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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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virtual boy says hi

people generally don't like things that are just shit

but they can like shit gimmicks

like how the wii says hi

and how everything from apple shits money

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people generally don't like things that are just shit

but they can like shit gimmicks

like how the wii says hi

and how everything from apple shits money

they do like them, but they tend to get bored of "gimmicky" things after a while

like, nowadays no one really cares about motion controls

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VR looks cool for certain kinds of games, I'd personally like to play a SAO MMO with it. It's going to be too expensive on my country though, and I don't know if it'll work properly with me because I can't see with my left eye (hence why 3D glasses fail miserably with me).

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I have a feeling that VR is going to end up like motion control gaming

everyone loves it at first

two weeks later everyone goes back to the way they were

not to mention the install base will always be smaller than the primary consumer base making it more risky to make a VR game

therefore, not as many devs will make VR games, leading to less of a reason for a casual player to pick one up, and having VR headsets in fewer homes makes it more risky to make a VR game for a Developer

all in all a lower install base makes making a game for VR all too risky, and not having many VR games makes it look less apealing to the general consumer base

and 1 less reason for someone to pick up a VR headset

I feel like it's going to end up like the Kinect

however I feel like this is going to be more useful in the medical training field than actual gaming

Edited by Captain Karnage
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i'm intrigued but holy fuck that price point

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIVE: Answer these one hundred questions.

1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

2. What are your greatest weaknesses?

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

5. What would the difficulty be set at?

6. Favorite fe game?

7. What constitutes a good day for you.

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

9. What FE character do you relate to most?

10. Black or white?

11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?

12. Why gharnef?

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?

14. What historical figure do you admire the most?

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?

17. Favorite piece of music?

18. How good are you at following your goals?

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?

20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future?

21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

23. Fondest memory?

24. What type of weather represents your mind?

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

30. Favorite quote from my sig?

31. How good are you in a crisis?

32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?

33. Favorite thread on this forum?

34. How adaptable would you say you are?

35. Favorite number?

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?

37. Favorite trope?

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?

40. Top 2 insults?

41. Pancakes or waffles?

42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part.

43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why?

44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

45. Favorite place to visit

46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.)

47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try?

48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it?

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it?

50. What do you like about yourself?

51. What historical event would you like to witness?

52. Who's the person in your avatar?

53. Opinion of sudokus?

54. Favorite pokemon?

55. Have you got any amiibo?

56. Favorite seafood?

57. Opinion of the Tales series?

58. Favourite kind of meat?

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game?

60. Have you played Mafia before?

61. How do you feel about the Zelda series?

62. Favorite music genre?

63. Do you have any phobias?

64. Least favorite pokemon?

65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games?

66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to?

67. Do you speak anything beside English?

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak?

69. What consoles do you have?

70. ^What was your first?

71. Opinion of Blackjack?

72. Any hobbies?

73. What is the best thing you've tasted?

74. Favorite mode of transportation?

75. Bread ot toast?

76. Favourite form of bread?

77. Do you like chocolate?

78. Salt or sugar?

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover?

80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself?

81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles?

82. Least favourite game you've played and why?

83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions?

84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming?

85. Least favourite part of school?

86. Opinion of shopping?

87. Favourite Pokemon type and why?

88. ^Least favourite and why?

89. Favorite day of the week?

90. Favorite shade of blue?

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence?

92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it?

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not?

94. Preferred accessory?

95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas?

96. What are your dreams?

97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it?

98. Favorite subject in school?

99. Least favorite?

100. Opinion on ama threads?

holy shit

Edited by Integrity
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1. What would you say is your greatest strength? Intellect

2. What are your greatest weaknesses? Arrogance, stubbornness.

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have? The Metal Gear series, Trails in the Sky

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be? Hack and slash

5. What would the difficulty be set at? Piss baby easy

6. Favorite fe game? Geneology and Fates Revelation

7. What constitutes a good day for you. If I don't get upset at anything, or nothing pisses me off

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be? The Recorder cause fuck you

9. What FE character do you relate to most? Sephirain/Cordelia

10. Black or white? Black

11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness? The latter

12. Why gharnef? Because you can't win against Gharnef

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be? "Adventures of Mr. ShadowZen and Lady AliciaR"

14. What historical figure do you admire the most? Isn't it obvious?

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all? By a mile.

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with? The former.

17. Favorite piece of music? RL: This is a man's world, VGM: Restart from Dynasty Warriors

18. How good are you at following your goals?

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion? Idk

20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future? When Phoenix mode exists? Nah

21. What does it mean to be successful in life? To be happy, knowledgeable and working a well earning life.

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently? Idk

23. Fondest memory? When I got Pokemon B/W for the first time; and wasn't able to play it for two weeks after initial release.

24. What type of weather represents your mind?


25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality? The quiet ones

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people? Envy, ambition, joy

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different? A little bit of both

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say? "Don't be a fuckboy"

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell? Hell.

30. Favorite quote from my sig? not saying

31. How good are you in a crisis? Kinda okay

32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix? Fantasy

33. Favorite thread on this forum? HHH Thread, or FE4 THREAD

34. How adaptable would you say you are? Better than I was

35. Favorite number? 23

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be? "Necrofantasia" or "One Winged Angel"

37. Favorite trope? "You Gotta have X hair"

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Nobunaga Oda

39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself? "You're such a nice guy" "Such a handsome X"

40. Top 2 insults? Idk

41. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes

42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part. ... Maybe

43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why? Nothing because I don't owe anyone anything.

44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done? Maybe

45. Favorite place to visit. Florence, Alabama

46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.) memes are great

47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try? Dunno, really.

48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it? The Story with Orochi and Susano'o, The Myth with Izanagi and Izanami, and many of the Greek tales and legends.

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it? Prinny the Jackrabbit

50. What do you like about yourself? The fact that I'm intelligent, handsome and mostly a good person all around

51. What historical event would you like to witness? "The Incident of Honnoji"

52. Who's the person in your avatar? Arthur Pendragon, Saber Alter, Tyrant King of Knights

53. Opinion of sudokus? Eating the last meal is important

54. Favorite pokemon? Arceus

55. Have you got any amiibo? Used them but not owned any.

56. Favorite seafood? Eww

57. Opinion of the Tales series? It's alright from what I've watched

58. Favourite kind of meat? Beeeeef

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game? Worst gimmick? Ice physics

60. Have you played Mafia before? Nope

61. How do you feel about the Zelda series? Love the series, can't play games for shit

62. Favorite music genre? Probably Dubstep

63. Do you have any phobias? Claustrophobic and the Fear of Wind.

64. Least favorite pokemon? I don't like.. Diancie all that much.

65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games? Melee, Smash Bros and Smash 4

66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to? They're okay, I love those types of fighting games.

67. Do you speak anything beside English? With the power of google translate, Japanese and Latin

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak? I want to learn Japanese.

69. What consoles do you have? Used to have a Wii, now I have a PSVita, 3DS and that's it.

70. ^What was your first? Original Xbox

71. Opinion of Blackjack? Meh

72. Any hobbies? Swimming, Game Creation

73. What is the best thing you've tasted? Flipside Hamburger

74. Favorite mode of transportation? Bicycle

75. Bread ot toast? Toast

76. Favourite form of bread? Regular

77. Do you like chocolate? It's ight

78. Salt or sugar? Salt

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover? Without a pillow.

