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Fun fact: the last time the Republican party had the house, senate majority, and the white house was in 1928.

That is incorrect. They held all 3 from 2003-2006.

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@Tuvarkz: OK, thanks. See, stuff like Draft Our Daughters is not something I'd get to experience the effects of, being north of the border.

Re: Gender and Racial Identity: I agree that ideally a vote is a vote, and a person is a person, but at the same time, being the way I was born means that my beliefs and thoughts are colored by that point of view. I don't see the doors that are opened or closed by that identity, for example.

Re: Presidency: I would agree with the idea that Trump is racist, that he has no idea what he's doing (outside of his campaign) politically, and that he's not fit for presidency. However, I would also say the same of Clinton save switch racism with Russian xenophobia, insomuch as she has a record of carelessness with state secrecy, was completely tone deaf for the majority of the latter half of the campaign, and she wants to reignite the Cold War, judging by the position on Syria.

In other words, I think both candidates are incredibly weak, to the point that the only presidential choices they could've beaten were each other (And Cruz).

The decision then becomes, would I want to vote for the idiot bigot (and against the idiot warhawk), or the idiot warhawk (and against the idiot bigot)? It's kind of like being between a rock and a hard place, then, since the reality is I don't want to vote for either. In that same light, I can't exactly condemn or praise someone for their choice without knowing more about why they voted. Just labeling someone based on their vote and vote alone is an easy way for disenfranchisement, after all.

I can elaborate on why I'm calling both of them idiots, if people want, but I'll wait for now.

Anyways, PA called for Trump by AP. It's effectively over.

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Great. A loose canon, pro Pupin populist is now the most powerful man in the world. That's going to be suck for Europe.

Its also a dark warning considering we often hear that America had at least some grasp on the Economic crisis. Its going much worse here so this makes our fall to populism even more likely.

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I try to put myself in the shoes of a Trump supporter. To have this opinion that's clearly not accepted in mainstream media and being constantly brow-beaten by those they perceive to be in power, only to cast your vote and see how many people shared that opinion with you while simultaneously seeing the media and pundits lose their minds must have been so cathartic that, to them, it's probably worth whatever nonsense Trump will pull for the next four years. I feel like we, as liberals, have become somewhat condescending to those that don't share our opinion and this is what may have caused Trump to win. We had control of both the presidency and the media for too long.

Edited by UNLEASH IT
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On the one hand I was relieved to be incapable of voting; on the other hand, I would've wanted to vote against Trump. Oh well.

Great. A loose canon, pro Pupin populist is now the most powerful man in the world. That's going to be suck for Europe.

Its also a dark warning considering we often hear that America had at least some grasp on the Economic crisis. Its going much worse here so this makes our fall to populism even more likely.

My post-Brexit family are wide-awake and even more panicked than they were after Brexit.

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First Brexit and now this, when will people realize that rich white teenage liberals on twitter are not a representation of an entire population?

Polls are inaccurate for a lot of reasons beyond this.

Great. A loose canon, pro Pupin populist is now the most powerful man in the world. That's going to be suck for Europe.

Its also a dark warning considering we often hear that America had at least some grasp on the Economic crisis. Its going much worse here so this makes our fall to populism even more likely.

Make the world great again!*

*white males only

I try to put myself in the shoes of a Trump supporter. To have this opinion that's clearly not accepted in mainstream media and being constantly brow-beaten by those they perceive to be in power, only to cast your vote and see how many people shared that opinion with you while simultaneously seeing the media and pundits lose their minds must have been so cathartic that, to them, it's probably worth whatever nonsense Trump will pull for the next for years. I feel like we, as liberals, have become somewhat condescending to those that don't share our opinion and this is what may have caused Trump to win.

That transition was made a long time ago. Left-wing media is all about that shaming, as is a saddening amount (not necessarily a majority) of so-called 'progressives'. After all, it's much easier to shame and vilify to try and understand. Methinks the left and right are not very different in that regard.

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That transition was made a long time ago. Left-wing media is all about that shaming, as is a saddening amount (not necessarily a majority) of so-called 'progressives'. After all, it's much easier to shame and vilify to try and understand. Methinks the left and right are not very different in that regard.

They're the exact same.

That's what this election is telling us.

America (and I would wager to say the rest of the world) is ideologically divided and they can't figure out a respectable way to coexist.

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That transition was made a long time ago. Left-wing media is all about that shaming, as is a saddening amount (not necessarily a majority) of so-called 'progressives'. After all, it's much easier to shame and vilify to try and understand. Methinks the left and right are not very different in that regard.


Which means that if there's any lesson to be learned from this election, it's that everyone yelling loudly ends with shitty results. I hope this carries over to the rest of SF, and IRL. A little respect and compromise can go a long way!

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I'd also say that there's a case to be made against manufactured consent, as a result of tonight.

Edited by Snike
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I try to put myself in the shoes of a Trump supporter. To have this opinion that's clearly not accepted in mainstream media and being constantly brow-beaten by those they perceive to be in power, only to cast your vote and see how many people shared that opinion with you while simultaneously seeing the media and pundits lose their minds must have been so cathartic that, to them, it's probably worth whatever nonsense Trump will pull for the next four years. I feel like we, as liberals, have become somewhat condescending to those that don't share our opinion and this is what may have caused Trump to win. We had control of both the presidency and the media for too long.

I still see no reason to not be condescending. I'll double down on it in fact.

