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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I played Dota for a bit, then hon for like 4 or so years until Dota 2 came out, which I play now and then. I've sunk so many hours into these games I can't play them as much as I used to, but it's been interesting to see how much they've blown up over the years

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I used to play Dota 2 on and off, but I haven't in a while due to my computer overheating and shutting down every time I tried to play it.

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yes, smite

the community is fun




you could have said you ripped that chat log from LoL and I'd believe you.

Anyway I play League on occasion. More often than not though, it's just to get my first win, and then maybe a few arams/normals a week if i'm invited.

i tend to spam ranked games towards the end of seasons just to keep my silver border for next season

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you could have said you ripped that chat log from LoL and I'd believe you.

I've played a little bit of League too but moba communities are just generally terrible, and I'm usually solo queuing because i have no friends not too many people I know play Smite. Though that was from me winning a 1v1 game.

I met a guy that sent me death threats so I reported him and assumedly it got his account permanently banned. Then I saw another account with like one changed letter who once again sent me death threats. So I did the same again. I'm pretty sure this guy just makes multiple accounts to both smurf and send death threats to people, what a guy.

though i did have this game where some guy intentionally fed from the beginning and went 0-41 and we still won


also i want dismiss people who use for play bullshits gods


i've got a lot of these

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...What are those? Sorry, never good with abbreviations...

multiplayer online battle arena

games like League of Legends, DOTA 2, Smite, Heroes of the Storm, etc.

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Senior year in high school, I only had 4 classes that really mattered (out of 7), so after like 12 I'd just chill and play dota with a few friends (still made A's in all of those classes somehow).

However I haven't played any recently.

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