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Criticals and Skills Activation Video for Kids and Canon Parent

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Wait, how were canon parents determined?

I believe someone found the "Canon" hair colors and went from there. Those are not, however, the canon hair colors...

Edited by Respite&Nepenthe
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Wait, how were canon parents determined?

I think when the OP says canon, they mean default parent.(Like Kaze is canon parent of Midoriko)

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I believe someone found the "Canon" hair colors and went from there. Those are not, however, the canon hair colors...

I think when the OP says canon, they mean default parent.(Like Kaze is canon parent of Midoriko)

...Oh you mean like how like in Awakening, people will say that, for example. canon parent for Morgan has to be someone with black hair, or Owain would have to be Vaike or Libra because of the yellow hair or something? Stuff like that?

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...Oh you mean like how like in Awakening, people will say that, for example. canon parent for Morgan has to be someone with black hair, or Owain would have to be Vaike or Libra because of the yellow hair or something? Stuff like that?

I think canon parent means the dad or mother in Shigure's case.

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It seems characters only get 3 Crit Quotes this time.

If I heard the what thet said correctly, it seems as if there are some callbacks to Awekening's critical quotes. Odin and Lazward both have 2 of the same quotes as Owain and Inigo (Except Odin actually says "Hissatsu (I think I spelled that right)! *Name of the technique*!" (I'm not fluent in Japanese yet) instead of "Kurae! Hissatsu!" and Lazward gets an entirely new quote (I think. The one I think is different he speaks too fast for me to understand.) I don't remember Gaius' critical quotes, but I know he shares at least 1 of them with Grey and Saizou. Matoi also shares 1 of them with Cordelia. Tsukuyomi and Shara seem to get 2 of Tharja's quotes (I'm still confused about why he didn't get any of them from Ricken).

I wonder how the localization team is going to handle this. I think this is a neat touch, but considering how children didn't inherit Critical Quotes in Awakening's Localization, I'm worried about the callbacks being lost.

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...Oh you mean like how like in Awakening, people will say that, for example. canon parent for Morgan has to be someone with black hair, or Owain would have to be Vaike or Libra because of the yellow hair or something? Stuff like that?

In Awakening, the canon parent was the Mother, or Male Robin for Morgan. In Fates, it's the Father or Female Corrin for Kanna. The canon parent is the one that determines the child.

Therefore, the Crit Quotes of the Children in Fates are similar to their Fathers.

Edited by Landmaster
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I understand that. I thought this guy was saying that he knew the canon mothers for all the children.

No really, that was an awkward way to go about calling them the child of those characters, as if to imply there's a way where they can't be related.

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First time I've heard half of these character's voices so thanks for the link.

Kind of disappointed that it looks like kids don't get recolored eyebrows.

Maybe they named her Midoriko because her eyebrows were green.


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Thank you so much for that! I loved hearing all of that, although I'm looking forward to seeing the subs so that I can understand what they're saying. I always appreciated the localization's new children critical quotes, but the slight differences between the parent's and child's quotes really gives a lot away.

For instance, I found it really surprising that Lazward says "...Gomene" while Soleil sings "Gomene~." They're obviously used with two entirely different connotations.

A difference that struck me as odd was between Azura and Shigure. Is it simply that Azura uses casual language, or that Shigure is really formal? Because Azura doesn't strike me as the casual person, but Shigure kept adding on to her quotes.

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WAAAAIT... eyebrow colour is fixed for children!? ... that's really WEIRD... 0_o'

I'm hoping this is because its a hacked version or something.

EDIT: Guessing it is because something was borked, since eyebrows are fine on the canon images here

Nevertheless, thankyou for that video...

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A difference that struck me as odd was between Azura and Shigure. Is it simply that Azura uses casual language, or that Shigure is really formal? Because Azura doesn't strike me as the casual person, but Shigure kept adding on to her quotes.

Aqua uses casual speech, and Shigure uses formal. Other than that they're essentially saying the same thing.

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Aqua uses casual speech, and Shigure uses formal. Other than that they're essentially saying the same thing.

I see, thank you!

Also, what's the difference between "gomen" (Shinonome) and "gomene" (Lazward, Soleil)? Is it simply a matter of formality once again, in which the former is "sorry" and the latter is "I'm sorry"? Or is there actually a difference in meaning or connotation?

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