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M!Kamui/F!Kamui Guard Stance Skill Set + More

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Alright - I need some assistance with this. I have an idea for a M!Kamui and F!Kamui work-together in Guard Stance, and I'd like some advice on it. Mind you - this is for my male and female avatars on my Invisible Kingdom competitive file, so be as harsh as you like. I'll accept all forms of criticism, I only ask that you keep it constructive, and if you insult my skill-set, I'd like you to at least give a reason why and a way that I can improve to be even better.

Alright, let's get started :D

We'll begin going over my male Kamui Avatar:
He'll have Nohr from Dark Blood, Aggressor from Dread Fighter, Astra + Swordfaire from Trueblade, and Breaking Sky from Basara. His asset will be Strength, and his flaw will be Luck - with his final class being White Blood.

Now for my female Kamui Avatar:
She'll possess Hoshido from White Blood, Aggressor and Clear Mind from Dread Fighter, Awakening from Great Lord, and Vantage from Samurai. Her asset and flaw will be Strength and Luck respectively, much similar to my male Kamui Avatar.

Now for the Plan:
My plan for them is to use them as a Guard Stance unit that optimizes offense with the Male Kamui's Yato - Illusion/Final, whichever is obtainable in the end of the game. If my theory on how Nohr works is as it does, M!Kamui will be able to take advantage of Hoshido, Aggressor, Awakening, Clear Mind, and Vantage, so basically the whole of F!Kamui's skill tree. With his own Aggressor, Swordfaire, and F!Kamui's Aggressor, on my turns, my damage output would be the regular amount + 19 + the chance for Breaking Sky to activate, taking half of the rivaling unit's strength and adding it to my own damage, increasing my output by much more. Hoshido will also add +10% to chance for Breaking Sky to activate, making the threshold in which it activates even larger.

Awakening is to ensure my M!Avatar can make use of critical hits more often along with hitting and dodging more often (hopefully). Clear Mind will allow my status reductions to clear up twice as fast in the case enemy player units try to do something funky with their Ninja/Puppeteer/Dread Fighter units. Astra, as we all know, will get the 10% boost from Hoshido, and allow me to strike five times at half damage - which in correspondence with the Aggressor + Aggressor + Swordfaire + Normal Damage, will still do a shit-ton of damage.

The only problem I can see myself with this setup, is if Nohr doesn't work as I think - and it doesn't work with DLC skills or skills that the vanguard unit has on their own. If anyone can confirm it'd work like this - I'd love that news, but if it doesn't, I'd love some ideas.

Important Edit: Thanks to "someone", I found out that the idea does not work, so thank you very much to him. I will however keep the post up for the sake of getting unit ideas for the PvP play and suggestions for their skill sets.

New Motion: Another skill set I'd like to inquire into - is an Ophelia "Critical Goddess" setup. It works with her making use of Awakening from Great Lord, Ogre Strike from Shura, Vantage from Samurai, Line of Death from Weapon Master, and her personal skill, Blossoming Mind. The set is supposed to gift her a total of +60 to her critical rate after her health reaches half, allowing her to strike first from Vantage and do +10 damage regardless thanks to Line of Death. Does this strategy work, and will the chance of critically hitting the enemy increase to 100% if I were to gift her a tome that has a high critical rate normally, such as Excalibur, or a heavily forged tome, with max critical. Also this strategy has an open skill slot, and I was thinking maybe Warp from the Witch DLC (also keeping that as her final class for the situation.), but as I was before with information about the set up, I am open to skill suggestions.

Edited by PokemonTrainer77
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It doesn't work.

Nohr only triggers proc skills,male character can't get Awakening skill.

Here is my suggestion:

Main:Witch(DLC)/Dark Blood





Attack and Guard Stance(DLC)


Guard Stance+(DLC)





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It doesn't work.

Nohr only triggers proc skills,male character can't get Awakening skill.

Here is my suggestion:

Main:Witch(DLC)/Dark Blood





Attack and Guard Stance(DLC)


Guard Stance+(DLC)





Well, that sucks. I had that idea after seeing that how SerenesForest described the skill Nohr as "During Attack or Guard Stance, user shares their support unit’s battle skills", and by battle skills, I thought they meant skills like Aggressor, which actually affected the tide of battle. I guess I was incorrect. I'll return to my original skill set idea of banking off Attack Stance - and dis-including the female Kamui, since she was only going to be involved as support towards the male Kamui. Basically my original skill set is the same for M!Kamui's, but replacing Nohr with Hoshido. Would that work?

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