80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself? Have it drive itself

81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles? Never played it

82. Least favourite game you've played and why? Sonic and the Dark Brotherhood. Look it up and see why.

83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions? Maybe

84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming? No.

85. Least favourite part of school? Chemistry atm

86. Opinion of shopping? Long and boring

87. Favourite Pokemon type and why? Dark type.. Because I'm edgy.

88. ^Least favourite and why? Ice type. Cool Pokemon but weak type.

89. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday

90. Favorite shade of blue? Dark Navy Blue

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence? The Holy Grail

92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it? A world consuming bomb.

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not? Creating games, and yes I've done it lately, helps me destress.

94. Preferred accessory? Don't have one

95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas? Black and White, there is no uncertainty.

96. What are your dreams? Usually depend on what my day was

97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it? "Damn."

98. Favorite subject in school? English

99. Least favorite? Science

100. Opinion on ama threads? ama is dum

go suck dicks, shezzy

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1. My listening ability

2. Insensitive and thoughtless at times

3. Muv-Luv

4. Rpg

5. Hard, but doable

6. Genealogy of the Holy War

7. Good games, good talks, good thoughts, good food

8. Viola or cello

9. Ike

10. Black

11. Knowledge without happiness

12. I don't Gharnef, but I guess he likes that guy

13. Mind's worth

14. Masamune Date

15. Not much difference, I'm more quiet irl.

16. Small groups

18. Decently enough.

19. Introversion Said an introvert

20. Nah, speedrunning and 1ccs are fun.

21. Good question

22. Nothing much

23. Youth with my twin

24. Fog

25. Probably percussion or piano

26. Forthwith, honesty, decency

27. Never really paid attention, but similar mostly

28. Your hair looks like, keep it that way

29. Heaven

30. Elevator

31. Good enough to keep a level head

32. A mix is good

33. Post a fact about the person above you

34. A bit inflexible

35. 17

37. Chekhov's Gun

38. I couldn't say

39. "So smart and nice"... they actually say this. Also scary and mean is nice too.

40. Scary and mean

41. Pancakes

42. Yes

43. Taste; they'd get Flight

44. I will have done more

45. My room, peace of mind and all that

46. Yes, it's very possible to converse without those.

47. Paella, Tonkatsu, and Takoyaki

48. The Susanoo one

49. A telepathic corgis named Puck

50. My ability to listen and perceive

51. Okehazama

52. Jeanne D'arc Fate/ version

53. Sudoku is a headache to play

54. Nidoking

55. No

56. Shrimp

57. Tales is terrible

58. Sirloin

59. Forcing the player to play stupid sidequests as a plot device

60. Yes

61. It's okay

62. Can I count VGM? That. No? Jazz

63. No.

64. All the new ones

65. Yes

66. Don't like them

67. A bit of Japanese, German, and a word in Turkish

68. German and Japanese, yes

69. A lot

70. Nintendo

71. Okay at times

72. A bit of this and that

73. Nothing jumps to mind atm

74. Car by default

75. Bread

76. Croissant

77. Not really

78. Sugar

79. Without a pillow

80. Drive the car

81. Sidequest the game

82. Either Dawn of Mana or one of those Darius games

83. Not often

84. Not really, I just keep losing my place from time to time

85. School itself

86. Depends on what's being bought; Necessary or a trivial pursuit

87. Nidoking's(Ground Poison); Not sure, it just really clicks with me. Barring that Gardevoir's(Psychic) or Blaziken's(Fire/Fight)

88. I know I said "the new ones" before, but I actually can't think of anything in specific I dislike

89. Saturday

90. Midnight Blue

91. Kusanagi. I was also thinking Aegis or Winged Sandals

92. I don't know

93. Gaming, yes I do it often

94. None

95. I acknowledge gray areas

96. Me wondering if anyone ever got the reference I was making with that

97. Yes, I'd call the main character a dolt

98. PE

99. Math

100. Hit or miss

Edited by Soledai
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Oh I was beat? I see, I see.

Also, my 39 is ironic, I don't actually consider "scary and mean" to be compliments

Also also I'm gonna adjust my 39 and 40 (since I read 40 before seeing 39 and misinterpreted the question)

Edited by Soledai
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lmao fineeeeeeeeeeeeeee, not like I have anything better to do at 5:40 in the morning.

You ready for this? Not that anyone is gonna read it

1. My loyalty to my friends.

2. My emotions, snap judgements, disproportionate responses

3. Tactics Ogre


5. Hard

6. Binding Blade

7. Making someone smile

8. The violin

9. Eliwood

10. White

11. Knowledge without happiness, because I could make others happy

12. Why not?

13. Being thrown at life late 101

14. Jesus, for many reasons.

15. No difference really, I'm pretty similar, except irl I'm more prone to like my solitude

16. I rather small groups.

17. Live & Learn by Crush 40

18. Hit & Miss with goals, some I hit others not so much.

19. Extroversion

20. Normal Mode runs? Maybe of Fates for lols, because of all the hilarious customization

21. To follow your dreams and make the best of every situation

22. If I did anything differently in 2015, it would be to not let the past take a hold of me yet again to get me into a near broken state again

23. When my parents were still together... things were so much simpler... I look back on those times fondly.

24. A desert breeze.

25. Guitar

26. I admire those who can stay positive and logical, not swayed by their emotions

27. Hit and Miss, I do get drawn to people who have similar interests though.

28. "Patience and careful money management will be needed"

29. Heaven

30. The one about the elevator

31. I'm surprisingly quick thinking and witted when needed

32. Fantasy

33. The Smash 4 one that Shin made all the discussion was good/bad but the experience was grand.

34. I'm horrible at adapting unless I absolutely need to right that second, see 31

35. 7

36. My final boss theme would be this

37. Bad Future

38. My Great Grandfather... Just to show him how I've grown...

39. "You're super nice", "You make me smile so easily" and a person specific one... back in the older days "You are the light in my life..."

40. You are a ham sandwich, are you trying to make me look good or are you just this bad?

41. Waffles

42. Uhhhh I'm not sure if I could.

43. I'd grant my best friend super intelligence, at the cost of my sense of smell, as I can't smell well anyways

44. Most likely yes.

45. The Grand Caynon, my friends houses, my various family members

46. Depends on the people

47. Chinese Lionhead soup, Szechwan Shrimp, Chinese pepper steak

48. an Arizonan myth about a white ghost horseman

49. A great Saberwolf, his name would be Blade

50. My stubborness

51. The Battle of Chi Bi/Red Cliffs

52. Future Gohan from DBZ

53. Sudoku is ok not my favorite.

54. Blaziken

55. I have around 7 amiibo, Sonic, Mario, Marth, Ike, Falco, Metaknight, Charizard

56. Salmon

57. Tales is a fun series, but I need to play more than Symphonia and Abyss

58. Steak

59. The Stamina meter in Skyward Sword

60. I kinda played Mafia, but not any good at it lmao

61. Zelda series is pretty great, but i'm more of a casual fan

62. Rock

63. I'm afraid of heights

64. Voltorb, so lazy

65. I've played every Smash Bros game.

66. One of my favorite franchises, and is part of my gaming life in multiple ways

67. I speak a little Spanish and Bulgarian but nothing impressive.

68. Kinda, but I'd rather learn Chinese or Japanese

69. NES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, GBC, N64, GBA, GC, PS2, DS, Wii, PSP, PS3, Wii U, 3DS

70. My NES and Genesis, were my Mothers, now mine.

71. I play Blackjack every now and again, quite interesting and I like it.

72. I like writing, fishing, and studying history

73. My Grandmothers Cajun spiced shrimp

74. Planes

75. Toast

76. Croissants

77. CHOCOLATE!? Yes, I do, white especially

78. Salt

79. Without a cover

80. Drive myself, I don't trust AI

81. Xenoblade is one of the best RPGs of the past few years

82. Superman 64, um do I even need to explain.


84. Eh

85. The idiots who go there

86. Shopping is ok solo, going with other people is mostly annoying.

87. Steel, because I like solid defenses and they look badass

88. Poison, they aren't given enough honestly.

89. Thursday

90. Teal

91. The Yata no Kagami

92. Gold, yes i'm boring

93. I enjoy writing alot, but I have lacked inspiration until recently

94. Scarves

95. I see things in mostly B&W but I know there is grey

96. To lead a happy life and have a wife and kid.

97. "Wow what a dumbass"

