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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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wow your avatar, signature, title, badge and location are all so coordinated. Even your favourite FE game matches.

I think you've got the rest of us beat

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On SF, basically never. My username, location and member title are always set to the same Hattusili I theme (barring rare exceptions), but my avatar never matches (the only existing art of Hattusili I that I know of is the stick figure I drew). Sig also doesn't match; I change it very seldom.

On Skype, my name is usually in the style of Hattusili + epithet (e.g. "Astral Knight Hattusili," "Hattusili Yamaxanadu"), where the epithet matches my avatar.

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sometimes, not always. depends on my whim

my location used to match but then i did this one for a super junior theme and now i just don't have the heart to remove it because it brings joy to my life

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Never, coordination is a fashion statement, disorganised chaos is style. Also I turn off sigs if they annoy me, WORTH IT.

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Sometimes I do themes. Otherwise, I pretty much just go with what I like. Sometimes it works out that way. It's not so bad. Rarely do I change my location (can't say the same for my title), but if I find something that I think is funny, then hey, it goes there.

Edited by Karasz
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QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX: How good are you at working with the cold, unfeeling bureaucracy?

Not great. I get incredibly salty when i have to.

i am exceptionally good at it

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN: Do your SF/other forum/IM themes tend to be cohesive?

do you put together the perfect avatar/title/sig/location/username combo every time? how far do you go?

I dont really theme too much, and if it ends up being themed, its usually not something i do consciously. However, i do usually have the same set on another forum. (unless its westeros.org. I have a very specific avatar for that forum)

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I dont really theme too much, and if it ends up being themed, its usually not something i do consciously. However, i do usually have the same set on another forum. (unless its westeros.org. I have a very specific avatar for that forum)

I don't have an encyclopedic memory of your avatar and sig but aren't most of them (recently) loki.

Edited by Togami Byakuga
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I sometimes theme since I didn't really know what a theme was until like two months ago, but when I do it's the avatar image, usually member title and occasionally sig

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Sometimes, if I make a lot of art for said character and actually is happy with it

It's impressive that Jotaro stayed for like 2 years I usually get really sick of my art after like 2 months :V

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do you put together the perfect avatar/title/sig/location/username combo every time?


how far do you go?

I spent like hours and hours making a gif avatar that I used for like a week

then a month or two back I spent a couple hours making a gif avatar that I used for like 6 hours

but that's nothing compared to combing through my favorite mangos / webcomics and finding good avatars and sigs for every character ever

exhibit (a)


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typically my avatar, sig, and title all match. occasionally they'll desync for a while between full themes.

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT: What was the last thing you preordered?

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