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Uh, Hi I Suppose?


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I've visited this forum often without even intending to, so I decided it was fate telling me to join.

I've only played Awakening (to my own dismay), but I plan on getting the Virtual Console FE games on Wii U when I get some money.

I likely won't post much due to social anxiety (also joined to try and force myself to work out of it), but I'm really looking forward to getting more into the FE community. ^-^

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Why hello there friend!

I know how social anxiety feels has I too still suffer to this day.

Anyways I sincerely hope you'll enjoy it here in the forest and hope you plan on giving the even older snes/nes games a try one day.

Also don't be afaid to talk to me either, I'm still pretty new here myself.

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Welcome to the forums, FlyingStarKat.

And hey listen, try not to be so nervous. The community is fairly accepting, and if you have any problems or anything you wish to talk about, plenty of people would be willing to help you.

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Ah, thank you all! I'm gonna try to put my mindset back to middle school when my symptoms were less severe and I lived on forums, because from what I've seen most everyone here is nice. c:

^ (I'm newer than him)

Hi. Welcome to the forums. I was really expecting a pun once you used the word "fate," what with the newest Fire Emblem being called Fates, haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay!

I was actually really tempted to make a pun, but opted to avoid that in my first post. XD
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*hands a cup of Blueberry Tea*

Welcome to the forest, here's a cup of tea. If you don't mind me asking what is your favorite unit in awakening?

:O OhmyNagablueberrytea-

My favorite unit would be Henry. I love his personality, and he's just a big cutie. cx

Though I prefer the Japanese version, where his cheery demeanor is just a façade.

Might I ask you the same question in return? ^-^

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