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Which sibling counterpart do you prefer?


Which sibling counterpart do you prefer?  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. Ryoma or Marx/Xander?

    • Ryoma
    • Marx/Xander
    • Both
    • Neither
  2. 2. Hinoka or Camilla?

    • Hinoka
    • Camilla
    • Both
    • Neither
  3. 3. Takumi or Leon?

    • Takumi
    • Leon
    • Both
    • Neither
  4. 4. Sakura or Elise?

    • Sakura
    • Elise
    • Both
    • Neither
  5. 5. Kamui or Azura/Aqua?

    • Kamui
    • Azura/Aqua
    • Both
    • Neither

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Xander and Ryoma are close but I like Xander a bit more. dat stronk voice and laser beam probably has something to do with it.

Camilla definitely, I'm pretty amused by her "(^_^)" during crits/favorable battle outcomes.

Both Leo and Takumi are bros, neither stands out too much to me.

Sakura a bit over Elise. The moe~ feels more pure. dat 3rd route headtilt.

I guess Azura is cool sometimes.

Edited by XeKr
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Ryoma over Marxander I'm a pure Lobster lover and Marxander is so meh compared to him.

Camilla over Hinoka I love them both but Camilla as an edge because I like her personality. Yandere love!

Leo over Takumi once again love them both but Leo reminds me of my own little bro so he wins.

Sakura over Elise both sweeties but Sakura's design clicks with me and I prefer her personality over Elise's.

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Ryouma > Marx: I like Marx too, but I like Ryouma sooooo much more. A hot samurai prince wielding a lightning katana pretty much seals the deal for me :D

Hinoka > Camilla: not really a fan of Camilla's design and also not a fan of her yandereness... On the other hand, I was very pleasantly surprised by Hinoka. When the first trailer came out, I thought she might just be another Sully, which would've been a little repetitive, but she's very different. Really love her as my older sister, and her design is very nice as well. (Also, yay for pegasus warrior!)

Takumi > Leon: again, I like Leon, but I just prefer Takumi's characterization. He's the only one of the siblings who isn't immediately in love with Kamui, and I really like that. And it seems like his character undergoes the most changes out of all the siblings, and some character development is always nice. Also, OP bowman :)

Sakura = Elise: they are so different in personality, but they are both so adorable! I prefer Sakura's design, but I can't not love Elise's bright personality; really can't choose a better one here.

And Kamui > Aqua. Really not a fan of either one of them, actually, especially after reading through this: http://www.jrpgreview.com/blog/category/fire-emblem-if

The "master plans" they make in the story are so dumb they make my head hurt... But Kamui wins by a small margin because hey, self-insert and therefore biased.

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I voted:

MarXander=Lobster-nii-chan(I just ship them so much.Blame Thor)

Camilla>Hinoka(Camilla just has a better personality and has great supports(Well when Corrin is not involved).Also she is the only woman who I will allow touch Zero)

Leo=Takumi(They are the best of the siblings and I cannot decide between them.There both pretty hot too)

Sakura>Elise(Sakura is just the best lil' sister ever.I like Elise but I just cant like her more)

Azura>Corrin(They are both pretty badly written characters but Azura is just better cause Renka)

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Xander > Ryouma; no really deep reason…. I just thought he looked cooler… perhaps its the horseback Paladin thing and his commanding pose in the trailers

Hinoka > Camilla; I like redheads, and while Camilla is quite hot, her violently obsessive traits are a turn-off

Leon > Takumi; Dark Knights are cool. Also

he executes Iago

Sakura > Elise: pinkish/reddish hair; Elise's crazy huge twin tail seem way too over the top.

So I guess I prefer the Nohrian brothers and the Hoshidan sisters.

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Xander > Ryouma; no really deep reason. I just thought he looked cooler perhaps its the horseback Paladin thing and his commanding pose in the trailers

Hinoka > Camilla; I like redheads, and while Camilla is quite hot, her violently obsessive traits are a turn-off

Leon > Takumi; Dark Knights are cool. Also

he executes Iago

Sakura > Elise: pinkish/reddish hair; Elise's crazy huge twin tail seem way too over the top.