98. History

99. Math

100. Fun distractions

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[spoiler=you knew I would]1. What would you say is your greatest strength? - LOVE

2. What are your greatest weaknesses? - MEAN PEOPLE

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have? - lots of them because I haven't played anything

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be? - VN ; ) ) )

5. What would the difficulty be set at? - easy ; ) ) )

6. Favorite fe game? - idk, hence why that part of my profile is blank

7. What constitutes a good day for you. - a day where not too much bad stuff happens, hence why I'm in such a good mood all the time

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be? - Could, or want to?? If could, drums imhotep (if want to, drums imhotep) tbh while I'm being cocky about drums I'm actually really bad at multitasking but I'm still more confident in my drumming than any other instrument

9. What FE character do you relate to most? - uhhhhhhh idk cherche?

10. Black or white? - wow way to make me feel racist but WHITE

11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness? - HAPPINESS WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE

12. Why gharnef? - imaknow I have a feeling this question wasn't meant for me actually strangely I feel this way about a lot of the questions

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be? - Cute Person

14. What historical figure do you admire the most? - The lord of the United States of America George Washington

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all? - much less talkative irl, it's incredibly difficult for me to talk in person and shyness helps along with that as well~! I'm just a lot more of an observer

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with? - I like having friends I know well (rather than potentially having people I could get to know well, guess I'm lazy >u>)

17. Favorite piece of music? - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk maybe a kalafina song tho

18. How good are you at following your goals? - ehhhhh

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion? - I don't think either is more positive than the other.

20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future? - plenty~!

21. What does it mean to be successful in life? - Being happy with yourself and your life situation?

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently? - absolutely nothing

23. Fondest memory? - stuff nobody here would care about~

24. What type of weather represents your mind? - maybe windy because my thoughts are all over the place

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality? - lol no clue

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people? - honesty, respect, compassion, optimism (that especially takes a lot of strength imo)

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different? - ehh probably more similar but I wouldn't be too opposed to people who are different

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say? - quit being dumb (never gonna happen but I'm dumb enough to try)

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell? - heaven of course, I'm not sadistic enough to want to see what's happening to people in hell

30. Favorite quote from my sig? -

Elevator don't break. They become stairs.

Be the elevator. Adapt.

mostly cuz idgi but I'm sure it's inspirational somehow c:

31. How good are you in a crisis? - I'm a little conflicted. To me I feel incredibly weak during bad situations, but I keep being told I'm really strong in them maybe I'm just good at faking it

32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix? - probably all of the above but maybe more strongly toward the latter two?

33. Favorite thread on this forum? - my hungry gayme thread is pretty gr9 (though I guess I am kinda proud of it for showing me that I really can have enough stamina to keep something up for a while)

34. How adaptable would you say you are? - I'm not sure really, I don't pay enough attention to the way I handle stuff?

35. Favorite number? - none, I'm that weird person who doesn't really think of that (although I used to!!)

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be? - no clue but I'd be super happy if it was Sis Puella Magica! and that's not much of a boss theme but I wouldn't be much of a boss

37. Favorite trope? - imaknow

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? - I'm guessing this is meant for somebody who's (fairly) inaccessible to me... (otherwise why would I want to see the accessible people for only 15 minutes?!) WELL let's say a Vulpix so I could snuggle it

39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself? - cute, nice c:

40. Top 2 insults? - too quiet, fat (thanks integrity)

41. Pancakes or waffles? - waffles, I like crispier foods

42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating par t. - huh?

43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybo dy you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why? - smell!... maybe

44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done? - probably not (depends on what I said really)

45. Favorite place to visit - not sure but it's most likely in a forest

46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.) - ???

47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try? - i-idk I don't really look into foreign dishes BUT I BET THEY'D ALL BE SWEETS

48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it? - not really, I guess...

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it? - pink moa, rosabirb

50. What do you like about yourself? - I like to help

51. What historical event would you like to witness? - imaknow

52. Who's the person in your avatar? - atm, somebody's original character

53. Opinion of sudokus? - I enjoy them but am bad at them

54. Favorite pokemon? - Ninetaaaaales

55. Have you got any amiibo? - no

56. Favorite seafood? - EW

57. Opinion of the Tales series? - no opinion

58. Favourite kind of meat? - probably beef

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game? - idr

60. Have you played Mafia before? - yes

61. How do you feel about the Zelda series? - I enjoy it a lot

62. Favorite music genre? - imaknow

63. Do you have any phobias? - weeeeell I haven't been diagnosed with any

64. Least favorite pokemon? - imaknow

65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games? - yes

66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to? - I'm bad at them c:

67. Do you speak anything beside English? - only bits of spanish and french and german and even less so irish

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak? - yes

69. What consoles do you have? - currently, game boy color, DS, 3DS XL, Wii U (I left behind my Wii oops)

70. ^What was your first? - Sega Genesis

71. Opinion of Blackjack? - uhhhh I've enjoyed what little I've played of it

72. Any hobbies? - not really I guess

73. What is the best thing you've tasted ? - Integrity's brownies (like even if I help make them it's still his recipe so really they're his) with vanilla ice cream

74. Favorite mode of transportation? - something that doesn't give me motion sickness

75. Bread ot toast? - toast

76. Favourite form of bread? - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm not sure

77. Do you like chocolate? - yes

78. Salt or sugar? - sugar

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover? - cover as in blanket? at first I thought you meant pillow cover but I guess you mean blanket.... without a pillow then because I get cold easily (especially right now)

80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself? - drive a car

81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles? - none

82. Least favourite game you've played and why? - don't remember?

83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions? - not normally but it's happened (their names are shirley and kinumi afaik)

84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming? - not yet

85. Least favourite part of school? - work

86. Opinion of shopping? - fun~!

87. Favourite Pokemon type and why? - fire because that's a lot of the cute ones

88. ^Least favourite and why? - maybe poison because it's not really my aesthetic

8 9. Favorite day of the week? - not sure

90. Favorite shade of blue? - I really like soft, pale blues

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence? - imaknow

92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it? - maybe some kinda health potion

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not? - more stuff nobody cares about~

94. Preferred accessory? - BERET

95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas? - gray

96. What are your dreams? - if you mean dreams when I sleep, random stuff like with pretty much everybody else. If dreams as in aspirations, to live with aiku foreveeeerrrrr

97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it? - I don't think I'd want to watch it with what's gone on so far. I'd say things have worked out in the end so far though!

