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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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A lot of horoscopes seem to describe Pisces as being the ultimate in weakness and a better follower than leader is implied a ton. I don't like that, and I think they're exaggerating a lot of Piscean traits so it doesn't particularly jive with me.

Wikipedia, however, takes a less exaggerated stance on it:

Western astrologers assert that Pisceans are perceptive, emotional,[39][68] and receptive.[69][69] Notorious for being highly sensitive,[70][60][71] they are also said to be desperately afraid of ridicule,[70] as the sign is deemed "unfortunate."[60][72][37] Pisces are a mutable sign, which makes them receptive, and susceptible to change.[44][73] As a bicorporeal sign, astrologists believe that events in Pisceans' lives are prominently repeated, suggesting that they may marry several times and that misfortunes never come singly. However, according to astrologer Max Heindel, the Piscean's "good fortune also comes in multiple."[67]

Conforming to the traditional astrological belief of the dual nature of the Piscean, in part seeking enlightenment in the "unseen realm,"[52] they are said to be "dreamy, mystical, and artistic."[74][75] Edgar Cayce, an alleged psychic, has been cited as an example of such a Piscean.[74] It is also been said that Pisceans are the quietest among the twelve zodiacal signs, and that they are good workers.[75] In line with their association with feet, Pisceans have been described as being "never quite satisfied when sitting," preferring to be standing or walking.[75]

This is honestly very fitting. It's not all I am, obviously, but it hits the mark.

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Pretty much every horoscope I have implies I'm a horrible person, from my birthday to my blood type. That surely can't be accurate, they're just jealous, right?

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So we're talking like zodiacs here?

Hmm I think it's a bit more on the fence with me, sometimes it can be pretty on the mark but one huge thing about taurus is that it says they're stubborn as a bull. I think in some aspects I can be pretty stubborn, but overall I'm fairly flexible and also I try to be very understanding and see everything in the others' shoes, so I am not very steadfast with my opinions for the most part. I guess even in the viewpoints I can be fairly stubborn about, I'm still not totally stubborn because I still take other explanations into account and say "well you have a point there"

They do often get described as not being fond of change and I can sort of not be a fan of change at times but I don't think I deal that badly with it once I discovered how integrity feels about change I've come to learn that I do a lot better with change than I initially thought ^o^

Then there are stuff about being more the shy types, are materialistic and love anything that looks pretty (VERY much that, almost everything I do I do to look at pretty things or own pretty things or wear pretty things), being really caring and protective of people they're close to (though for me that kind of extends beyond that...), being affectionate, being patient (not always, also depends on what/who I'm dealing with), being artistic, being LAZY PROCRASTINATORS (making me an awful artist~!)

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Aries tend to be described as leaders from what I've seen, so yes.

Of course, it includes, but is not limited to the leader trait.


Aries is number 1

Edited by Soledai
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Capricorn over here \o/ They're described as "Highly pratical people who like structure, organization, tradition, and security." But they can be "stubborn, impulsive, withdrawn/unemotional, etc."

On some points I agree[there's more to this btw], but I don't see myself as a leader, per say...

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As a Piscean like Nightmare, I'd say it hits the mark for me most of the time. Except when it says something about creativity or artistic ability, which I think I lack either.

But I do agree with most of the first part of Nightmare's post/quote:

Western astrologers assert that Pisceans are perceptive, emotional,[39][68] and receptive.[69][69] Notorious for being highly sensitive,[70][60][71] they are also said to be desperately afraid of ridicule,[70] as the sign is deemed "unfortunate."[60][72][37] Pisces are a mutable sign, which makes them receptive, and susceptible to change.[44][73] As a bicorporeal sign, astrologists believe that events in Pisceans' lives are prominently repeated, suggesting that they may marry several times and that misfortunes never come singly. However, according to astrologer Max Heindel, the Piscean's "good fortune also comes in multiple."[67]

Conforming to the traditional astrological belief of the dual nature of the Piscean, in part seeking enlightenment in the "unseen realm,"[52] they are said to be "dreamy, mystical, and artistic."[74][75] Edgar Cayce, an alleged psychic, has been cited as an example of such a Piscean.[74] It is also been said that Pisceans are the quietest among the twelve zodiacal signs, and that they are good workers.[75] In line with their association with feet, Pisceans have been described as being "never quite satisfied when sitting," preferring to be standing or walking.[75]

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