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Best asset and flaw for kamui x azura (spoilers)

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I'm doing another play through for invisible kingdom and want to pair with azura Im thinking of making my secondary class lance fighter so she can get it also want to know what best asset and flaw as well as skills to give to kanna and shigure, I know I'm risking another child unit but which one is probably the best one to go statwise?

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I thought you'd be pairing with Matoi… well, variety between different playthroughs, I suppose….

Azura's stat mod distribution is +1 Skl, +3 Spd, and -3 Def.

Main game vs. long-term grinding/postgame/PvP considerations will give different considerations…

How about +SPD/-LCK?

Build on what Azura is best at (SPD) and peripherally built on what she is secondarily god at (SKL)…. +SPD offsets the luck flaw partly as well (5% growth offset, and you mod becomes -1 instead of -3). You also avoid making weak defenses any worse….

Your mods… -1 Str, -1 Mag, +2 Skl, +4 Spd, -1 Lck, +0 Def, +0 Res

Azura's mods +0 Str +0 Mag +1 Skl +3 Sod +0 Lck -3 Def +0 Res

Kanna's mods 0 Str, +0 Mag, +4 Skl, +8 Spd, +0 Lck, -2 Def, +0 Res

That's such a high speed modifier that even the slowest classes in the game (General, for example) would be able to get to 33 speed (as fast as unmodified Bersekers). And something like a Ninja could get up to 43 SPD…. 45 speed when you give the +2 bonus from Shurikens… a Ninja of course would have to be via marriage seals or something if your secondary is Lance Fighter…

However, even without that, you have something almost as good, SPD wise…

When you consider Pegasus Knights, which cap at 34 SPD, you can get a 42 unit when capped… with swallow strike… and Azura passes down Pegasus, so such a unit could double a 42 speed unit on the player phase… that you're passing down Lance Fighter would work well for a Nohr Princess/Lance Fighter/Pegasus Kanna.

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I agree with the above in terms of using speed as your asset and luck as your flaw.

As for class, I am a fan of either going with Knight or with Lancefighter. Both give a couple of good skills: knight gives luna for offense and pavise to offset Azura's low defense, while lance fighter gives lancefaire, breaking sky, and flamboyant if you want a more glass canon Azura.

In fact, I had a pretty good idea for a build for Azura in that case. Give her Great Lord via DLC and have her run Aether, Breaking Sky, Flamboyant, Lancefaire and another skill of your choice (Awakening maybe). Should turn her into a pretty good Falcon/Golden-Kite Warrior glass canon build

Edited by TheWerdna
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Basically what astrophys said.Like Werdna said, I would go Knight secondary so you can build up Aqua's defenses.Lance Fighter is not necessary since you can A+ Hinoka and Aqua for that.Also Luna>Breaking Sky and Flamboyant can be dangerous.

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Basically what astrophys said.Like Werdna said, I would go Knight secondary so you can build up Aqua's defenses.Lance Fighter is not necessary since you can A+ Hinoka and Aqua for that.Also Luna>Breaking Sky and Flamboyant can be dangerous.

Yep. Which is why the build I have for the Lance Fighter idea was labeled as a glass canon. She will do a hell of a lot of dmg, but would be able to die very easily.

For knight the build I was thinking was 3 support skills (Sun god, Battle Command, Voice of Peace, Servant's Joy, etc), Luna to give some extra dmg, and Pavise to offset her low defense. She would probably by a Falcon Warrior in this case.

Also, I thought A+ with Hinoka is just a glorified Parallel seal, since you only get the other person's secondary class if it overlaps with your base class? If Azura breaks this rule, then I would actually be able to go with something like this. Pavise, Luna, Breaking Sky, Flamboyant, and Lancefaire. Would be a bit less glass cannony thanks to Pavise (which will have a near 50% activation rate in this case)

Also, I had a fun idea for Kanna that I plan to do on my Hoshido run. She will be running Aether, Breaking Sky, Hoshido, Flamboyant, and Galeforce for an over 80% chance of hits activating a skill (47% aether 0.0 ) to let her just run around the battle field and kill all of the things. Basically my attempt to recreate the magic of Aether!Morgan, destroyer of worlds.

Edited by TheWerdna
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Yes to Lancer, definitely yes. Asset and Flaw depend on what roles you want for your kids. Even with the same mods, they will fit different roles. Shigure inherits Rod Knight and Nohr Prince along with Peg, while Kanna will get Peg and Lancer along with Nohr Princess. +HP -Skl could be a good idea for them as it offsets the -Def that kills Shigure and also boosts his Res and HP growth, helping him with a supporting role. Kanna's class set is more suited to offense, with classes such as Holy Lancer, Basara, Dark Blood, and White Blood. However, with the good defense and great Resistance, coupled with okay Mag, she could make use of the Dragonstone and Dragonstone+, if you wanted.

