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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Women's fashion is a lot more flexible than men's

It's acceptable for women to wear frills but it's not nearly as acceptable for men

no frills

something is wrong with men's fashion :C

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Women's fashion is a lot more flexible than men's

this is true

It's acceptable for women to wear frills but it's not nearly as acceptable for men

this is arguable

I'm male so they are all terrible. We need better clothes.

this is stupid

Edited by fuccboi
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Women's fashion is a lot more flexible than men's

It's acceptable for women to wear frills but it's not nearly as acceptable for men

no frills

something is wrong with men's fashion :C

In the fancy clothes aren't the frills pretty acceptable for men.

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this is arguable

eh I'm sure it is~

In the fancy clothes aren't the frills pretty acceptable for men.

Idk how acceptable but that's what my "nearly as" is for

just my "no frills" part is the exaggerated part

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I don't really have a favorite season for fashion. But being female, I do get more options and stuff. I like winter if only because I get to wear a scarf but I don't like wearing thick coats. And summer allows me to wear dresses and skirts. At least that'd be true when I was in NY. Winter here still allows me to wear dresses/skirts with a scarf. So I guess 'winter'?

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eh I'm sure it is~

Idk how acceptable but that's what my "nearly as" is for

just my "no frills" part is the exaggerated part

I don't know that I've ever seen anyone express the slightest disregard for frills on men.

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200 kph, which i think is ~125 mph is the fastest i remember going on the autobahn

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX: What's your paper-writing style? First draft best draft, or revisionism?

I tend to revise, but not very in depth. Could be why im not published yet lmao

i used to be first draft, but recently i've started to outline my papers first and fill in the bones, works much better

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN: Do you get the itch for spring cleaning? Does it actually correlate to the onset of spring at all?

A bit. The Spring Cleaning Bug is in the household right now, and id be joining in, if i i didnt have a really massive headcold.

i'm feeling it rn, tbh. it's very regularly more like spring break cleaning than spring cleaning though

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT: What's your favorite season for fashion?

cuz everyone dresses different when it gets cold except white guys who always seem to be wearing baggy shorts and flip-flops around campus it's fucking 15 out justin what the actual hell dude



W I N T E R.

Its when my fashion powers are at their strongest.

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Women's fashion is a lot more flexible than men's

It's acceptable for women to wear frills but it's not nearly as acceptable for men

no frills

something is wrong with men's fashion :C

Men's fashion is too rigid apparently. It can totally have just as much freedom as women's in terms of style, look, and color. And other.

this is stupid

Dude, if I could actually have the clothes I would like to style in. You would know true fabulousness.

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However I admit that I don't discuss frills much on men or on women.

weirdly, as someone who's into fashion discussion a lot, I've never seen people talk about dudes in frills outside of the occasional nice thing about how dudes should wear more frills

I do think the range of 'normal' men's fashion could stand to branch out more tho

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Dude, if I could actually have the clothes I would like to style in. You would know true fabulousness.

sorry man, bowie you ain't

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Winter's pretty nice cuz you get coats and gloves and stuff. I dress the same every season otherwise.

this except also s c a r v e s t h o

Although I have come to appreciate fall and spring a lot more recently because one of my friends has great outfits for those seasons. Despite being a guy coughcoughcough.

I need to get better coats and/or overwear.

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Dude, if I could actually have the clothes I would like to style in. You would know true fabulousness.

i would hold my judgement but somehow i doubt what you would like to style in is in any way outside normal conventions, and that you have much idea about men's fashion in general if you think that you "can't" wear what you'd like to

Edited by fuccboi
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Winter=Hoodies(gray, dark velvet, black, white) + jeans(occasionally khakis)/sweatpants +gray-black scarf

Summer & Autumn=Long-sleeves + shorts

I have a boring/dull sense of fashion...unless a scarf is fashionable for winter, I'm nothing out of the ordinary (I hope lol).

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sorry man, bowie you ain't

You are correct. I am me.

i would hold my judgement but somehow i doubt what you would like to style in is in any way outside normal conventions, and that you have much idea about men's fashion in general if you think that you "can't" wear what you'd like to

Not so much can't but do not have the monetary means to create the clothing I would like though it would still not conform to your own preference of fashion.

It's fine yo. I understand that you have your own sense of fashion and I have my own but we cannot deny the fact that men's fashion is not as creative as it could be but it's not like my own sense of fashion is absolute or anything like. That's why fashion is subjective.

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Not so much can't but do not have the monetary means to create the clothing I would like though it would still not conform to your own preference of fashion.

my own preference for fashion is probably different to yours you are 100% correct but you will notice that has nothing to do with what i said??

It's fine yo. I understand that you have your own sense of fashion and I have my own but we cannot deny the fact that men's fashion is not as creative as it could be but it's not like my own sense of fashion is absolute or anything like. That's why fashion is subjective.

okay i get it people have different tastes lol this is relevant in 0 ways. that's pretty sidesteppy

it is passingly true that men's fashion is restrictive in that it has a fairly clearly defined structure (shirt top, trousers, shoes) and this is a point of contention i have with it but stylistically you can get as creative as you like off that base. thinking otherwise is having a very narrow understanding of the scope of "men's fashion" and probably more telling of a lack of confidence to dress to preference. i don't think i have a very unique sense of fashion (note: i can appreciate fashion for what it is wrt other people, i only have a preference when it comes to myself) but it is definitely markedly Gay As Hell and though that's garnered comments among people i know it isn't particularly malicious and it's not like i care in the first place, because the way i dress up is ultimately a form of personal expression.

it would be disingenuous of me to say "fashion isn't subjective" because in the end everything is, but i do think that there are things that aren't aesthetically pleasing. outfits might not flow together well, certain articles of clothing might be ill-fitting and badly tailored, body structure might not lend itself well to an outfit, but notice that none of these things hang upon stylistic sensitivities. maybe it's overstated, but "just do you" rings true here. don't blame vague concepts like "men's fashion" (possibly society) for your projected insecurities (though i understand your point about economic viability. fashion is unfortunately expensive as shit, and i'm sorry you can't realise your vision for yourself).

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