98. Favorite subject in school? - GEOLOGY

99. Least favorite? - uhhhhhhhhhhhhh math? I'm not bad at it, but I don't have much interest in it

100. Opinion on ama threads? - I think they're fine, imo some people overreact about them

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I'm bored af why not?

[spoiler=For your convenience]

1. What would you say is your greatest strength? How much I care about my friends
2. What are your greatest weaknesses? Apathy, being an asshole, not caring about people unless I am friends
3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have? Ass Creed
4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be? RPG I guess those are fun
5. What would the difficulty be set at? Normal/ (Hard for this year+next year)
6. Favorite fe game? Fates
7. What constitutes a good day for you. if I can talk to my friends and I smile when I do
8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be? Piano
9. What FE character do you relate to most? Noire
10. Black or white? Black
11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness? Knowledge w/o happiness
12. Why gharnef? Wynaut
13. If your life was a book, what would the title be? "Why a Stupid Idea Saved my Life"
14. What historical figure do you admire the most? No idea
15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all? IRL: Make a lot more snarky comments and am shyer/ Internet: I'm fucking tsun
16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with? Small groups
17. Favorite piece of music? uhhhhhhhhhhhh
18. How good are you at following your goals? Not at all
19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion? Extraversion
20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future? Most likely
21. What does it mean to be successful in life? Making the people you care about happy
22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently? Tell myself to care more
23. Fondest memory? Yes (too personal)
24. What type of weather represents your mind? That weather when it's not too bright but not too dark and it's slightly raining
25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality? Violin
26. What personality traits do you admire in other people? Kind/Willing to put up with me
27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different? Similar
28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say? "Think before you speak"
29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell? Hell
30. Favorite quote from my sig? I can't see it :Kappa:
31. How good are you in a crisis? Not
32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix? Mix
33. Favorite thread on this forum? LtP
34. How adaptable would you say you are? Not very
35. Favorite number? 13
36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be? Uhhhhhh
37. Favorite trope? No idea
38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Living: Vashiane/ Dead: Abe Lincoln
39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself? "How adorable"/"You're cool"
40. Top 2 insults? Too many to count/Say with accuracy
41. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes
42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part. It can be anything it wants to be
43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why? Do I have to?
44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done? Of course
45. Favorite place to visit My room
46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.) No
47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try? N/A
48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it? Anything Greek
49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it? Dragon: Arion
50. What do you like about yourself? You what?
51. What historical event would you like to witness? Moon Landing
52. Who's the person in your avatar? Oboro from Fates
53. Opinion of sudokus? Yes
54. Favorite pokemon? Espeon
55. Have you got any amiibo? I have a Marf and a Zeldoofus
56. Favorite seafood? None
57. Opinion of the Tales series? Meh?
58. Favourite kind of meat? Chicken
59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game? Bosses who regenerate every turn
60. Have you played Mafia before? Yes
61. How do you feel about the Zelda series? I suck
62. Favorite music genre? Imagine Dragons
63. Do you have any phobias? Probably
64. Least favorite pokemon? Charizard
65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games? Yes
66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to? Fun
67. Do you speak anything beside English? No
68. ^Are they languages you want to speak? Not really
69. What consoles do you have? SNES/N64/GC/Wii/WiiU/PS3
70. ^What was your first? the first I got for myself was GC/ first I played was SNES
71. Opinion of Blackjack? Fun
72. Any hobbies? League
73. What is the best thing you've tasted? no idea
74. Favorite mode of transportation? Anything where I don't have to drive
75. Bread ot toast? Toast
76. Favourite form of bread? White
77. Do you like chocolate? Yes
78. Salt or sugar? Salt
79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover? no pillow
80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself? drive itself
81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles? This
82. Least favourite game you've played and why? Original Pokemon Ranger for DS: Game is literally stupid and broken
83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions? Sometimes
84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming? I'm bored so no
85. Least favourite part of school? Annoying people
86. Opinion of shopping? Meh
87. Favourite Pokemon type and why? Psychic (most of my favs are that type)
88. ^Least favourite and why? Electric: Most are boring af
89. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
90. Favorite shade of blue? Dark blue
91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence? Excalibur
92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it? a Transmutation Circle
93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not? Video games (Yes and yes)
94. Preferred accessory? N/A
95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas? I try to acknowledge grey(whether I do is a different story"
96. What are your dreams? Weird
97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it? No
98. Favorite subject in school? Science (AP Chem this year)
99. Least favorite? I can't hate one this year I love them all
100. Opinion on ama threads? Yes

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1. idk I think I'm pretty good at staying out of people's way most of the time and if I can actually do it I can focus on something and good for reminders

2. I crack under pressure easily, I need constant validation to feel needed and cared for, I don't take the slightest amount of hositility well from anyone and will often hold grudges against people for it, I feel disheartened when criticized and want to give up and get demoralized very easily

3. Mainline SMT series but I have a hard time playing games nowadays esp RPGs

4. survival horror bc I am afraid of everything

5. hard :(

6. Awakening lol

7. lots of socialization!! doing stuff!! learning new things and going or playing anything thats fun

8. I WANNA PLAY VIOLIN they sound so pretty ok

9. shit I can't think of anyone I can relate to Stahl with the whole being average thing but idk if that counts

10. black

11. happiness without knowledge

12. good question I don't give a shit about him

13. "someone help me thanks"

14. no one rly comes to mind

15. idk if I'm much different I can somewhat talk easier on the internet because in real life I just make barely audible noises hoping people will notice that I'm trying to talk

16. small groups I know well

17. idk Swan Lake is nice

18. not that great

19. extraversion

20. ??? as in difficulty? I usually do normal anyway so w/e

21. being stable and secure in finances and in the mind, good social circle, constantly working to improve yourself, always learning

22. try to open up to people more, being more insistient on trying to convince my parents I can go to college

23. Going to this one amusement park, I love rides

24. heavy rain lol

25. kazoo

26. confidence, understanding, sense of humor, calming prescence

27. I think I'm mostly drawn to people with some similiar aspects to me but oddly enough my closest friend is a lot different to the point that I'm surprised we're super close and don't butt heads too often and are able to resolve things on a good note when we do

28. "don't let people shit on and emotionally manipulate you, don't get close to anyone who does that and (insertnamehere) will be the best fucking thing to happen in your life, cherish them"

29. Heaven

30. the one about elevators

31. very bad!!!!! I will only panic and cry

32. fantasy

33. idk I like how Specta has a thread about fashion bc I want to get into that more but I'm too much of a weenie to post

34. not very

35. 77

36. just the sound of water running because idk

37. hammy characters

38. PRIDE but 15 mins really isn't enough tbh...........

39. idk i forget easily but people have called me sweet and amusing so thats nice

40. hard-headed, dense

41. waffles

42. ?????? what, pancakes and waffles?? uh sure i guess

43. this question is ass i ain't givin up any of my senses but i guess someone important enough could have the power to generate money at the cost of smell (no way i'd ever agree to such a thing though)

44. probably

45. the museum!!!!!!

46. ????? uh yeah probably

47. idk im a picky eater i only want to try foreign sweets like macaroons and sakura kit-kats or w/e they were

48. I like Baucis and Philemon because they have a happy end and get to turn into intertwined trees so they don't have to be alone when the other dies

49. I want a pegasus and I'm naming it Chumpy

50. sometimes i remember seemingly useless shit to impress people with

51. idk seeing how people reacted upon seeing a platypus for the first time might be funny

52. Ichimatsu Matsuno

53. idk i dont like working with numbers


55. I have one of Dark Pit and thats it

56. I don't like seafood except like breaded shrimp so theres that

57. its cornball at times but I love Tales of i'm sad that a lot of the older games didn't get localized and the fact they're skipping PS3 for the localized release of Berseria fuk u Bamco

58. chicken

59. .........eroding grass in recent Animal Crossing games..........

