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Teq plays what Klok says: FE8 randomized [COMPLETE]


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...Oh. I didn't actually, but that makes perfect sense. There's probably a hard mode version out there but I cba to farm books at this point.

Taking suggestions on who to bench for the final chapter, by the way.

If supports are what influence your decision, here's the chain:

Triangle: Moulder - Syrene (A) - Vanessa

Line thing: Kyle (B) - Ephraim - Tana - Cormag - Natasha - Seth - Eirika - Saleh - Ewan - Tethys

Edited by Tequila
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[spoiler=The End Of All Things]


This chapter's boss. Nothing our team can't handle.


Everyone gets to come along!


Yeah, this is all I do on turn 1. Why? Because I'm going to cheese this chapter. Why? Because school starts for me tomorrow and I want this run over with.




2 turns taken. Such LTC!


The final chapter. Kyle's sitting this one out, since he doesn't have any legendary weapons or anything.


Just in case Ephraim needs to put some hurt on the Demon King. He has the lowest HP in the party; I don't want him getting OHKO'd.


Alas, this had forseeable consequences. Not like I care, because...


Moulder's got this in the bag.


The REAL big bad. His stats got a little boost, except luck, which actually went down. Still, shouldn't be too bad, right?




Oh, you have sacred weapon weakness! Eirika opens up with a non-crit, followed by Syrene patching her up.


Everyone else moves up and Fomortiis summons his minions to aid him.


But it's all for naught!


Suggestion: Phantoms should have pierce.


And here's the grand finisher!


You can clearly see where I went from "Turtle and try not to die" to "Fuck it all, warp to the end!".


I'm just posting these to see the B/W/L ratios and make some comments. You can see the final stats in the post above. Obviously the L number is skewed.

Tana was a pretty good Jeigan, featuring middling strength and a crappy growth (10%), but excellent defense. Was quite necessary in the early and middlegame, but sorta fell off once I started getting promoted units, although she was essential to boosting Ephraim's avoid and crit.


Ephraim was amazing except for his terrible HP growth, and even that didn't stop him. I just had massage his growths so he got speed early on so he could avoid (since he couldn't tank), but he took off like a rocket later. Ram-capped strength, skill, speed, and luck by level 12 promoted and dodged everything. Essentially vanilla Amelia on steroids.


I didn't particularly like Seth because he wouldn't get speed or resistance, but he was my only potential staff-user early on, and bishops never hurt (unless you just warp-skip the final chapters). Had really nice defense though, which was kind of wasted since he capped it upon promotion.


I initially swore to not use him, because aside from HP, skill, and resistance, his growths were terrible. Later on, I decided having a summoner on the team outweighed his bad stats, and his phantoms certainly did help. Even his high resistance came in handy against a crapton of magic users on chapter 17.


Tethys was freaking amazing, besides not getting speed (although she did get 6 speed procs on a 5% growth). She didn't cap HP or res, the latter by 1 point, but capped everything else. She was my first promoted unit and a great def tank, which pretty much mitigated the fact that everything and their mother doubled her.


All-around tank, and one of the only people in my army who could actually double things, rather than get doubled. Had trouble hitting due to his terrible skill, which his supports did nothing to fix, but goddamn the guy was a tank. Notable for ORKOing Lyon v2.0.


Turned out not to be as great as I hoped, unfortunately. He was certainly a fun unit to use because, hey, playable monsters are cool, but his main purpose was to make Ephraim dodgier with his ice affinity.


The only thief I had on this run until an even shittier version showed up in ch. 17. Was useful for his fire support with Natasha, mostly. Base 4 strength and 30% growth meant he couldn't do much damage with iron swords, instead relying on killer and even silver weapons to chip. He, uh, opened chests, I suppose, and did turn out quite nice at level 20 (capping strength, with assistance, and def/res/skl without assistance). His 5% speed growth was an embarrassment that I shall not repeat h-oops, too late.


Vanessa and Syrene were very good. Vanessa capped strength, skill, speed, and resistance, meaning I could throw her at mages and be assured she wouldn't die. One-rounded Morva to 2-turn chapter 20.

Syrene started out as my first T1 healer unit, and excelled at that due to her 120% strength growth. She had really good defense growth as well, but absolutely horrible luck led to being critted a few too many times in chapter 15.


Natasha was, quite literally, the only person out of my group who did not have a single growth at 5% (her lowest was skill at 20%, and she had a nice base in that). In fact, I'm reasonably sure she's the only character in the entire run that can boast of this. She was a fantastic unit, capping defense quite early on, and eventually capping strength and speed as well. Her being the only bow user allowed me to 2-round Riev in chapter 19, and Nidhogg definitely did a number on the Demon King. Probably this run's MVP.


Eirika was amazing, and I almost wish I went Ephraim route so I could witness her meteoric rise to fame earlier, but the extra difficulty of that route kinda made it not worth it. Someone asked earlier why I used her, and the fact that she capped everything except HP and skill is quite a clear indication as to why. She got the Metis Tome, and immediately got some much-needed skill, and I'm almost certain she would have capped those stats even without it. Actually beat Tethys to capping magic, in fact.


As far as lords go, Saleh wasn't too bad. His ok base in the beginning was, well, ok, but once middle-game rolled around he was getting doubled left right and center, and without speed and luck he was failing to dodge A LOT. Also, 4 movement didn't help. His promotion to a 7-move swordmaster kind of changed that, along with access to killing edges; suddenly he became a force to be reckoned with. The reason I actually liked him is because he started out with really high base HP and had decent defensive growths; in fact, he capped everything but HP, speed, and luck.

Sorry for the lack of images; imgur is still acting up, and I don't know why, but I did want to finish this before I go back to school. So yeah. I guess the commentary wasn't enormously entertaining, and I apologize for it, but not a lot of bad things happened to me (besides not getting any flying units EVER (L'Arachel doesn't count)), and those are usually the entertaining moments, I find.


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