Saying things like this just marginalizes my struggles. I'll take what Eclipse said and attempt to apply it, but I also deserve the right to defend myself and my kin. Every day in my classes I hear people say things that are homophobic or transphobic and I shouldn't have to take it. I developed a condescention complex just from having to slash away at people who are speaking maliciously of me, even if indirectly because they don't know. That became my method for responding to everything that isn't in agreement with me. I can attempt to be nicer, but we both know that my treatment could easily get worse IRL.

@Eclipse - the treatment of Bi people is terrible, I agree. I dunno what that has to do with you "supporting" us or not, and people like Lady Gaga and Rebecca Sugar are definitely helping on that front.

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I try to put myself in the shoes of a Trump supporter. To have this opinion that's clearly not accepted in mainstream media and being constantly brow-beaten by those they perceive to be in power, only to cast your vote and see how many people shared that opinion with you while simultaneously seeing the media and pundits lose their minds must have been so cathartic that, to them, it's probably worth whatever nonsense Trump will pull for the next four years. I feel like we, as liberals, have become somewhat condescending to those that don't share our opinion and this is what may have caused Trump to win. We had control of both the presidency and the media for too long.

I agree and disagree.

It's good and important to remain humble. It's definitely important not to be condescending.

Mainstream media, eh. I guess it depends on what and who you follow. I read an interesting criticism of online media; our access to information is ever greater, but it's also rarely properly vetted in any way and it's easier to find sources pertaining to your bias. Who is perceived to be in power? The U.S. has always leaned to the right and capitalism reigns supreme.

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I still see no reason to not be condescending. I'll double down on it in fact.

Saying things like this just marginalizes my struggles. I'll take what Eclipse said and attempt to apply it, but I also deserve the right to defend myself and my kin. Every day in my classes I hear people say things that are homophobic or transphobic and I shouldn't have to take it. I developed a condescention complex just from having to slash away at people who are speaking maliciously of me, even if indirectly because they don't know. That became my method for responding to everything that isn't in agreement with me. I can attempt to be nicer, but we both know that my treatment could easily get worse IRL.

@Eclipse - the treatment of Bi people is terrible, I agree. I dunno what that has to do with you "supporting" us or not, and people like Lady Gaga and Rebecca Sugar are definitely helping on that front.

I care about the struggles that your people have, but obviously the majority of America doesn't or think that you've overstepped your boundaries. And all your attitude is going to to do is encourage more apathy.

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I still see no reason to not be condescending. I'll double down on it in fact.

Saying things like this just marginalizes my struggles. I'll take what Eclipse said and attempt to apply it, but I also deserve the right to defend myself and my kin. Every day in my classes I hear people say things that are homophobic or transphobic and I shouldn't have to take it. I developed a condescention complex just from having to slash away at people who are speaking maliciously of me, even if indirectly because they don't know. That became my method for responding to everything that isn't in agreement with me. I can attempt to be nicer, but we both know that my treatment could easily get worse IRL.

@Eclipse - the treatment of Bi people is terrible, I agree. I dunno what that has to do with you "supporting" us or not, and people like Lady Gaga and Rebecca Sugar are definitely helping on that front.

If you fight fire with fire, you just get a bigger fire.

By attacking them as well, you're enforcing the idea that it's okay to be a dick. So in actuality, you're only exacerbating the problem. Yes, you do have the right to defend yourself. But there has to be a thing as 'defending yourself with grace'.

Also, it goes without saying that you should talk with your teacher if you hear homophobic language in your classroom so they can do something about it.

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I agree and disagree.

It's good and important to remain humble. It's definitely important not to be condescending.

Mainstream media, eh. I guess it depends on what and who you follow. I read an interesting criticism of online media; our access to information is ever greater, but it's also rarely properly vetted in any way and it's easier to find sources pertaining to your bias. Who is perceived to be in power? The U.S. has always leaned to the right and capitalism reigns supreme.

Yes this is true, but the perception that people have is that liberalism is the main ideology in America.

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So, jumping on this bandwagon at it's exciting conclusion. Curious to know, why have the majority of the people voted (in this poll which is what I'm going by, course the actual election proves the point just as much) against considering a third party?

Edited by Jotari
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You have the right to defend yourself and your kin, however that doesn't mean that other people are below you, Cykes. I am sorry to hear that you have to deal with such things being said about LGBT groups, but that doesn't justify lashing out at everyone and everyone as a result. Treat others how you yourself want to be treated, is what I would say is the golden rule.

That being said, don't let them walk all over you, either. There is a line between assertion and condescension, after all.

Re: Media: I think there was sort of an echo chamber going on that didn't help things, either.

@Jotari: The first past the post system is what neuters third party voting, if that's what you mean. It's kind of like the same problem we've had in Canada for years, which is hopefully going away soon.

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One issue is that defending oneself with grace rarely works. People either aren't heard until they're rioting, or they're accused of rioting anyway.

The DAPL situation is an excellent example. Peaceful, unarmed people have been protesting for months. They finally manage to get some exposure in the media, and in response they're getting thoroughly trampled on... and rumors are spread of their violence (despite all video evidence to the contrary) to justify the arrests and armed police presence.

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well that was unexpected to say the least. i was really, really looking forward to hearing a lot less out of him but now it's going to be ampilified ten times over and it's going to go on for four years. this is much worse than brexit lol.

So, jumping on this bandwagon at it's exciting conclusion. Curious to know, why have the majority of the people vote (in this poll which is what I'm going by, course the actual election proves the point just as much) against considering a third party?

being third party alone doesn't make you a good candidate

if the u.s. wants a feasible third party, they have to build it from the ground up and focus on getting those people in the other branches of government instead of trying to be hipster and only focusing on the general election every four years. it is possible - it has happened - but it doesn't happen often enough.

the two parties have been in power for hundreds of years for a reason.

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