits like a boss, unlike other zerkers who have really low RES growths like Charlottes 5%... So she doesn't need to make use of tomebreaker to combat magic weakness. Stat wise, she'll be extremely well rounded as a zerker. She'll have no weaknesses. Her base growths will offset the Zerkers natural weaknesses, using extravagance can easily offset her lower strength growth in comparison to someone like Charlotte (Anna: 55, Charlotte: 80), at the very least Anna will crit more, so in a sense do more damage, as well as have higher survivability.


Copy Kat: 2 Annas

Extravagance: same as above~

Bow Breaker: cause enemy Bows are too OP

Lucky 7: same as above

Life taker or Vengence: one for either more survivability, or the other for more boom.

Preferred Weapon:

No explanation really

Mjolnir: to take advantage of her high luck

Excalibur: for damage

Nosferatu: for when things get dangerous.

She's pretty straight forward as a sorc, her natural classes gives great support to the sorc class. And her stat growths just makes her perform extraordinarily well as one too. She's guaranteed to max out most of her stats as a sorc. So you really can't go wrong as one.

If there's anything you guys wanna add or change, or any comments on these skills/item setups. I'd be happy to listen. I wanted to add Household cure in there somewhere, since it's a pretty neat skill, to be able to use a healing item and then perform an action right afterwards.

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Little offtopic but you can build a Resturant in my Castle and apparently Anna is one of the best cooks! f**k yeah.


She actually could makes a good Wicce Witch when the class is available :

Growths :

HP 40

STR 30

MAG 80

SKL 35

SPD 60

LUK 75

DEF 20

RES 5.

And she can also become a Maid. With Felicia's Ice Tray, she could be decent.

That looks rly good! i will definitely give her a try as a witch

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Little offtopic but you can build a Resturant in my Castle and apparently Anna is one of the best cooks! f**k yeah.


That looks rly good! i will definitely give her a try as a witch

Anna can cook?! Best Waifu confirmed! lmao

Okay here's some information overload, I've put together a spreadsheet outlining her average stat growths as a fighter > berserker, assuming that you S rank her and parallel asap. Of course there'd be some stat differences if you wait longer to parallel, but it's easier this way to remove that variable


A quick summary:

Berserker 20/1

HP: 41

STR: 25

MAG: 15

SKL: 18.5

SPD: 20.5

LCK: 23

DEF: 11.5

RES: 16.5

Berserker 20/20

HP: 54.5

STR: 36

MAG: 26

SKL: 27.5

SPD: 31.5

LCK: 27

DEF: 15.5

RES: 25.5

Best Zerker confirmed? lol

As a comparison, here's Charlotte's level 20/20 average stat as a zerker

HP: 59.55

STR 43


SKL: 26.5

SPD: 34

LCK: 22.5

DEF: 14.8

RES: 6.45

Anyway just for a little fun, let's see what levels she'd be to max each of her stats

HP: level 20/44

STR: level 20/26

MAG: Already Maxed

SKL: level 20/30

SPD: level 20/21

LCK: Already Maxed

DEF: 20/99 >_> I wouldn't try

RES: 20/24

So on average it wouldn't take too much work to get most of her stats maxed.

I'll see if I can put together a spreadsheet for her other classes as well, when I'm able to.

Edited by HTakara82
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Anna is bestest waifu once again. And this time, since the children are tied to the fathers, I won't feel especially suboptimal for not marrying a character with a child of their own, (even with the presence of Aqua). Still would be nice to see an Anna child one of these days. Lil' Mini Anna!

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Not that it really matters, but has anyone found a way to recruit Anna yet?

Not yet sadly

Anna is bestest waifu once again. And this time, since the children are tied to the fathers, I won't feel especially suboptimal for not marrying a character with a child of their own, (even with the presence of Aqua). Still would be nice to see an Anna child one of these days. Lil' Mini Anna!

