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Hi! I love Fire Emblem, (Probably like almost everyone else here.) Organizing things, and Etrian Odyssey. I've been around these forums publicly, but I've never actually made an account here. In general I am a nice person albeit quiet and I can't stand bad grammar or spelling. I also can't dodge flying projectiles. To me it seems they seek me out!? Anyways, I hope to have a fun time on these forums!

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Welcome to the forest, Lopey. I'm sorry to say, but I have a bad habit of not putting periods to the end of my sentences, so don't hate me too much. I assure you I do add them whenever I do formal writing, though!

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Welcome to the forums, Lopey. Seeing as how you are a fan of Etrian Odyssey, mind telling me a good starting game for someone who has never played it before?

I mean I've played Persona Q, but I hear that's ridiculously easy compared to the rest of the series.

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