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Found an interesting bug.


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This only applies to second gen characters. If you have another version of a character in the logbook from my castle battles and then start a new game. If you recruit that person from the logbook before you actually get them in game they will have the hair color of the one from the logbook in all their dialouge and support scenes.

As an example, I recruited a Midoriko last playthrough for a good money maker. She had Aqua's hair color. I started a new playthrough and bought that same midoriko with Aqua's hair color from the logbook. In game she behaved like errjinahr, no text or dialouge. Normal so far then I s ranked kaze with Hana. When I went to recruit midoriko in her dialouge scenes and support convos her hair is Aqua's hair color but in game and in battle it is brown like Hana's.

Edited by Aquaze
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"Hana...why does our child have blue hair?"

"Th-this is not what it looks like, Kaze! There has to be some explanation for this!"

"It was that Shigure, wasn't it? He's the only man with hair like that in the army. I knew I shouldn't of trusted him...it's over, Hana."


Seriously though, if this isn't fixed in the western release, I may just exploit it purely far aesthetic purposes.

Edited by Zachmac
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"Hana...why does our child have blue hair?"

"Th-this is not what it looks like, Kaze! There has to be some explanation for this!"

"It was that Shigure, wasn't it? He's the only man with hair like that in the army. I knew I shouldn't of trusted him...it's over, Hana."


Seriously though, if this isn't fixed in the western release, I may just exploit it purely far aesthetic purposes.

It's funny because no fucks are given for hair color in basically every set of siblings that aren't the offspring of player-controlled shipping, in every (post-Kaga) Fire Emblem ever

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Found a work around for this bug thank goodness. That hair color was annoying me.

The way to get around this is you have to delete the unit you got from the logbook. You don't have to delete them from the logbook just your current roster. Afterwards the supports and dialouge Portraits go back to the hair color of the unit you recruited on your current playthrough. You can re add the deleted unit to your roster afterwards and it will remain fixed.

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Interesting. I'm actually going to do this because I don't like the idea of children having variable hair colours. I'll just get whatever's closest to the default. How can Midoriko be called that without green hair?

It's funny because no fucks are given for hair color in basically every set of siblings that aren't the offspring of player-controlled shipping, in every (post-Kaga) Fire Emblem ever

I don't think they ever talked about hair colours very often. Ike and Mist were discussed off-game in a Q&A ("Why does Ike have blue hair, unlike Greil and Mist?" "His mothers hair is blue"), but that's it.

If you mean how siblings have the same hair colour or not, both have happened

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I'm assuming this works with streetpass second gen units too? I found a Luna!Matoi in an online My Castle battle on Nohr file, and I want to see that hair color when I start my Hoshido one because I won't be getting the third path.

What about when you're checking your inventory or skills? Does the first hair color show (in Midoriko's case, does the blue hair show, or does the brown hair show)?

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