So I guess I prefer the Nohrian brothers and the Hoshidan sisters.

oh cool choices! This is probably my choice personally Edited by MatoiFalconWing
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Xander > Ryouma

Hinoka > Camilla (I don't like Hinoka, but I hate Camilla)

Leon = Takumi (I love them both)

Elise = Sakura (don't particularly care for either)

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Xander > Ryouma

Hinoka > Camilla (I don't like Hinoka, but I hate Camilla)

Leon = Takumi (I love them both)

Elise = Sakura (don't particularly care for either)

Basically my same reasoning, though flip Ryouma > Xander... and that I find Hinoka way prettier then Camilla. -nods- (Though I'll admit I do like both little sisters, they hit some... protective urge in me)

Edited by Ebony
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Eh, to be quite honest I think I prefer all of the Nohr siblings over the Hoshido siblings, at least design wise~

(I'd say the closest to being equal would be the younger sisters. Sakura's cutscene in Invisible Kingdom really made me adore her)

...and as for Kamui or Azura... honestly, I don't know.

Maybe Kamui since I can customize them?? I guess?

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Camilla's popularity never ceases to amaze me; are people only voting for her because of her design or because of her personality? The former I can sort of understand, even if I don't personally like her design, but the latter just straight up makes me uncomfortable.

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Ryoma = Xander they're both badasses in there own way

Camilla > Hinoka just by a tiny margin

Takumi = Leo I just like them as equals

Sakura = Elise they're just too cute

Neither because they're poorly developed characters

Edited by I love fire emblem
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Camilla's popularity never ceases to amaze me; are people only voting for her because of her design or because of her personality? The former I can sort of understand, even if I don't personally like her design, but the latter just straight up makes me uncomfortable.

I won't lie here, I tend to love yanderes and characters like them, but characters like Camilla or Tharja are... odd for me. Plus, idk, I don't like Camilla's armor. It's strange, I like her appearance, but I absolutely hate her armor. If that makes sense?

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Camilla's popularity never ceases to amaze me; are people only voting for her because of her design or because of her personality? The former I can sort of understand, even if I don't personally like her design, but the latter just straight up makes me uncomfortable.

I like Camilla for both.

Unlike Tharja, Camilla is generally a nice person outside of her supports and is a caring sister to her siblings.

She's also one of the more trusting/reasonable characters in the plot, or at least I think so. That's enough for me.

As for the other siblings, I generally have no strong preference aside from Elise over Sakura (and Camilla over Hinoka). Leon gets a slight edge over Takumi due to the latter's issues in the story, but not enough for me to sway one way or the other.

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Ryoma = Xander - I like both for different reasons, and both seem like cool bros, so why not both?

Camilla > Hinoka - I really don't like either... but at least Camilla seems to have a personality to me even if it sort of weirds me out... should've voted neither. The older sisters suck.

Leo = Takumi - From what I've heard, both sound like well-written, interesting characters, and I love both their classes, designs, and supports, so both!

Elise > Sakura - I love both, but Elise wins for that absolutely adorable scene in Ch. 1 and being able to use magic. And for being the best little sis.

I picked neither for Kamui and Azura, because if I've heard is correct and they don't change it during localization, both are idiots and I'm probably going to hate them. This is why I come up with fake personalities for the MU.... because I typically can't stand the default one.

For sibling preference overall, it sort of goes like Leo = Takumi >= Xander = Ryoma = Elise > Sakura >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Camilla > Hinoka.

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I like Camilla for both.

Unlike Tharja, Camilla is generally a nice person outside of her supports and is a caring sister to her siblings.

She's also one of the more trusting/reasonable characters in the plot, or at least I think so. That's enough for me.

As for the other siblings, I generally have no strong preference aside from Elise over Sakura (and Camilla over Hinoka). Leon gets a slight edge over Takumi due to the latter's issues in the story, but not enough for me to sway one way or the other.

Oh sure, she's a nice person, but so are most playable Fire Emblem characters, at least to my knowledge. However, her obsession over Kamui is taken to such an extent that it completely overshadows her own personality, and it comes off as very disturbing and makes her look mentally unstable, which one could argue she is. "Reasonable" is not a word I'd use to describe her.

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Oh sure, she's a nice person, but so are most playable Fire Emblem characters, at least to my knowledge. However, her obsession over Kamui is taken to such an extent that it completely overshadows her own personality, and it comes off as very disturbing and makes her look mentally unstable, which one could argue she is. "Reasonable" is not a word I'd use to describe her.

I personally don't mind the obsession that much since a large portion of the cast has hero worship problems as well. Sure, Camilla's is taken to an extreme, but even so, she seems... so mild compared to the other yanderes shown in JP merchandise (prominently anime), that it doesn't freak me out so much.

