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Questions about draconic shield


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Let's say your kamui is paired up with someone. Another paired up unit adjacent to kamui is attacked. If kamui has draconic shield, will it still proc even though he is not in a stance with the attacked character?

Also, whose character does the luck proc rate base itself off? If midoriko has draconic shield is the proc rate boosted or does the proc rate depend on the luck of the person getting attacked?

Lastly, does draconic shield stack with a unit's pavise or aegis?

Edited by Centicerise
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I have confirmed that draconic shield works on any adjacent ally regardless of pair up situation.

I'm inclined to say the receiving character is the one that the luck proc rate is based off.

Not sure if it stacks with aegis or pavise but it goes through a similar animation as them so I would say no.

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