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Zero Escape 3


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A few weeks late bringing this up, but Zero Escape 3 has been announced and should be out sometime next year. Is anyone here a fan of the series and looking forward towards its next installment? And if so what do or don't you want to see?

Edited by Jotari
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After Nightmare mentioned it to me I've been very hyped about it! I got introduced to the series a year ago and loved it ever since.

Though I'll just put my trust into Kotaro Uchikushi to make a lovely game like usual o/

Edited by Koneko
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Oh great. We do have fans here. I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about once the game comes out. And you should definitely play Virtue's Last Reward Vestige. For me it certainly didn't disappoint. Did any of you preorder it on Amazon? They have an exclusive bundle deal that nets you a watch from the game. I've love to get it myself but they sold out like instantly.

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I'm looking forward to ZE3- I only played VLR, but I really want to play both 999 and ZE3. I just want a good plot, a good cast of characters, and good puzzles.

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Yeah I'm ready for it. I recently played 999 and VLR and one of the problems I had with VLR was that without ZE3 it's an incomplete story. So I'm glad this one is on its way.

Both were good games though (999 was incredible, VLR was good) so I can trust that ZE3 will also at least be good. I just hope it comes out for PAL.

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I'd genuinely forgotten about the series in the time without any news whatsoever, haha. I'm a bit on the fence whether to get the Vita or 3DS version when the time for that comes, though. I played VLR on the 3DS but have since also come to own a Vita, can anyone provide any insight wrt this?

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I personally prefer the 3ds version of VLR because of it being more intuitive to use the note function with the 3ds stylus, and it does help out on a bunch of puzzles to be able to use it in that manner. I figure ZE3 will be the same in that regard. Additionally, if they put the same effort into the 3d effect for ZE3, I'd get it anyway. VLR is the only game I actually left the 3d effect on for, since it's pretty much the only remotely decent looking game in 3d on the system that doesnt make me want to vomit after a few minutes.

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Bit late to the party, but I'm very happy it's actually getting made.

I got worried after discovering the game failed to get green-lit and for a while I was starting to lose faith it would get made.

Then #4infinity happened... the most painful, long and tedious tease ever, but it was worth it I guess XD

Edited by VincentASM
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I think it's a shame they couldn't make the announcement at E3 in some way. If they managed to at least mention it there they could have brought it to the attention of more people who aren't avid fans of the series.

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I only just got into this series. Have 999 on my phone, and soon going to get VLR on 3DS.

Dude, nooooo.

For 999, it's DS or nothing. The phone version cuts out all the puzzles, which takes out the impact of several of the game's reveals.

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Dude, nooooo.

For 999, it's DS or nothing. The phone version cuts out all the puzzles, which takes out the impact of several of the game's reveals.

This is why I don't own 999 yet. I have it on my Amazon wish list, but hoping that it gets a rerelease.... Which is unlikely.

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Would 999 work on my 3DS (or my DSI)? I had to play it on an R4 Card because it wasn't officially released in Europe but I did see it for sale in an antique game store and would have bought it if I didn't have doubts about the region locking.

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Would 999 work on my 3DS (or my DSI)? I had to play it on an R4 Card because it wasn't officially released in Europe but I did see it for sale in an antique game store and would have bought it if I didn't have doubts about the region locking.

It should work fine, the only DS games that were region locked were ones that had bonus DSi functionality, which is pretty much just the late Pokemon games.

Also, I'm pretty stoked for ZE3. I went and replayed 999 and VLR for a second time when the announcement reminded me that they existed and they're still as great as I remembered them being.

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It should work fine, the only DS games that were region locked were ones that had bonus DSi functionality, which is pretty much just the late Pokemon games.

Also, I'm pretty stoked for ZE3. I went and replayed 999 and VLR for a second time when the announcement reminded me that they existed and they're still as great as I remembered them being.

Ah. So that's what they meant about DSI region locking. I kind of assumed it just meant foreign games wouldn't work on a DSI but what you're saying makes a lot more sense. Really I should have looked this info up years ago. I guess if it's still in that shop I'll pick it up next time I'm there. Though the price on the site Jave linked is pretty sweet.

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