60. I've only played it on epicmafia and never forum mafia its too stressful for me

61. I like it

62. idk I only really like "whatever sounds good" to me regardless of genre I guess I mostly listen to rock or alt-pop or w/e though

63. bees, spiders, heights, being abandoned

64. Pikachu bc i'm tired of seeing its dumbass mug everywhere and its older fatter design is superior anyways

65. yeah-- original, Melee, and Brawl

66. they're ok I know jackshit about things like the metagame I just screw around

67. I know a tiny amount of Spanish but not enough to really say anything

68. yeah I like learning stuff that could be useful one day

69. PS2 and 3, a Gamecube, and a Wii

70. SNES

71. never played it

72. I like doodling even though I gave up on art, also sightseeing and reading up on stuff

73. idk it was probably some sort of meat or dessert

74. car

75. toast

76. idk does butter bread count??? i rly wanna try garlic

77. yes.................................................

78. sugar

79. fuck this question honestly but I guess cover

80. driving by itself would be cool as long as its tested to be safe and such

81. idk it looks okay but its never caught my interest

82. one time I rented this shitty Powerpuff girls fighting game for the N64 as a kid and it was bad everything was choppy and the camera was bad too

83. uhhh idk

84. yes its terrible

85. anything math related

86. its fun but I wish I was more paitient also I mostly window shop bc I'd rather save

87. grass

88. fighting most of them don't appeal to me

89. Saturday bc I'm boring

90. TEAL!!

91. panacea I just want to be healthy man

92. idk can you make money with it

93. playing any kind of games, and no because no motivation rip

94. I got some necklace with a gem flowery thing that spins

95. I try to see the gray in things but its hard

96. I just want to live in a nice area and home with someone who is pleasant to live with and have a lot of friends and a pleasant job

97. no and "this is depressing"

98. literature

99. anything math

100. its something to do I guess

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It's Saturday morning

got nothing to do

so why not

1. I've been told i'm really kind to others and actually listen to others. so i guess that

2. I really beat myself up if i feel like i made a mistake

3. Super Robot Wars

4. RPG

5. Normal that verges on hard depending on the moments

6. Genealogy of the Holy War

7. If i can go a day without something irritating/annoying me

8. Flute

9. Celice. more on trying to maintain a good nature and well enough manners despite the things that happen in this world and in this community

10. White

11. Happiness without knowledge. not too far from the truth on my part actually

12. Why not

13. Growing pains

14. Sanada Nobushige/Sanada Yukimura

15. Really not much difference. I guess i choose not to talk much irl

16. Doesn't matter to me, but if i had to choose, i would like the small groups of close friends

17. Billie Jean. I like 80s cheese. but if you mean classic pieces, i'm a fan of Gustav Holsts planets pieces. i like Venus the most

18. Good enough. just need some assistance every now and then

19. Really depends on what makes the person happier between going out and socializing vs keeping to themselves. whatever makes the individual happy, that's what should work

20. Normals the only way to go, man

21. Being able to live out and be happy doing what you want to do regardless of the daily annoyances

22. Maybe try to be less awkward at moments, and learn to stop second guessing myself

23. The time i spent all night hanging with friends. that was fun

24. Cloudy day that looks like it could rain at any moment but doesn't

25. Flute

26. Benevolence and selflessness

27. Similar, i suppose

28. "settle down, young one. no one likes a try hard"

29. Heaven

30. Anons. more because it's true.31. i try to remain calm and collected, though that more depend son the crisis

32. Fantasy

33. What are you listening to right now?

34. Adaptable enough so i won't be just another victim of the times

35. 13

36. Moody Goddess from Star Ocean 3

37. Cosmic Plaything

38. Bruce Lee

39. Nice. A good boy

40. Selfish. Stupid

41. Waffles

42. Yes

43. I would give my hearing so my mother could have enhanced stamina.

44. Probably. which makes me a bit mad, but hey i got all the time in the world to fix that

45. A nice open field with nature

46. conversation? of course it is

47. Takoyaki, Haggis, and Ratatouille

48. The myths of Heracles. including the trials

49. Kogi for a kitsune. original, i know

50. uhhh,my growing resolve?

51. The Ikedaya Raid

52. Yamatonokami Yasusada from Touken Ranbu

53. i can see why people enjoy them, even though i'm not much of a fan of them

54. Absol

55. Of course.

56. It's good. all food is good

57. A nice series of RPGs. though it's have been somewhat lacking recently thanks to Zestiria. and my impressions of Berseria aren't so pleasant

58. Chicken

59 A game that solely relies too much on that gimmick instead of focusing on being a good game

60. yeah. it was ok

61. I love it

62. Jazz

63. i used to be scared of dogs for the longest time. but i got over it

64. Kecleon

65. Yes

66. They're good games that helps expose people to new characters and new games to try out. branch out of they're comfort zone

67. Nope

68. Languages i want to speak being Italian, French and Japanese

69. PS3, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One

70. PS1

71. no opinion

72. Video games and exercising

73. Five Guys bergers

74. Car

75. Toast

76. sliced

77. Hell yeah

78. Sugar

79. without a cover. already used to it

80. drive itself

81. One of the best RPGs of the last console generation that;s new audience from Smash is much needed

82. any sort of movie tie in game i played from my youth. namely Fantastic Four

83. only if the person giving questions is in love with the person getting them or something is there something you're meaning to say?

84. could care less tbh

85. group projects

86. It's alright. i'm too poor for anything nowadays, so i just loiter around

87. Fire. has a nice amount of pokemon i like in it

88. Not really a fan of bugs. idk why just didn't care much for them besides the greatness of Heracross

89. Wednesday

90. Navy

91. Kusanagi

92. Gold, like the greats that try using it

93. Sitting and just quietly meditate. didn't get any meditation in last night

94. scarf

95. There's always a gray area. nothings truly in black in white

96. Mostly just to live healthy and try to make it in my life in my own way as my own man

97. not really. It has it's moments, but that's life

98. English and History

99. math

100. depends

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1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

i'm decently helpful
2. What are your greatest weaknesses?

i'm bad at answering questions
3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

dynasty warriors (or any warriors game really)
4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

it would be a puzzle game, because life is a mystery
5. What would the difficulty be set at?

the highest one, because life is hard
6. Favorite fe game?

blazing sword
7. What constitutes a good day for you.

a day that is not bad
8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

the flute
9. What FE character do you relate to most?

wil, because i'm boring
10. Black or white?

11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?

knowledge without happiness, because either would be terrible but with no knowledge i might die

although maybe i'd want to die in that case so either one

12. Why gharnef?

it's garnef not gharnef you fuck
13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?

"why the fuck does this book exist"
14. What historical figure do you admire the most?

fred flintstone
15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?

not very different at all, really
16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?

either one really
17. Favorite piece of music?

unironically i don't like sharing my music tastes and this is a tough one anyway and grand dad's channel is dead so i can't post a good shitpost so i don't know
18. How good are you at following your goals?

not very good
19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?

extraversion probably
20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future?

