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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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please note the word unreasonable, this differentiates it from the hype question


I am unreasonably hyped for Xenoblade Chronicles X (as evidenced by my avatar) despite knowing next to nothing about it besides

a) successor to Xenoblade Chronicles

b) customizable Gundams

I'm also in a state of perpetual hype for Super Smash Bros.

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I was feeling like shit roughly two nights ago and had the worst migraine of my life*. Because I'm a moron, after taking some pills I did not try to sleep and instead roughed it out while playing FFX. The headache went away while I was doing that, and after I went to sleep later and woke up, I remember feeling super excited to be able to walk around the house without suffering.

*Exaggeration to create suspense

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My second semester in my Game Design course, there's a long story as to why this has happened so I'll just tell you what happened.

The schedule was so f**** up for the first couple of weeks and there were a lot of days I did that were straight up 9AM to 9PM. It improved greatly in the second half but I'm glad that course is over.

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Q745: My hair always looks pretty good, I think. It's the blessing of having curls. My mom says I'll probably be bald at a young age though. :(

Q746: I don't know. I was a little more hyped for Sinterklaas than I should have been - I'm not a child anymore, so it (being a children's holiday) is not as great as it once was. And now the presents are always the same anyways: clothes, candy and Tolkien books. Still, the candy is great and so is spending a nice night with the family~

So I wouldn't say it was unreasonably excited, just more excited than necessary.

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When I made my first deposit into my PayPal to save for my car's modifications.


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Literally space marine knights on robot hover horses, with super fighting robots and castles on tank treads

edit: actually I take it back this is completely justified hype

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Literally space marine knights on robot hover horses, with super fighting robots and castles on tank treads

edit: actually I take it back this is completely justified hype

Yeah no definitely justified.

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