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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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a small stuffed bunny a friend gave me and a beaded bracelet

used to have a one direction tag but it fell off and i couldn't be bothered to put it back on and maybe that's an okay thing

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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kate bought me a cynthia keychain and that keychain contains............................................................... my keyfab.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY-THREE: Post something that just takes you back, man.

and tell us why

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Sometime last year, it was a very peaceful time spending days in the area where that song played, just chilling out and chatting and doing dungeons and stuff. Sure takes me back.

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This song honestly means more to me than any most, because I listened to it on many occasions when I'm feeling down or I need inspiration for writing.

Edited by Dr. ShadowZen/Lady AliciaR
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As I looked to find this song just to place here.

I listened to it for a few moments, and I felt like I was 5 again, playing Pokemon Pearl. The piano incorporated into the music was simply magical.

Gen 4 is such a magical generation, it introduced a lot of stuff that my little 5 year old head was simply awed by.

A time where I had no worries, everything was good, didn't have an interpretation of stress then. Little responsibility except just being a kid.

Edited by ~Summer~
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there's a small collection of smells (rubbing alcohol, cocoa butter lotion, stuff like that) that i smell it and it's like i'm 6 again and sitting in my mom's tattoo parlor on north shore playing on my gameboy while i wait for her to finish a session

smell is such a crazy vivid memory trigger

Edited by Specta
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This song honestly means more to me than any most, because I listened to it on many occasions when I'm feeling down or I need inspiration for writing.

As I looked to find this song just to place here.

I listened to it for a few moments, and I felt like I was 5 again, playing Pokemon Pearl. The piano incorporated into the music was simply magical.

Gen 4 is such a magical generation, it introduced a lot of stuff that my little 5 year old head was simply awed by.

A time where I had no worries, everything was good, didn't have an interpretation of stress then. Little responsibility except just being a kid.

ayeeee i remember both of these. and they both bring me back.

personally i'll have to go with this;

before smart phones having all my songs on it, i had to listen to the radio a lot. i had this little triple A powered radio that i could plug headphones into and it was so shitty. but that was a big deal to middle school me. this song would always play.

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there's a small collection of smells (rubbing alcohol, cocoa butter lotion, stuff like that) that i smell it and it's like i'm 6 again and sitting in my mom's tattoo parlor on north shore playing on my gameboy while i wait for her to finish a session

smell is such a crazy vivid memory trigger

yo right holy shit. i remember once i was on the train and someone passed me by that wore the same perfume a friend wore and that made me feel all messed up and nostalgic

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Sometimes I go back and re-watch the first Let's Player I ever saw (Azureblade49) and it's like going back in time to the 6th grade. Just 10 minutes of reminiscing about middle school. The 10 minute limit on YouTube videos can stay in the past however.

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My strongest nostalgic connections are with music.

Sarah McLachlan's song Angel makes me remember when my dad would drive me and my brothers around neighbourhoods in december to look at christmas lights a really long time ago and liked to play this song around that time

[spoiler=uhhhhh shrinking the rest of this because I have LOTS of song connections]There's an entire album I can't listen to anymore because I was listening to it the day it was announced in school that somebody I knew died (who I later heard from students had committed suicide)

Kalafina's album Consolation (particular the songs Al Fine and Consolation) gives me feelings of joy and.... hope? and plenty of inspiration. Because that's what OP played the first time I was driven around by him and it always makes me think of the picnic we had (and sometimes the zoo but not so much because I have multiple zoo memories with you)

Kanon Wakeshima gives me strong associations with looking at lolita fashion websites (fitting~) and gets me in the mood for it again

The song The Undertaker's Thirst for Revenge is Unquenchable by Chiodos reminds me of a time I was in a playground and it was just a bit after sunset at the time so it was getting pretty dark. It doesn't give me any particular feelings like lots of other songs/albums do tho, just memories

Casting Such a Thin Shadow by Underoath reminds me of a time when I was hiking with my family and the song was already calming to begin with but the memory makes it feel even more calming

The album Great White Whale by Secret & Whisper makes me think of a book I read a while ago and one of the more melancholic songs on that album makes me think of a one of the sadder moments in the story.

Edit: oh and I feel really nostalgic listening to the album The Hearts of Lonely People by Isles & Glaciers too but idr what they're trying to remind me of

Edit edit: oh and another underoath song makes me think of a time of just sitting in the truck at a gas station waiting on my dad to fix something that was wrong with it and another another underoath song makes me think of SF Purgatory and maybe vaguely reminding me of another hiking trip where we were waiting at this sort of two-story wooden tower for my older brother and his girlfriend to show up to join us

so yeah idk I get strong emotional attachments to music, especially if there's an instance in my life where I hear it repetitively or especially if the moment means a lot to me.

and then after hitting the post preview button I got to see that that was one real huge block that was probably better off splitting into different paragraphs aaaaaaand maybe spoiler the rest of them too

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Smells are the biggest trigger for me. My mom has always been pretty into candles and the smell of them always takes me back. She wears the same perfumes as years ago so that too.

Sound is a big one too but I can't think of anything specific offhand.

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This seems like a good choice:

As a child, I had Warcraft II borrowed from a friend. Pretty much the only game of that era that I managed to devote a decent amount of time to that wasn't Microsoft Flight Simulator. I didn't really know how to actually play games though. I went through the entire game with cheat codes since no one told me that I wasn't suppose to do that. When I bought the Battle.Net edition years later, it was one hell of a nostalgia trip. Unfortunately I somehow managed to loose the disc and now the game is rather hard to come by.

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It's really silly, but this video. It's how I got into YTPMV (and very indirectly Touhou), back in summer break of 2013. The year before that was the year where I first started taking up responsibilites, the year after it continued that development and also was the first year where I really started dealing with stress. This summer break was also the time I got FE13. Reminds me of a more carefree time.

Generally speaking though, music has the highest nostalgia factor for me. When something important happens in my life, the song that I'm listening to at that time or that's playing in my head at that time is likely to be forever associated with that event.

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