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Fire Emblem if Japanese wiki?


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Any idea if such a thing even exists?

Whenever there's an utter lack of information on some jRPG title (even years following a Western release), managing to find a Japanese wiki usually settles most of the mechanics-related questions about a given title, such as skills, formulae, bases, AI behaviour and what have you.

It would appear that FE if is "big" enough for a wiki to be run and managed by the Eastern players who got the game early. So is there anything of this kind?

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First off, newer games have wiki-based guides instead of static pages in Kawaki Chatei.

There's also this: Fire Emblem if Kami Kouryaku Wiki

As for non-wiki guides:

RRPG (Hard Classic-oriented)

Hrs-Game (Lunatic Classic-oriented)

There are a few more out there too, but I think these are the best ones around. (Except Kawaki Chatei which, despite being the authoritative source in the past, has lost its sharpness since adopting the wiki format)

EDIT - None of these sites have data-mined information. Actually, Hrs-Game relies on Serenes Forest for growth rate information.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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These might work? They're more compilations of information rather than explanations, though. If there are any formulae on there I haven't managed to find them, but they do have details about weapons+effects, the My Castle buildings, terrain bonuses and effects, and things like that.




Edited by wvype
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