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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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gnocchi is manna from heaven

and hey i guess this is my other favorite way to eat potatoes

Edited by I.M. Gei
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gnocchi is manna from heaven

well hell, there you have it

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINETEEN: What's the furthest you've ever walked?

Edited by Integrity
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the longest in recent memory was when i walked from my hostel in tollcross to a pub, had a pint of cider, then walked to arthur's seat and very stupidly climbed it while hamstrung from alcohol

after climbing down i then walked to prince's street, through the edinburgh christmas market, then through the old town, and back to my hostel

Edited by I.M. Gei
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In one day? I think something like 10 or 15 miles. Not sure.

Context: I had to climb up a mountain to visit some stupid, grimy, out of the way temple and then climb back down. It was the literal worst.

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Context: I had to climb up a mountain to visit some stupid, grimy, out of the way temple and then climb back down. It was the literal worst.

I don't think I ever walked that long just to see a temple, but when I was in Japan I did go up one or two mountains to see temples. They were great.

One of them was that tengu one.

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Uh I have been on a couple super long hikes, I don't quite remember how long the longest was

At least one of them was maybe 4.5-5 miles? (I feel like the trail itself was meant to be 2.25 one way or something and we went on that trail, went a bit further, then took the same trail back)

But at the same time I think we might have taken one a bit longer. I know for sure that trail was about 10 miles overall if we went back and forth but we didn't walk the whole trail. It was maybe around 6 miles we walked?

So final answer is 5 at LEAST

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I don't think I ever walked that long just to see a temple, but when I was in Japan I did go up one or two mountains to see temples. They were great.

One of them was that tengu one.

Man, that sounds pretty cool. Probably better than my experience, anyways!

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The longest walk in recent memory was a family hike in which my mom took us down what she thought was a 3 mile loop that turned out to be a 10 mile one. We went about 8 miles total before we found a road and someone went back to get the car. If it had only been the older family members, we probably would have done the whole 10.

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