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Basically what astrophys said.Like Werdna said, I would go Knight secondary so you can build up Aqua's defenses.Lance Fighter is not necessary since you can A+ Hinoka and Aqua for that.Also Luna>Breaking Sky and Flamboyant can be dangerous.

isn't Breaking Sky > Luna?

Breaking Sky is 1.5x more likely to trigger. both of them are half the appropriate stat. enemies usually have higher offensive stats than defensive stats, especially main game/not cap

and slightly offtopic but interesting to note, unless the unit has a lot of Str, Luna > Astra. say capped Trueblades fight. Astra with Silver Sword = 30 Str + 12 Mt - 27 Def =15 dmg. Astra hit = 7x5 = 35. Luna is 15 + 13 = 28. but Luna has 32% vs Astra's 16% so average dmg with Astra is 15*0.84+35*0.16 = 18.2 while Luna is 15*0.68+28*0.32 = 19.16

but yes, +Spd/-Luc is too good to pass up. +8 Speed!

Edited by GoXDS
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isn't Breaking Sky > Luna?

Breaking Sky is 1.5x more likely to trigger. both of them are half the appropriate stat. enemies usually have higher offensive stats than defensive stats, especially main game/not cap

and slightly offtopic but interesting to note, unless the unit has a lot of Str, Luna > Astra. say capped Trueblades fight. Astra with Silver Sword = 30 Str + 12 Mt - 27 Def =15 dmg. Astra hit = 7x5 = 35. Luna is 15 + 13 = 28. but Luna has 32% vs Astra's 16% so average dmg with Astra is 15*0.84+35*0.16 = 18.2 while Luna is 15*0.68+28*0.32 = 19.16

but yes, +Spd/-Luc is too good to pass up. +8 Speed!

Luna generally does more dmg, at least with late game/maxed out units, but Breaking Sky activates more often. Late game/maxed Luna is stronger is terms of raw dmg. However, the activation rate could make it do more dmg on average. Its the same reason Luna was better than Ignis in Awakening. That said, I recall that stacking Aether and Luna on the same character (or Luna and Ignis) was actually really good most of the time, so I'd imagine Luna and Breaking Sky on the same character could be really good.

But in the end I think the idea is that while Luna activates less often, giving Pavise to Azura is better than making her even more of a glass canon with Breaking Sky and Flamboyant.

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Luna generally does more dmg, at least with late game/maxed out units, but Breaking Sky activates more often. Late game/maxed Luna is stronger is terms of raw dmg. However, the activation rate could make it do more dmg on average. Its the same reason Luna was better than Ignis in Awakening. That said, I recall that stacking Aether and Luna on the same character (or Luna and Ignis) was actually really good most of the time, so I'd imagine Luna and Breaking Sky on the same character could be really good.

But in the end I think the idea is that while Luna activates less often, giving Pavise to Azura is better than making her even more of a glass canon with Breaking Sky and Flamboyant.

Luna vs Ignis is different from Breaking Sky vs Luna. Ignis worked on the unit's personal stats and on the other stat, which is usually much lower (or because the class is balanced, both are lower than a pure class). Breaking Sky should do more than Ignis would've since it works on the enemy's stats and the same type. as I said before, Enemy Str is higher than their Def so should always outdmg Luna even before taking activation rate into account. also as long as Azura is stuck in single range, she should definitely use Pavise, I agree. she probably has room to include both though?

that reminds me, doesn't A+ with Hinoka only grant Pegasus? since that's her Base and it doesn't match Azura's Singer (even though it matches Azura's Secondary). thus Azura shouldn't be able to get Lance Fighter from Hinoka

Edited by GoXDS
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Luna vs Ignis is different from Breaking Sky vs Luna. Ignis worked on the unit's personal stats and on the other stat, which is usually much lower (or because the class is balanced, both are lower than a pure class). Breaking Sky should do more than Ignis would've since it works on the enemy's stats and the same type. as I said before, Enemy Str is higher than their Def so should always outdmg Luna even before taking activation rate into account. also as long as Azura is stuck in single range, she should definitely use Pavise, I agree. she probably has room to include both though?

The issue is getting both on her without resorting to buying skills from other players. Unless she gets Lancefighter from A+ing Hinoka (which I do not believe she does)

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