21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

to not be dead
22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

23. Fondest memory?

i don't think i have one
24. What type of weather represents your mind?

a snowstorm on a dark night, because it's hard to see anything for sure
25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?

a triangle, because it's boring
26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?

i like people who are nice
27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?

similar, although i find people with similar personalities to me so rarely that i don't think i can really say that
28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?

"time travel is fucked up, don't do it"
29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

30. Favorite quote from my sig?

you don't have any quotes in your sig, ike
31. How good are you in a crisis?

32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?

either one really
33. Favorite thread on this forum?

birds with arms
34. How adaptable would you say you are?

not very
35. Favorite number?

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?

37. Favorite trope?

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

with my friends who i see every week, so I don't regret choosing anyone else and instead just have something completely normal
39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?

people don't compliment me very often, so I can't really name any
40. Top 2 insults?

i don't know

41. Pancakes or waffles?

42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part.

43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why?

super powers are dumb
44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

45. Favorite place to visit

my neighbor's house

46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.)

47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try?

i don't know any foreign dishes
48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it?

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it?

50. What do you like about yourself?

not much, really
51. What historical event would you like to witness?

i don't know enough to say
52. Who's the person in your avatar?

generic enemy maid, the best character
53. Opinion of sudokus?

54. Favorite pokemon?

sableye, unironically
55. Have you got any amiibo?

56. Favorite seafood?

i don't know i'll just go with the broad answer of "fish"
57. Opinion of the Tales series?

i have tales of symphonia but have never played it, it's probably okay
58. Favourite kind of meat?

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game?

almost any motion control gimmick
60. Have you played Mafia before?

61. How do you feel about the Zelda series?

it's okay
62. Favorite music genre?

no real preference, i like pretty much any music as long as it's good
63. Do you have any phobias?

probably, but i can't think of them right now
64. Least favorite pokemon?

i don't know, so i guess the snowflake thing
65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games?

dude, literally everyone has played smash bros

66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to?

they're good
67. Do you speak anything beside English?

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak?

69. What consoles do you have?

i have a gamecube and a ps3, and a 3ds somewhere

a wii too but i never use it
70. ^What was your first?

a sega genesis
71. Opinion of Blackjack?

it's okay
72. Any hobbies?


73. What is the best thing you've tasted?

i don't know
74. Favorite mode of transportation?

75. Bread ot toast?

76. Favourite form of bread?

77. Do you like chocolate?

78. Salt or sugar?

either one, really
79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover?

without a pillow
80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself?

have it drive itself
81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles?

haven't played
82. Least favourite game you've played and why?

sonic chronicles: the dark brotherhood, probably

if not then sonic and the secret rings
83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions?

84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming?

85. Least favourite part of school?

86. Opinion of shopping?

it's cool i guess
87. Favourite Pokemon type and why?

bird type
88. ^Least favourite and why?

normal type, because normal is boring

89. Favorite day of the week?

90. Favorite shade of blue?

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence?

92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it?

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not?


i wish i could do it more
94. Preferred accessory?

i don't know
95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas?

probably the latter
96. What are your dreams?

i never remember any dreams!
97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it?

no, my life is boring
98. Favorite subject in school?

not sure
99. Least favorite?

100. Opinion on ama threads?

they're probably okay

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[spoiler=answers]1. What would you say is your greatest strength?
2. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I'm really lazy
3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?
4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?
Strategy rpg
5. What would the difficulty be set at?
6. Favorite fe game?
Blazing Sword followed by Conquest
7. What constitutes a good day for you.
A day in which i didn't have to do effert and had fun
8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?
I'm not really interested in learning any instrument
9. What FE character do you relate to most?
10. Black or white?
Both are nice colors
11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?
Happiness without knowledge
12. Why gharnef?
Ask Gharnef
13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?
Don't read this, it will bore you
14. What historical figure do you admire the most?
15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?
I'm way quieter irl. I'm also way shier.
16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?
Small groups of friends, by far.
17. Favorite piece of music?
Right now it is Sweet Jane, by the Velvet Underground. All other versions of it sort of suck, though.
18. How good are you at following your goals?
Absolutely terrible
19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?
20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future?
I only on highest difficulty
21. What does it mean to be successful in life?
Having a happy life and at least enough money to live comfortably
22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?
i'd try as hard as possible not to fail the class i failed
23. Fondest memory?
Some times with friends
24. What type of weather represents your mind?
25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?
26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?
27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?
28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?
Take university more seriously
29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?
30. Favorite quote from my sig?
The one i wrote
31. How good are you in a crisis?
32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?
Fantasy. Sci-fi bores me
33. Favorite thread on this forum?
HHH i guess
34. How adaptable would you say you are?
Not very much so
35. Favorite number?
36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?
37. Favorite trope?
38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?
40. Top 2 insults?
41. Pancakes or waffles?
42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part.
43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why?
I'd rather keep the 5 senses, but i guess i'd rather lose smell
44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?
Yes, but that's just because i don't do anything
45. Favorite place to visit
I've visited many awesome places, but i love the countryside next to my city
46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.)
47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try?
48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it?
49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it?
Dragon names Dragon
50. What do you like about yourself?
51. What historical event would you like to witness?
52. Who's the person in your avatar?
53. Opinion of sudokus?
They're fun
54. Favorite pokemon?
Typhlosion and Garchomp
55. Have you got any amiibo?
56. Favorite seafood?
57. Opinion of the Tales series?
Tried symphonia and Xillia. They bored me
58. Favourite kind of meat?
Filet Mignon
59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game?
Having to spend 15 minutes sailing everywhere on a boat
60. Have you played Mafia before?
61. How do you feel about the Zelda series?
They're great, with an exception
62. Favorite music genre?
Rock i guess
63. Do you have any phobias?
Not really, but i'm a bit scared of heights
64. Least favorite pokemon?
65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games?
66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to?
They're okay, but that's it. Fun to play with irl friends but they bore me otherwise
67. Do you speak anything beside English?
68. ^Are they languages you want to speak?
Not really. Portuguese and English are enough for me.
69. What consoles do you have?
PS4, PS3, Wii U, Wii, N64, 3DS, DS lite, GBA
70. ^What was your first?
GBC. If that doesn't count, N64
71. Opinion of Blackjack?
It's cool
72. Any hobbies?
73. What is the best thing you've tasted?
An Argentine Barbecue i ate in Paris
74. Favorite mode of transportation?
75. Bread ot toast?
76. Favourite form of bread?
"Pão Frances", the most common type of break in Brazil.
77. Do you like chocolate?
78. Salt or sugar?
79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover?
I can't sleep without a cover, eveb if it's really hot, so pillow.
80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself?
Drive itself
81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles?
Great game but the sequel is better
82. Least favourite game you've played and why?
Wind Waker. Sailing is terrible. Dungeons are meh. Triforce sidequest is absolutely awful.
83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions?
84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming?
85. Least favourite part of school?
86. Opinion of shopping?
It bores me
87. Favourite Pokemon type and why?
Dragon. Dragons are cool
88. ^Least favourite and why?
Poison. Most poison pokemon are weak and ugly.
89. Favorite day of the week?
90. Favorite shade of blue?
Not too dark but not too light
91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence?
92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it?
93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not?
Going out with friends, no.
Playing FE, es.
94. Preferred accessory?
95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas?
Black and Gray
96. What are your dreams?
Not a dream, but i can't wait to graduate university
97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it?
I wouldn't
98. Favorite subject in school?
99. Least favorite?
Portuguese Grammar
100. Opinion on ama threads?
They're okay