It's actually less optimal to marry her, cause there's less females to go around this time, the only way to get all the kids is to marry Anna, lol

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Thought I would check out what Anna stats would be like if she were to swap back to Adventurer from level 20/20 zerker, and the stats are actually better if she were to went straight to Adventurer without parallel sealing lol

HP: 47 <--- 3 pts from cap

STR: 28 < --- Cap

MAG: 32 <---- Cap

SKL: 25 <---- 2 pts from cap

SPD: 32 <----- 1 pt from cap

LCK: 27 <----- Cap

DEF: 13 <------ don't bother

RES: 33 <------ 1 pt from cap

Here's a spreadsheet outlying her growths if you went pure thief > adventurer


I honestly don't really recommend leveling as an adventurer, their growths are pretty meh, and not having any growth mods to HP, really makes Anna extremely fragile.

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Idk what level she's recruited at, but since it takes time to develop an S support with her, you might want to temporarily reclass her to Herb Merchant to get her HP growths up in the meantime. It comes with pretty nice skills for short-term use and it is her true calling in life anyways.

Edit: Nvm she's recruited at level 10, I thought we didn't know yet

Edited by Bovinian
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Idk what level she's recruited at, but since it takes time to develop an S support with her, you might want to temporarily reclass her to Herb Merchant to get her HP growths up in the meantime. It comes with pretty nice skills for short-term use and it is her true calling in life anyways.

Yeah Herb Merchant has the best stat growths in her pool of classes, giving most of her stats 50%, it's a good stand in, till you can swap her out to something else. Although it wouldn't hurt to keep leveling in the merchant class tree. I'll start calculating her stats as a Merchant and see what it'd be like by level 20.

But yeah, she joins at a low level, level 10/-- to be exact.

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Anna can cook?! Best Waifu confirmed! lmao

Okay here's some information overload, I've put together a spreadsheet outlining her average stat growths as a fighter > berserker, assuming that you S rank her and parallel asap. Of course there'd be some stat differences if you wait longer to parallel, but it's easier this way to remove that variable


A quick summary:

Berserker 20/1

HP: 41

STR: 25

MAG: 15

SKL: 18.5

SPD: 20.5

LCK: 23

DEF: 11.5

RES: 16.5

Berserker 20/20

HP: 54.5

STR: 36

MAG: 26

SKL: 27.5

SPD: 31.5

LCK: 27

DEF: 15.5

RES: 25.5

Best Zerker confirmed? lol

As a comparison, here's Charlotte's level 20/20 average stat as a zerker

HP: 59.55

STR 43


SKL: 26.5

SPD: 34

LCK: 22.5

DEF: 14.8

RES: 6.45

Anyway just for a little fun, let's see what levels she'd be to max each of her stats

HP: level 20/44

STR: level 20/26

MAG: Already Maxed

SKL: level 20/30

SPD: level 20/21

LCK: Already Maxed

DEF: 20/99 >_> I wouldn't try

RES: 20/24

So on average it wouldn't take too much work to get most of her stats maxed.

I'll see if I can put together a spreadsheet for her other classes as well, when I'm able to.

Anna is getting better and better.

Man that looks promising she is such a good unit in Fates.

I really enjoying your posts keep up the great work!

Not that it really matters, but has anyone found a way to recruit Anna yet?

Probably Spotpass.

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Just saying this now.

Kamui Anna


K amui anna


Kamui x Anna confirmed canon!

lol I think every hardcore Anna fan had noticed this haha

But yeah so I went ahead and did some calculations on Anna's growths as a merchant... extremely well balanced

if you parallel her immediately to merchant her base stats are at leve 10/--

HP: 25

STR: 12

MAG: 10

SKL: 10

SPD: 10

LCK: 16

DEF: 10

RES: 13

and at level 20/--

HP: 30.5

STR: 17

MAG: 15.5

SKL: 14

SPD: 15

LCK: 23.5

DEF: 13

RES: 18

and at cap 20/20

HP: 42.5

STR: 28.5

MAG: 26 -- CAP

SKL: 23.6

SPD: 24.55

LCK: 41.65 ( cap @ 34)

DEF: 20.7

RES: 30 -- CAP

No glaring weaknesses, no real strengths either, can tank magic users like a boss, and with the use of spears, can make use of the magic spears quite well, along with the magic bows.

to be honest, it's probably best to level her up to 20/-- and then parallel her to something after marrying to avatar. Because she has really great and balanced stats at 20/-- no matter what class you change her to, she'll perform really well in it.

Oh and canon confirmed!



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