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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Chrono Trigger for sure, that game is still amazing compared to what's out today. Shoutout to Majora's Mask too.

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Ogre Battle 64 which remains my favorite game of all time.

This is jostling with Age of Empires 2 at the top of my list for aging well.

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Pretty much all Nintendo games from the SNES onward. I use my Wii U as an "aged really well" machine for all the classics I missed.

If you gave more specific criteria I could probably narrow it down.

I thought we had to justify our opinions on the video games with objective facts?

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This is jostling with Age of Empires 2 at the top of my list for aging well.

Whoa awesome you like OB64 as well ^^

Age of Empires 2 is pretty grand too yeah. I still remember playing the Star Wars spinoff version of it, Galactic Battlegrounds I believe it was called.

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I thought we had to justify our opinions on the video games with objective facts?

I had no idea of this rule?
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Much as I love melee I don't think it's aged very well compared to smash 4 or probably brawl.

I think it's probably aged better than Brawl, and Smash 4 hasn't aged at all.

imo SSB4 is basically Brawl but better; if I want to play a Brawl-like game I'd just play Smash 4. otoh, neither of them scratches the same itch as Melee does. The competitive community seems to agree with me, since Melee tournaments are rather larger than SSB4 tournaments (for the record, I only enter SSB4 myself).

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I had no idea of this rule?

You see, Zera has staked his internet reputation on this forum, exalted www.serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showforum=23, as an excessively pedantic man with an inflated opinion of his relevance, insisting in his topic - named 'Kirby: Planet Robobot Discussion' at time of writing - that anyone who holds any form of dissenting opinion (one will note; 'opinion') needs to back it up with some form of objective fact. When noted Good Forum User necktie tested this with science, Zera responded by ignoring him. So it was, if not wholly unexpected, certainly hypocritical for him to waltz into this, the QOTD Thread on high-quality troll-free board FFTF, and state his own opinion with none of his beloved 'objective facts'. As a result, I pointed that he had violated his perverse and frankly disgusting rules. Hopefully, the scorn and scrutiny has taken its toll on Zera to the extent where a cheap shot such as this resonates, almost some sort of 'straw breaking the camel's back' approach. I don't think this is that likely, however, given Zera's previous responses to attitudes that in any way clash with his own. So it goes.

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master of magic (1994) is literally as resolution upgrade from being a relevant modern 4x game. it doesn't even need, like, a UI overhaul or anything.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FOUR: Tell us of a game you like, but which really has not aged well at all.

paired questions are the best because i chug one out on a late morning and then the next day, an early morning, i just do the partner

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Donkey Kong Country 2. The pre-rendered 3D graphics look great, the soundtrack is fantastic and unlike many games of today, it's something that you can pick up and play in less than 5 minutes (which can be said of many older games but I have to point this out because most games of today are plagued with 15-30 minutes of boring nonsense to go through).

The only thing that may have not aged well is perhaps the difficulty, gamers starting around the Wii/X360/PS3 generation may have a difficult time with the game.


Fire Emblem Gaiden. I like the game but it's not something you can recommend to people and expect them to actually finish. In terms of graphical quality it is better than FE1 but it's still a slow NES game and the EXP gain is just plain slow. At least it's the best game when it comes to early promotion.

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nice job missing the question by like two minutes, sirius

hey everyone let's laugh at this slow poster who put thought into his answer lmao

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Sonic Adventure 1, while I adore most of its concepts and stages, hasn't aged all that gracefully, compared to its sequel especially in most aspects.

Although it still has my favorite OST in the franchise arguably.

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Quest for Glory 2. The fact that it was never officially updated to move to the point and click adventure from text parser was quite the shame, but I have to admit the fan remake did quite a good job with it, so perhaps it doesn't deserve to be on the list.

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i want to say sonic adventure because I hear people say it aged really bad, but I don't even think it was good to begin with

I don't really like talking about a game's "aging" because a lot of the time it doesn't really make much sense so i'll just go with that anyway because i can't fucking think of a good answer

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