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FE4 Ending Glitch


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Hi there,

I've heard about a glitch in the translation patches for Fe4 that freezes the game in the epilouge. Just wanted to know if there is any fix for it or a translation patch, that has it fixed.

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To my knowledge, such a patch doesn't exist as of now. What you can do is make a save state prior to the ending, get an unpatched rom (or just remove the patch temporarily if you're soft-patching), load the state and you can view your turncounts and such.

If you just want to see the ending, you can find some translations here.

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I think there was a post earlier that explained why this problem happens and why there is no quick fix. Something about all the different combinations of marriage partners in Gen 2 inheritor which province or whatnot?

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I think there was a post earlier that explained why this problem happens and why there is no quick fix. Something about all the different combinations of marriage partners in Gen 2 inheritor which province or whatnot?

The Gen 2 pairing is not the cause of this freezing glitch

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