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Well, I think that asking things like 'Is this a comic book version of a campaign Donald Trump?' opens them up to criticism more than 'Explain why Mexico would pay for your wall plan'. or 'Explain the logistics behind deporting 10,000 people' does. Then again, the GOP base doesn't care much about policy anyway so I don't think much policy talk would have happened regardless.

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"explain why your tax plan would blow a 1.1 trillion dollar hole in the budget"

*rants about liberal media and gotcha questions*

i think of all the awful things sarah palin has left us with, the concept of "gotcha questions" has to be the worst part of her legacy

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I think the whole debate format might be antiquated anyway. Somehow in the age where we have access to tons of information instaneously, candidates can just make ridiculous claims with the only counterbalance being how convincing the argument against them sounds.

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i think debates are still important so that you can have face to face engagements, but it does seem to be meaningless ever since republicans realized that they can just make up facts.

i'm looking forward to the next democrat debate, since it will only be 3 people. they could probably do a roundtable or something.

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to be fair

cnbc has to have known that the GOP candidates would've been on the lookout for anything they could latch on to to satisfy their persecution complex

the one thing that every conservative does is complain that the media is too liberal

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yeah they were woefully unprepared and indept to handle the GOP's bitching and lying.

still though, i would look forward to see one of these whiners try to negotiate with putin.

That's the GOP for you.

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You should vote!

I know it's basically impossible not to be cynical about how undemocratic and corrupt the political system is today, but the least you can do is vote for the better party. The GOP wins midterms because voter turnout is so bad.

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You should vote!

I know it's basically impossible not to be cynical about how undemocratic and corrupt the political system is today, but the least you can do is vote for the better party. The GOP wins midterms because voter turnout is so bad.

i was kidding omg

but i didnt vote because i totally forgot it was election day yesterday. i had a midterm and discovered path of radience which i never played before. but i wonder what will happen now. was yesterday the election for the democratic/ republican primaries?

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at the very least, the democrats swept the open supreme court seats and statewide judge elections in pennsylvania, so we can expect some fixing of the gerrymandering over there

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People didn't vote in Congressional elections, Congress is highly ineffective and leads to anti-establishment movement, anti-establishment candidates have a lot of issues.

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People didn't vote in Congressional elections, Congress is highly ineffective and leads to anti-establishment movement, anti-establishment candidates have a lot of issues.

alternatively, when the GOP has spent a half-century courting dixiecrats, then the religious right, and then the tea party, one can see how their repeated faustian bargains have created a self-reinforcing spiral of madness that resulted in the clown show we're all witnessing right now

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I'm still not sure if the party is as fringe and marginal as they look, or you know, there's a chance someone like Trump could actually win the presidency. I mean as it is, the GOP has no trouble winning state legislatures, and Democrats aren't getting the House any time soon.

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there's a chance someone like Trump could actually win the presidency.

He's winning the polls but they only take into account what the more dedicated GOP voters think. Neither Trump nor Carson have a realistic chance to win against Clinton when it comes to getting the majority so I don't think either of them will actually turn out to be the GOP candidate. I think it's between Rubio and Bush at this point.

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Yeah, no, Bush's campaign is fairly hopeless. Rubio does have a shot at doing better in a general election, but I doubt that will somehow translate to how the primaries are done.

rubio's also had a pretty bad week, though of course it doesn't compare to what a trainwreck ¡jeb!'s campaign has been

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Carson actually is polling better right now in a general election against Clinton than any other GOP, but most people are doubtful that this will last. I don't think he's responded well to media criticism, such as being questioned on his claim that the United States would be like Cuba if it weren't for Fox News. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/ben-carson-comment-flashback-us-would-be-cuba-without-fox-news The 'nice guy' persona seems to be wearing off, but he has gotten this far.

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he's been under fire for lying about a west point scholarship, and he's making up some evangelical narrative about how he used to be a violent back stereotype who tried to stab his friend before he found god, but as long as he keeps complaining about persecution and libruhl media, i don't know if he'll deflate.

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conservative media (e.g. the national review) is also calling carson out over this stuff

imo if he reacts to being questioned over what he put in his biography by melting down like this, he's unfit to have his finger on the nukes button

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