Also, I feel like Camilla's obsession is somewhat understandable. She was born from a concubine who didn't love her (and in Nohr, of all places), and I honestly doubt Xander would have noticed her very much while he was struggling with Garon as a small child. Therefore, it seems reasonable that she latched on to the next kid that came along, in hopes that the child would reciprocate her love.

So I still voted for Camilla, haha.

Edited by Minischew
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I personally don't mind the obsession that much since a large portion of the cast has hero worship problems as well. Sure, Camilla's is taken to an extreme, but even so, she seems... so mild compared to the other yanderes shown in JP merchandise (prominently anime), that it doesn't freak me out so much.

Also, I feel like Camilla's obsession is somewhat understandable. She was born from a concubine who didn't love her (and in Nohr, of all places), and I honestly doubt Xander would have noticed her very much while he was struggling with Garon as a small child. Therefore, it seems reasonable that she latched on to the next kid that came along, in hopes that the child would reciprocate her love.

So I still voted for Camilla, haha.

Other extreme examples hardly improves Camilla's character. She's still essentially pure fan service and fetish fuel in the shape of a supposed main character.

As for the concubine thing, I agree that it's an interesting concept, but it doesn't really get anywhere. As far as I know (and feel free to correct me here), we're never given enough information regarding her childhood that we can assume why she turned out the way she did. That is exactly why we can't assume anything about her relationship with Xander as a kid either; he may have been shy, but would that have stopped him from spending time with his sister? - Once again, I may have missed a key support or something here.

However, even if what you say is true, it doesn't explain her insane obsession with Kamui. She still loves all of her siblings dearly, and they all love her. Elise wants to become just like her and Leo really wants more of her attention and is jealous of Kamui for how much she and Elise dote him. She's also got her retainers who are very loyal to her.

Her character literally revolves around her obsession: in her supports with Kamui, she's constantly trying to initiate physical contact or even bathe together with them, and other supports, such as with Arthur and Ryouma, Kamui is all she talks about. Kamui even tells her to stop it, and we never them doing anything that could lead to Camilla obsessing over them to that insane extent.

She just makes me super uncomfortable; I hate the idea of being pampered like that, and it feels like she's only there as eye candy and fetish fuel.

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Oh sure, she's a nice person, but so are most playable Fire Emblem characters, at least to my knowledge. However, her obsession over Kamui is taken to such an extent that it completely overshadows her own personality, and it comes off as very disturbing and makes her look mentally unstable, which one could argue she is. "Reasonable" is not a word I'd use to describe her.

Reasonable within the context of the plot. Compared to the brothers, she's a much more reasonable person; and that's all I can really get into without having to spoiler everything.

I'm not sure what to say here. I'm not bothered by the character in the way you appear to be. She has decent supports, her Avatar obsession doesn't grate on me like Tharja's (or Shara's), good unit, and her design is alright. As far as Fire Emblem goes, that's good enough for me.

Even if you don't like Camilla, which is fine, you can understand the appeal behind her, right? Even if we just go by the Avatar obsession, some people like that.

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Other extreme examples hardly improves Camilla's character. She's still essentially pure fan service and fetish fuel in the shape of a supposed main character.

Ah yes, I agree with you on that. I'm not arguing that Camilla's character is better; I'm simply saying that since I'm exposed to other extreme examples, I'm able to turn a blind eye to her quirk. (And thus, I'm able to like her better than Hinoka.) But there's no doubt that she's fanservice. I think we all knew that since the commercials, haha.

As for the concubine thing, I agree that it's an interesting concept, but it doesn't really get anywhere. As far as I know (and feel free to correct me here), we're never given enough information regarding her childhood that we can assume why she turned out the way she did. That is exactly why we can't assume anything about her relationship with Xander as a kid either; he may have been shy, but would that have stopped him from spending time with his sister? - Once again, I may have missed a key support or something here.

Ah right, that's true. I made a bit of an assumption here. I was thinking a bit of Zero/Camilla supports, in which Zero claims that Camilla is a "pitiful" (i.e. lonely) being, and that she sought to seek the gaping hole in her heart by turning to Kamui. Later on, Camilla admits that Zero's claim was not entirely false. This lead me to believe that Camilla was rather lonely as a child, and that maybe her relationship with Xander wasn't enough to reassure her. Or maybe Xander did try to get closer to her, but Camilla unintentionally blocked him out because he was the only one mothered by the queen. But as I've only read supports and not played the actual game, I'm not going to assume that Camilla blocked out Xander.