Edited by Nobody
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1. I can feel for almost everyone's feelings.
2. my language skills
3. Shin Megami Tensei
4. RPG
5. easy
6. 10
7. Eating bread with nutella in the morning.
8. piano
9. Donnel
10. white
11. Happiness without knowledge
12. why not
13. The stupid life of ...... (my real name)
14. Konrad Adenauer
15. I tend to blow up IRL, if people piss me off by offendng laws.
16. small group of friends

18. I'm trying to finish my study finally, but I have to deal with other important private things atm. So good as possible.
19. introversion
20. Yes, I mainly play on the lowest difficulty.
21. being happy
22. Not more being ignorant towards other people and destroying my own family again.
23. Last year when I heared that my mother survived the cerebral infarct against all expectations.
24. mild and sunny
25 viola
26. Being different than the average.
27. different
28. Stay strong!
29. heaven although I deserve hell
30. which sig?
31. Actually good now, because I had lots of them lately.
32. Sci-fi
33. forum games
34. I'm shy, I need a bit time.
35. 5
36. catchy
37. Everyone gets that what it deserves.
38. my GF
39. thank you, you're welcome
40. Hurensohn, Arschloch
41. pancakes
42. Barring the eating part. no way
43. foresight as superpower and sacrificing my olfaction
44. unfortunately yes
45. Rhode Island
46. depends on the people
47. don't have any
48. don't have one

49. werewolf with the name Roy
50. trying to accept everyone
51. WW II
52. read my location
53. playing it for myself
54. Fennekin
55. no
56. salmon
57. great series
58. mince
59. boring love scenes
60. no
61. Never could get into it.
62. videogame music
63. wesps, thunderstorms
64. Pikachu
65. yes, all execpt for Wii U
66. I like the story modes in Melee and Brawl.
67. German, French, Netherlandish
68. Spanish
69. PS2, PS3, 3DS, Wii
70. Gameboy
71. I like it, but it's not my favorite card game.
72. answering 100 questions, videogaming, walking, cooking
73. chocolate noisette
74. train
75. bread
76. white
77. hell yes
78. sugar
79. Cover, because I don't use it in very warm nights.
80. drive itself
81. never played
82. FE13, because poor map design and story,
83. yes
84. no
85. Getting up early for that.
86. I only buy cheap and simple things, because I tend to save money.
87. Idk much about Pokémon.
88. =87
89. saturday
90. cyan
91. sword
92. Medicine which revives.
93. Cooking, because I can decide what and when to eat.
94. ring
95. I try to be realistic but I'm rather pessimistic.
96. bizzare, mainly nightmares
97. No, because my life hasn't been good yet.
98. geography
99. German
100. What's ama?

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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1. What would you say is your greatest strength? Fuck you.
2. What are your greatest weaknesses? Fuck you.
3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have? Fuck you.
4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be? Fuck you.
5. What would the difficulty be set at? Fuck you.
6. Favorite fe game? Fuck you.
7. What constitutes a good day for you. Fuck you.
8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be? Fuck you.
9. What FE character do you relate to most? Fuck you.
10. Black or white? Fuck you.
11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness? Fuck you.
12. Why gharnef? Fuck you.
13. If your life was a book, what would the title be? Fuck You.
14. What historical figure do you admire the most? Fuck you.
15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all? Fuck you.
16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with? Fuck you.
17. Favorite piece of music? Fuck you.
18. How good are you at following your goals? Fuck you.
19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion? Fuck you.
20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future? Fuck you.
21. What does it mean to be successful in life? Fuck you.
22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently? Fuck you.
23. Fondest memory? Fuck you.
24. What type of weather represents your mind?
25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality? Fuck you.
26. What personality traits do you admire in other people? Fuck you.
27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different? Fuck you.
28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say? Fuck you.
29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell? Fuck you.
30. Favorite quote from my sig? Fuck you.
31. How good are you in a crisis? Fuck you.
32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix? Fuck you, and, uh, maybe fantasy.
33. Favorite thread on this forum? Fuck you.
34. How adaptable would you say you are? Fuck you.
35. Favorite number? Fuck you.
36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be? Fuck you.
37. Favorite trope? Fuck you.
38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Fuck you.
39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself? Fuck you.
40. Top 2 insults? Fuck you and you're a shit.
41. Pancakes or waffles? Fuck you.
42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part. Fuck you.
43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why? Fuck you.
44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done? How do you quantify "what you have said" and "what you have done?" Do you count the number of words and compare them to your number of actions? The number of sentences? Are breaths something you have done?
45. Favorite place to visit Fuck you.
46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.) No, and fuck you. Also this question doesn't make sense, it's not clear what you mean by "have one," but I'm guessing you mean a conversation or something like that.
47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try? Fuck you.
48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it? Fuck you.
49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it? Fuck you.
50. What do you like about yourself? Fuck you.
51. What historical event would you like to witness? Fuck you.
52. Who's the person in your avatar? Fuck you.
53. Opinion of sudokus? Sudok you.
54. Favorite pokemon? Fuck you.
55. Have you got any amiibo? Fuck you.
56. Favorite seafood? Fuck you.
57. Opinion of the Tales series? Fuck you.
58. Favourite kind of meat? Fuck you.
59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game? Fuck you.
60. Have you played Mafia before? Fuck you.
61. How do you feel about the Zelda series? Fuck you.
62. Favorite music genre? Fuck you.
63. Do you have any phobias? Fuck you.
64. Least favorite pokemon? Fuck you.
65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games? Fuck you.
66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to? Fuck you.
67. Do you speak anything beside English? Fuck you.
68. ^Are they languages you want to speak? Fuck you.
69. What consoles do you have? Fuck you.
70. ^What was your first? Fuck you.
71. Opinion of Blackjack? Fuck you.
72. Any hobbies? Fuck you.
73. What is the best thing you've tasted? Fuck you.
74. Favorite mode of transportation? Fuck you.
75. Bread ot toast? Fuck you.
76. Favourite form of bread? Fuck you.
77. Do you like chocolate? Fuck you.
78. Salt or sugar? Fuck you.
79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover? Fuck you.
80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself? Fuck you.
81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles? Fuck you.
82. Least favourite game you've played and why? Fuck you.
83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions? Fuck you.
84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming? Fuck you.
85. Least favourite part of school? Fuck you.
86. Opinion of shopping? Fuck you.
87. Favourite Pokemon type and why? Fuck you. Also the type my favorite pokemon is, but I haven't decided what my favorite pokemon is.
88. ^Least favourite and why? Fuck you.
89. Favorite day of the week? Fuck you.
90. Favorite shade of blue? Fuck you.
91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence? Fuck you.
92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it? Fuck you.
93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not? Fuck you.
94. Preferred accessory? Fuck you.
95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas? Fuck you.
96. What are your dreams? Fuck you.
97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it? Fuck you.
98. Favorite subject in school? Fuck you.
99. Least favorite? Fuck you.
100. Opinion on ama threads? Fuck you.

