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Doom103's Guide to Sig Making


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Well I'm not a writer, a debater, or even make coherent posts, but I can make a sig lol and I would like to share with you guys how to make some, with the help of friends from other forums I present to you My GUIDE!

Ch 1 - What you need

Now for a sig there are man programs, but the most common are Photoshop and Gimp, and maybe PaintShop. You need a gfx program that isn't paint. The program basically needs to let you adjust layers and set a special lighting on them, which the only programs I think that do that are the one stated above, but there might be another one who knows

Ch 2 what is a good sig

Before I rant off on what is a good/bad sig let me show you some eg.






lol I know my sig isn't on the same league as these, but hey lol it's good

Well all thoes sigs have an understanding of color, depth and blending, the keys to sig making

Now here are some bad sigs that dont have that





Those sigs have a bad understanding of color,blending and depth. And there all mine lol, see thats how I started out

More Coming soon

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Chapter 3 what do I do to make a sig

Well we will start with a beginner sig

Very simple but can get great results (if you need photoshop om me and i'll send you what you need to get it for free)


Now post your results here so I can take a look

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Money has nothing to do with it, and what dont you understand


Where did he get the picture from? What does he mean "add the pic again?" And probably most confusing to me is the smudging, I don't understand that tutorial.

PS:Sending you a PM now to get it for free :)

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ehh, i think that you know to explain with detail about how you can do a sig.

something like: "Step 1. Open a new file in 400x150 px, then you proceed to..." and stuff like that.

i takes some time to make a tutorial. It's not that i know how to do one, but i can imagine it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know this things about programs but i want to know if i can do sigs with autocad

It's a drawing program

lol, no autocadd is a drafting program, which I use, you draft building, roads, houses ect. but sig making needs to be on a picture editing programs like the ones stated above.

I would continue this but no one is posting their results or even commenting so idk if I should even spend my time.

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lol, no autocadd is a drafting program, which I use, you draft building, roads, houses ect. but sig making needs to be on a picture editing programs like the ones stated above.

I would continue this but no one is posting their results or even commenting so idk if I should even spend my time.

Lol i though one could.

Anyways keep doing this I won't have photobucket until i get a laptop but i still want to learn how to make sigs and then when i get my hands on a sig program e.g. i will hopefully make one.

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