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Does anyone even use Kamui's Dragon form?


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I barely used it on my two Hoshido Hard playthrough. On my first, I used Kamui (+Def, -Mag) as a General mostly so the stone was not an option, and even if it was the -Mag would make it an horrible idea. My second Kamui (+Speed -Res) never used it due to preventing it from doubling (and she ended up as a Dread Warrior after all since -Res was a really, really bad idea).

However, I'm finding myself constantly using it on my Hard Nohr playthrough and I'm currently at chapter 20. I picked +Mag -Skill, and while I do try to use magic or sword once in a while, I end up having to use the stone just to win the stages. Lately, Kamui is too slow to double any enemy unit and since her magic score is actually higher than her strength stat, the Dragon Stone actually deals more damage. It also has the benefit of being basically immune to effective weaponry (I've seen like 1 dragon slayer past chapter 5) unlike basically every other tanky unit on Nohr. I'm really looking forward to actually getting another stone beside the E rank one though (I think you get a new one in like chapter 15 on Hoshido, so I'm surprised I haven't got one yet).

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I barely used it on my two Hoshido Hard playthrough. On my first, I used Kamui (+Def, -Mag) as a General mostly so the stone was not an option, and even if it was the -Mag would make it an horrible idea. My second Kamui (+Speed -Res) never used it due to preventing it from doubling (and she ended up as a Dread Warrior after all since -Res was a really, really bad idea).

However, I'm finding myself constantly using it on my Hard Nohr playthrough and I'm currently at chapter 20. I picked +Mag -Skill, and while I do try to use magic or sword once in a while, I end up having to use the stone just to win the stages. Lately, Kamui is too slow to double any enemy unit and since her magic score is actually higher than her strength stat, the Dragon Stone actually deals more damage. It also has the benefit of being basically immune to effective weaponry (I've seen like 1 dragon slayer past chapter 5) unlike basically every other tanky unit on Nohr. I'm really looking forward to actually getting another stone beside the E rank one though (I think you get a new one in like chapter 15 on Hoshido, so I'm surprised I haven't got one yet).

You don't get the stronger stone in Hoshido until

Chapter 23 from Camilla

and in Nohr you get it three chapters earlier from a Chest.

While I did use it for a while on my +Magic playthrough, I immediately parallel sealed to Spellcaster when I could and I was significantly more effective.

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Wait. If the dragon stone is immune to super effective weaponry as Ayra said, would that mean I could just use the Dragonstone against the likes of Marth and Lucina (who uses the Falchion, said to be the apex dragonslaying weapon) without any problem?

Edited by FluffyWarlock
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Wait. If the dragon stone is immune to super effective weaponry as Ayra said, would that mean I could just use the Dragonstone against the likes of Marth and Lucina (who uses the Falchion, said to be the apex dragonslaying weapon) without any problem?

They didnt say that they just said that dragon slaying weapons are extremely uncommon. On another note does kamui always have the dragon weakness, regardless of class, Or is it only in dragon form?

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Seeing that another poster mentioned it, what are the thoughts on a -SKL flaw.

-20% growth is a big hit… it lowers your skill from 40% growth, and also gives a -2 SKL starting penalty. Assuming SKL works like Awakening, that should be a 3% hit rate loss at first, right? Over time it will compound to (.4-.2)*38+2 = 9.6 points behind on average by 20/20, or an average hit rate penalty of 14.4% (15% if we round up to 10). And it does admittedly basically ruin opportunities to trigger proc skills, so that is also a substantial drawback.

Although are are a bunch of fixed damage increasing abilities as well (Prescient Victory [+4 on player phase], Patient Assurance [+3 on enemy phase, mutually exclusive with Prescient victory], Open Assault [+3 ], Overbearing [+5 to non-mounted units], the weapon-faires [+5 when equipped with that weapon type], Line of Death [unconditional +10 damage given and received], Extravagance [+10/-10 damage taken received when coin is spent, etc.), that provide fixed damage bonuses that are much more predictable [they have their own strings attack, but you know when they're going to work, so if you're entering battle on a particular set of conditions you already know how its going to turn out, rather than begging for a proc to happen] .

And at least if you were going with Bowman or something you could Raven Strike as a Holy Bowman to get +40% hit for the player phase. Or you could go with the Dark Mage line… they also have bad SKL growth, but they do get Bind [ When fighting adjacent to an enemy, enemy’s Avoid -20], which inflicts -20% Avoid to the enemy when they're adjacent to you, which could significantly offset your hit rate penalty. And since the promotion of that class, Dark Knight, uses a Sword anyways, you could even carry over your sword rank and keep using Yato… sure, you'd have to wait until promotion to get Dark Knight, and you'd still have issues with procs, but that Bind would basically correct your Hit rate at close-quarter sword (Yato) use to normal levels in main-game..

But the class has other issues, like being slow, so I don't know…

I need to stop theory-crafting and get to work….

And Bind could be carried over to the Dragon form if necessary to offset its hit rate issues…

Edited by astrophys
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