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Luigi's Mansion Becoming a Trilogy: Yay or Nay?


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So, I'm a big fan of Luigi and a big fan of his two ghost-hunting games, especially the second one. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (simply known as Luigi's Mansion 2 outside of the US) just made everything I loved about the first game even better! More funny scenes, polished gameplay, and another nice, simple story. And did I mention MORE funny scenes? OMG, E. Gadd and Luigi are hilarious. Heck, I laugh every time E. Gadd says "Criminy!" for some reason, I just find it amusing. XD

Anyway, I think it might be possible that we're going to eventually get another game. I sure hope so, I wouldn't want Dark Moon to have only been for Luigi's 30th anniversary and that's that. Luigi didn't get his own year for nothing, you know! He's loved around the world.

But why I think there's a chance we could get a third Luigi's Mansion game is that a little something from Dark Moon's ending stuck out a bit to me. Don't worry, I'm not spoiling anything. :P But after the Dark Moon is put back together and placed back into the sky and the ghosts return to their friendly selves and all, E. Gadd holds up a remote with two buttons on it. One is for freeing the ghosts, which he presses to let them go since they were originally friendly. The other button has a picture of a Boo on it, hinting that it's for opening the Boo Canister.

Now why would a smart guy like Professor E. Gadd have that? I'd imagine that he'd not want there to be any way for the Boos to get out! They're rotten. lol But the ending cutscene pauses for a second when he holds up the remote to press the button to free the normal ghosts, as if the game is telling us "remember this Boo button, folks!"

It might be a little cliffhanger/foreshadowing of the next game's plot. Someone gets a hold of that remote and frees the Boos! And poor Luigi has to round 'em up yet again. XD That can't be all there is to it though. Who frees the Boos and why? And how did they get E. Gadd's remote? I'm thinking that this time, E. Gadd should be the one getting kidnapped rather than a certain somebody that's been getting turned into a painting a lot lately. And Luigi will be on his own for awhile, without the professor's assistance! I think this would make an interesting game. And it should be for Wii U. ^^

Do you guys think a third game is possible? Do you want one? I want one so bad, Dark Moon is my favorite 3DS game!

Edited by Anacybele
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The thing with Mario and Luigi is that they can make many sequels and still ends up being good... (Like if they made a Super Mario Galaxy 3 it would probably be good)

An example would be Mario Kart Whatever or Mario Party Something.

Edited by Naughx
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I still haven't got around to finishing Luigi's Mansion 2, but I like the game and its look and feel. It's like Ghostbusters with more visual humour than spoken humour.

I think Nintendo might continue the series, it's not unpopular, it's just a matter of when, I think. Maybe an NX version would be cool, I'd like to see a haunted environment by Nintendo with the kind of graphics and power a big console can put out, plus it'd give them more time to make it.

EDIT: Also, the multiplayer should return, I really enjoyed it.

Edited by Knight
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I bet the series isn't unpopular! Dark Moon was sold out just about everywhere here when it came out, I couldn't find it for awhile. xP

But if the NX is really that powerful, then a new Luigi's Mansion would look great! Just so long as the graphics aren't overdone. I mean, this isn't Call of Duty or anything, so it doesn't need overly pretty graphics. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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