Nevertheless, if Xander wasn't as close to Camilla as they could have been, I do think it makes sense for her to develop an obsession with Kamui. It's a matter of timing; Kamui comes in when she's the loneliest. (And I think we can assume to a certain degree that Kamui came before Leo and Elise, since he was kidnapped as a baby.) By the time Leo and Elise rolled around (and the retainers), she wasn't suffering quite as much (especially since I assume that sheltered Kamui reciprocated Camilla's affections to a certain extent). Maybe I'm assuming a bit too much, but seeing as how messed up Nohr is, and how several characters come out hurt in one form or another, I can't help but think that Camilla was affected by its negative atmosphere as well.

But I do agree with you that Camilla's obsession does seem unjustified at times. It's just... despite that, I still like her character. She's shown to be a caring individual-- she lavishes attention the most on Kamui, but she's quite loving to everyone (just look at her Beach DLC interactions with her retainers)-- and I really like her design and class.

Edited by Minischew
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Reasonable within the context of the plot. Compared to the brothers, she's a much more reasonable person; and that's all I can really get into without having to spoiler everything.

I'm not sure what to say here. I'm not bothered by the character in the way you appear to be. She has decent supports, her Avatar obsession doesn't grate on me like Tharja's (or Shara's), good unit, and her design is alright. As far as Fire Emblem goes, that's good enough for me.

Even if you don't like Camilla, which is fine, you can understand the appeal behind her, right? Even if we just go by the Avatar obsession, some people like that.

Ah yes, I agree with you on that. I'm not arguing that Camilla's character is better; I'm simply saying that since I'm exposed to other extreme examples, I'm able to turn a blind eye to her quirk. (And thus, I'm able to like her better than Hinoka.) But there's no doubt that she's fanservice. I think we all knew that since the commercials, haha.

Ah right, that's true. I made a bit of an assumption here. I was thinking a bit of Zero/Camilla supports, in which Zero claims that Camilla is a "pitiful" (i.e. lonely) being, and that she sought to seek the gaping hole in her heart by turning to Kamui. Later on, Camilla admits that Zero's claim was not entirely false. This lead me to believe that Camilla was rather lonely as a child, and that maybe her relationship with Xander wasn't enough to reassure her. Or maybe Xander did try to get closer to her, but Camilla unintentionally blocked him out because he was the only one mothered by the queen. But as I've only read supports and not played the actual game, I'm not going to assume that Camilla blocked out Xander.

Nevertheless, if Xander wasn't as close to Camilla as they could have been, I do think it makes sense for her to develop an obsession with Kamui. It's a matter of timing; Kamui comes in when she's the loneliest. (And I think we can assume to a certain degree that Kamui came before Leo and Elise, since he was kidnapped as a baby.) By the time Leo and Elise rolled around (and the retainers), she wasn't suffering quite as much (especially since I assume that sheltered Kamui reciprocated Camilla's affections to a certain extent). Maybe I'm assuming a bit too much, but seeing as how messed up Nohr is, and how several characters come out hurt in one form or another, I can't help but think that Camilla was affected by its negative atmosphere as well.

But I do agree with you that Camilla's obsession does seem unjustified at times. It's just... despite that, I still like her character. She's shown to be a caring individual-- she lavishes attention the most on Kamui, but she's quite loving to everyone (just look at her Beach DLC interactions with her retainers)-- and I really like her design and class.

I should probably point out that I'm not trying to grill you over why you like a character I don't - hell, I like Cynthia for some reason even though by my own criteria I shouldn't. It's not always something that has anything to do with logic. I'm just interested in hearing why some people like Camilla, since I just find her uncomfortable and a waste of a main character slot. Different strokes for different folks and all that, I suppose.

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My votes were





Corrin=Azura (Neither.)

It was really hard to decide for the younger siblings.

Kamui comes in when she's the loneliest. (And I think we can assume to a certain degree that Kamui came before Leo and Elise, since he was kidnapped as a baby.) By the time Leo and Elise rolled around (and the retainers), she wasn't suffering quite as much (especially since I assume that sheltered Kamui reciprocated Camilla's affections to a certain extent).

I don't think that was said in the game. When he was kidnapped, Sakura had already been born (Shown in Corrin x Sakura A-Support), so, unless Sakura is older than Leo as well, I don't think it's true. And also, Hoshido would need some time before they would be able to kidnap Azura, so wouldn't she also serve as company for Camilla? Yet they can't even support (For people who have played the game, does Camilla recognize Azura in any of the routes?).

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