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FE9 HM LTC <= 111

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Migrating this topic from the general Tellius thread to FE9 (since I was originally planning on doing a combined PoR/RD LTC).

Anyway, the gist of this run is that I managed to obtain the elusive 3-turn clear of Chapter 2, which means that at least 1 turn can be shaved off of Chiki's 112 turn run. Here are my stats post Chapter 2:

Ike:       5.48 23  9   2   9   11  9   8   2  (C Rank in Swords)
Titania:   1.30 BASE
Oscar:     3.24 BASE
Boyd:      2.54 BASE

So as you can see, I have an extremely RNG-blessed (and relatively high level) Ike, but Boyd/Oscar are rather EXP-starved. Total turns so far are, of course 9. I've got the Steel Sword on Ike (although it has taken a beating), a Steel Axe for Boyd/Titania, and the Speedwing from Ch. 2 boss.

I don't have any means of recording video (that I know of), so any suggestions for how to let you guys follow along? I might be able to go with screenshots (not sure if I have this capability), but need an alternative to LPix (not a member=limited uploads).

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In the meantime, I suppose I should give my 3-turn strategy for completing chapter 2. Note that an RNG blessed Ike is practically a requirement for following this strategy.

Turn 1: Boyd heads directly east, attacks fighter (this is just to get EXP). Ike moves also heads east, takes out fighter w/ Steel Sword. Oscar also heads straight east, as does Rhys, who shoves Ike.

Enemy Turn 1: A fighter and bandit attack Ike and are killed by his double counterattack. A bandit and fighter move approach the party from the north. Enemies in the west move in closer

Turn 2: Boyd and Oscar team up to take out the fighter (I gave Oscar the kill). Rhys heals Ike (if he needs it, otherwise Boyd/Oscar, but make sure he is not exposed!). Ike criticals the bandit with the Steel Sword.

Enemy Turns 2: Enemies from West get even closer. One of the bandits surrounding Ikanau moves south.

Turn 3: Titania shows up. Have her kill and get into position (equip Steel Axe!) to take out the 3 western enemies, preferably blocking their path from reaching the rest of the party. Ike pushes as far NW as he can. Boyd/Oscar/Rhys get out of the way, with Rhys healing someone if he can.

Enemy Turn 3: Western enemies suicide on Titania. Everything else attacks Ike; he criticals the boss and the myrmidon to clear the chapter.

Edited by ruadath
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Still haven't figured out the videos issue yet, but I decided to run Chapter 3 (3 Turns) since nothing interesting happens there anyway; no level ups, no rigged fights. Here is the obligatory post-chapter breakdown:

Spoils: Vulnerary, Hand Axe (used), Elixir, Marcia (talked to)

Ike:       5.59 23  9   2   9   11  9   8   2  (C Rank in Swords)
Titania:   1.70 BASE
Shinon:    1.08 BASE
Gatrie:    9.31 BASE
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Not using Dolphin. Should I? I bet it's probably not too hard to set up.

Probably not; it's very CPU intensive. The next best method is like... using your cell phone.
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I paid my friend (he knows nothing about Fire Emblem, but the instructions were fairly simple) to perform the mind-numbing resetting involved for the 3 turn, and he didn't let me down! I'm excited to see what happens next!

This is just ridiculous. Sorry, but after seeing how unsportsmanlike this run is I refuse to help you and support it any further.

If you think paying someone to RNG abuse for you is something to be proud of, and it makes you a good LTC player, you're sorely mistaken.

Edited by Chiki
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If you think paying someone to RNG abuse for you is something to be proud of, and it makes you a good LTC player, you're sorely mistaken.

I never claimed to be a good LTC player; in fact I haven't done any LTC runs before. I'm just trying to effect the lowest turns possible in a run and logging my progress as I go along.

It is more of a personal challenge to myself, rather than an attempt to take any credit away from you, if that is how you are interpreting it.

Edited by ruadath
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I don't see what's wrong with what Ruadath did. Either way, he got results without cheating, and that's what counts.

I kind of think paying someone else to do part of your own playthrough for you is cheating, or at the very least very cheap.

People should work for their own records by themselves.

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For reference, my "friend" is actually my younger sibling who lives with me. Under normal circumstances, I would have been happy to perform the resets myself (I've done worse things for the FF9 E2PG challenge, if anyone here knows what that is), but I just didn't want to get pulled away from the other challenges I am currently running (FE7/FE8/FF9/Disgaea) which I found more interesting (and are also currently higher priority for me in terms of completion).

Regardless of that, I'm not trying to make any enemies. If you guys disapprove of behavior here, then I sincerely apologize and will take down this thread. I'm new here and don't want to offend anyone. Maybe I will join that Tellius Saga draft StrykerZ is doing instead.

Edited by ruadath
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i don't really see what's wrong either; it's more of a "lol wow really thing"

but what's really not ingratiating is the whole attitude of beating the previous record by copying every other strat and then doing one chapter a turn faster (that to my knowledge, we already knew how to do faster) by paying a younger brother to do the mindless bitch work that is resetting for consecutive <4% critical hits

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but what's really not ingratiating is the whole attitude of beating the previous record by copying every other strat and then doing one chapter a turn faster

Obviously, I haven't gotten to any of the difficult parts yet, but so far I've only been looking at Chiki's turn counts and the general benchmarks on his thread. I haven't read any of his advanced strategies yet. Like I said, this is more of a personal challenge for me rather than a competition, and obviously it would be no fun to simply watch Chiki's videos and mimic every action of his to get the desired result.

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but what's really not ingratiating is the whole attitude of beating the previous record by copying every other strat and then doing one chapter a turn faster (that to my knowledge, we already knew how to do faster) by paying a younger brother to do the mindless bitch work that is resetting for consecutive <4% critical hits

So? Don't we ALL borrow strategies from each other, in one way or another? Otherwise, our playthroughs and Efficiency logs would be complete garbage.

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So? Don't we ALL borrow strategies from each other, in one way or another? Otherwise, our playthroughs and Efficiency logs would be complete garbage.

I didn't borrow any strats for my FE9 playthrough. It's much more satisfying to come up with it on your own.

Edited by Chiki
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I honestly don't see anything wrong with what the OP did. Ruadath (or actually, his or her sibling) simply executed what was thought possible for a long time. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see NO signs that he or she feels superior to Chiki purely because of potentially beating his turn count by one.

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I know what it's like to bust your ass on a run and not have (relatively) much feedback, so I'll stick around and try to show my support. It's mostly because I was hardly ever involved with FE9 LTC... o:

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Thanks, Soul! It's quite alright, actually; I've been focusing on my FE7 Max Tactician Stars run, and just cleared chapter 10 (in fact 11 too!) today. 58 stars on Lyn Mode! Very happy with that and excited to press on. I might not come back to this for a while, or at least will be doing it at a slower pace.

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I feel as if what he did on Chapter 2 was wrong. You may have been busy but that's something subjective to this run and if you didn't have enough time to dedicate to it then you should have waited for a more suitable timeframe to start.

I don't see a problem with you referencing Chiki's turn counts though. They're benchmarks and set the pressure for you to try to beat it so good luck in that regard. I'd like to see this in a video format so I'll recommend OBS recording software for you to use, it's fairly light recording software.

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