Edited by Sane Young Dog Man
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[spoiler=wtf]]1. idk
2. social anxiety maybe
3. final fantasy
4. the boring genre
5. normal
6. fates: conquest
7. if i'm productive
8. violin
9. none tbh
10. white
11. knowledge without happiness
12. idk
13. x
14. the one that made cake
15. I talk even less irl
16. small groups of friends I know very well
17. prelude in g major or fantasie impromptu
18. not very
19. extraversion i guess
20. ???
21. you get muns and everything you want
22. everything
23. A birthday party in some year with a bunch of close friends
24. a small blizzard maybe
25. piano i guess?
26. integrity, honesty, open minded-ness
27. Different in some ways, similar in others
28. "don't fuck up"
29. heaven
30. who's
31. useless
32. a mix
33. the one about fashion or the one about art (thanks specta)
34. Not very adaptable
35. 13
36. the fantasie impromptu
37. i dunno
38. taeemiiiiiinnnnnnn

or jonghyun either is good
39. i don't think i hear compliments a lot
40. i don't remember many insults either
41. Pancakes
42. ???
43. i wouldn't sacrifice anything
44. probably
45. my bedroom
46. ???
47. taiyaki, omurice, and.. some pasta i've never had?
48. the story of Orpheus
49. a dragon named Poppy
50. idk
51. none really come to mind
52. alice from pandora hearts
53. take too long
54. whimsicott
55. yeah, lonk, pikapi, dank pit, robin, and marth
56. Shrimp and scallops or tilapia
57. idk a thing about tales
58. beef
59. cameras
60. yeah
61. i love it
62. kpop/jrock if it counts
63. heights, the ocean, being underground,
65. yeah
66. they're fun, though I suck at them
67. Chinese, I'm learning some others
68. the ones I'm learning
69. Nintendo stuff
70. I forgot
71. The card game? It's alright when I feel particularly bored
72. procrastinating
73. o-oh.. i dunno, I remember having these really nice coffee cakes when I was younger and they were mmmm but there's also pasta....
74. bullet trains
75. bread
76. sliced
77. in moderation
78. sugar
79. without a pillow
80. have it drive itself
81. never played them
82. can't think of it
83. i remember some interviews
84. no
85. The unnecessary parts
86. it's fun when there are lots of sales
87. Fairy because sparkles and pink and pretty stuff
88. Poison bc supereffectiveness against fairies or ground bc STAB earthquake just ruins my day
89. Wednesday
90. sky blue/baby blue
91. devil fruits? unless they don't count as mythological
92. the philosopher's stone
93. eating without gaining weight, no I've never done it
94. my ring
95. gray areas
96. stuff that says fuck context (assuming this is about sleepy dreams)
97. i wouldn't watch it
98. math/science
99. language arts
100. not a lot of creativity in those questions

Edited by sylveonzoroark
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Question 46 is lacking its original context.

Though most of you have figured out it's referring to making conversation

Edited by Soledai
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I did it for you Integrity lol:

1. What would you say is your greatest strength?My pain/stress tolerance

2. What are your greatest weaknesses?Trust issues

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?Uncharted or Final Fantasy

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?Adventure

5. What would the difficulty be set at?Expert

6. Favorite fe game?Blazing Sword

7. What constitutes a good day for you. A good grade Little to no bs

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?Piano

9. What FE character do you relate to most?Lloyd or Gerik

10. Black or white?Black

11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?Knowledge w/out happiness

12. Why gharnef?...

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?The War Within'

14. What historical figure do you admire the most?Martin Luther King Jr.

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?In real life I am more sociable to an extent with people, on the Internet tad bit more quiet but for both I express my opinions. Though I feel better voicing my ideals on the Internet.

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?Small group of friends that I know very well

17. Favorite piece of music?DM/80's/Rock/Pop

18. How good are you at following your goals?One small step everyday

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?It all comes down to preference, all of us are different in our own distinctive ways.

20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future?I could try

21. What does it mean to be successful in life?Prove everyone who doubted you wrong, nice job w/a family and kids

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?Ace every exam, sports & talk to one of close friends who moved

23. Fondest memory?Laughing at inside jokes with my friends and family:too many to remember

24. What type of weather represents your mind?Rain

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?Piano

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?Selfish-ness

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?Different, another me is what they'll never be

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?Don't hang out with "that" person, study

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?Hell

30. Favorite quote from my sig?None

31. How good are you in a crisis?"Pretty good"~Ocelot

32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?Mix

33. Favorite thread on this forum?This one

34. How adaptable would you say you are?Extremely

35. Favorite number(s)?16,26,31,41,117,127,434

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?"The Only Thing I've Ever Know"~MGR

37. Favorite trope?Can't think of one lol

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?Someone that moved

39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?"OMG, you have the longest eyelashes!!!" & "You are such a great person"

40. Top 2 insults?"Lazy" & "Dumbass"

41. Pancakes or waffles?Pancakes

42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part. What?

43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why?Oh... I guess you already know what I am going to say

44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?No

45. Favorite place to visit. Anywhere it rains

46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.)Possibly

47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try?Curry & sushi

48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it?Nope

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it?Wolf, Rundas

50. What do you like about yourself?Athleticism

51. What historical event would you like to witness?Battle of Saratoga

52. Who's the person in your avatar?Matthew Murdock

53. Opinion of sudokus?Boring

54. Favorite pokemon(s)?Charizard, Pidgoet, Nidoking, Infernape, Garchomp, Lucario, Palkia, Tornadus & Druddigon

55. Have you got any amiibo?Nope

56. Favorite seafood?Coconut shrimp

57. Opinion of the Tales series?Eh

58. Favourite kind of meat?Turkey

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game?Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

60. Have you played Mafia before?Nope

61. How do you feel about the Zelda series?It needs to be revived

62. Favorite music genre?DM/80's/Pop/Rock

63. Do you have any phobias?Mosquitoes & failure

64. Least favorite pokemon(s)?Pikachu, Emolga, Breloom, Escavelier, Scraggy, Bellsprout

65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games?Yes

66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to?Snake? SSSSNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKEEEEEE!!!!!!!

67. Do you speak anything beside English?Spanish

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak?I guess

69. What consoles do you have?Enough

70. ^What was your first?N64

71. Opinion of Blackjack?Luck

72. Any hobbies?Archery, Fencing, relaxing & TV

73. What is the best thing you've tasted?New York Pizza

74. Favorite mode of transportation?None

75. Bread ot toast?Toast

76. Favourite form of bread?Whole Grain

77. Do you like chocolate?Yes

78. Salt or sugar?Sugar

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover?W/out cover

80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself?I would rather drive lol

81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles?Haven't played it

82. Least favourite game you've played and why?COD:

-you die in two seconds

-Overuse of "noob", "get rekt", "*insert swear*"

-Try Hards are real in that game

-The whole game concept is:"SHOOT THE BAD GUY!!!"

-People who breathe in the mic or like to be a DJ when they play

83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions?Its what we do

84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming?As of now, no

85. Least favourite part of school?AP classes

86. Opinion of shopping?I avoid it

87. Favourite Pokemon type and why?Fire/Dragon:Never happened till Pokemon Black came out

88. ^Least favourite and why?Psychic/Grass:Rarely trained pokes w/those types

89. Favorite day of the week?Saturday

90. Favorite shade of blue?Cyan

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence?Any badass sword

92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it?Intelligence booster lol

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not?Listening to the rain: Yes b/c it allows me to relax and concentrate

94. Preferred accessory?Leather bracelet

95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas?I start off in gray and work myself to black & white

96. What are your dreams?To exalt myself both physically & mentally

97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it?Yes, so I could beat myself of what I've done lol

98. Favorite subject in school?Biology

99. Least favorite?AP World

100. Opinion on ama threads?None

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