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Logical Promotion for Characters

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What would you consider the most likely class of a character based on characterization through the games. I'm specifically talking about the unpromoted characters and which out of their 2 promotion choices better fit their characterization.

Lissa- I think she makes more sense as a sage than wearing a metal skirt and brandishing an ax to kill her enemies.

Sully- Not too sure, I lean towards Great Knight more because of Kjelle and because of Frederick.

Virion- Sniper.

Stahl- Paladin? I dunno maybe Great Knight.

Vaike- Warrior because his persona screams more power over defense than a Hero favors.

Miriel- Sage since she's all about no nonsense research and using a horse would take away time better used for research and experimentation.

Sumia- Falcon Knight since I don't see her picking up Dark magic in any sensible manner.

Kellam- General since he's more likely to be ignored in heavy armor than with a horse decked out in armor.

Donnel- Lancer/Halberdier but the class doesn't exist but would have made him a more unique person to use.

Ricken- Sage since I don't see him being able to have a mount that would listen to him in battle nor be responsible enough for it.

Maribelle- Valkyrie since I do not see her ditching her horse to whack infidels in a skirt and ax.

Gaius- Assassin more than a Trickster since he's more than willing to do the dirty jobs to get things done.

Cordelia- Falcon Knight for the same reasons as Sumia.

Gregor- Obvious Hero, not foolhardy enough to be a warrior.

Tharja- Sorcerer, don't see her getting a horse to hex people when she could do it herself.

Cherce- Wyvern Lord since there's no way she's going to ditch Minerva.

Henry- Sorcerer, no reason for a horse, although he could based on his affinity for animals.


Owain- Swordmaster since he seems to hammy to be an Assassin.

Inigo- Hero, it's a more dashing class for him to woo the ladies with.

Brady- Sage since he doesn't seem to have the physical fortitude necessary for a War Monk.

Kjelle- General since her supports indicate Sully never taught her to ride a horse.

Cynthia- Falcon Knight for the same reasons as Sumia and Cordelia

Severa- Hero, she's more likely to bash someones face in on foot than on a horse.

Gerome- Wyvern Lord since he obviously has Minerva.

Laurent- Sage also since I don't see him getting a horse.

Noire- Sniper for the same reasons as other characters with an alt promo using a mount.


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Almost all of your suggested promotions are somewhat regarded as the "canon" promotions, based on past FE games and the children's classes in the Future Past. The only ones that deviates are Lissa and Brady, but I still agree that they should be in the Sage classes (makes no sense for them to be War Cleric/Monk when all their supports are about how frail they are).

Both Sully and Stahl should promote to Paladins, so they can keep their color scheme (and that Great Knight armor looks awful).

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I would argue that Lissa and Brady should be War Clerics/Monks respectively just based on how in older games Clerics and Priests always promoted to Bishops and Mages to Sages(The exception being Emmeryn in this case who was a Cleric).But I do prefer Sage for them in a statistic point of view.

I feel Sully and Stahl would be Paladins just based on being the archetype they are.

Donnel will always be a Villager to me but if Soldier was a playable class and could promote to Halberdier, then I would use that for him.

Next is Cordy who I believe would be a Dark Flier simply based on how she is one in Cipher.(Though I don't believe she has any unique armor for being a Dark Flier)

I tend to believe Henry is a Dark Knight cause animals but it could be either.

Virion I believe is a Bow Knight since he is of nobility and I would say the ground is just not fabulous enough for Virion to walk upon it.

Finally is Gerome.While I tend to make a Wyvern Lord for canon sake, I believe his canon class or what could be his canon class is Griffon Rider just based on the fact he wished to let Minerva go when he came from the future.

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Cordelia would/could pick up Dark Magic… she gets an entire class tree dedicated to it (Dark Mage).

Besides, one of the ideas behind her character is that she puts efforts into developing as many skills as possible.

Picking up attack spells (which she can use in 3 of her 6 promoted classes, Dark Flier, Sorcerer, and Dark Knight) would seem reasonable. Plus she's a Dark Flier in the Cipher. The funny thing is that stats wise she's more suited to a Falcon Knight and Sumia should be the Dark Flier, but personality wise I'd imagine the opposite.

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Almost all of your suggested promotions are somewhat regarded as the "canon" promotions, based on past FE games and the children's classes in the Future Past. The only ones that deviates are Lissa and Brady, but I still agree that they should be in the Sage classes (makes no sense for them to be War Cleric/Monk when all their supports are about how frail they are).

Both Sully and Stahl should promote to Paladins, so they can keep their color scheme (and that Great Knight armor looks awful).

I chose Great Knight since I recall that Frederick was one of her trainers when she was recruited as a knight. Also her daughter goes down the armor route so I thought it would be a little more sensible that Sully taight her how to use heavy armor but never got to the point of teaching her to use that on a mount. I also based it on giving the GK class more representation since the Paladin class is heavily saturated throughout the series.

I would argue that Lissa and Brady should be War Clerics/Monks respectively just based on how in older games Clerics and Priests always promoted to Bishops and Mages to Sages(The exception being Emmeryn in this case who was a Cleric).But I do prefer Sage for them in a statistic point of view.

I feel Sully and Stahl would be Paladins just based on being the archetype they are.

Donnel will always be a Villager to me but if Soldier was a playable class and could promote to Halberdier, then I would use that for him.

Next is Cordy who I believe would be a Dark Flier simply based on how she is one in Cipher.(Though I don't believe she has any unique armor for being a Dark Flier)

I tend to believe Henry is a Dark Knight cause animals but it could be either.

Virion I believe is a Bow Knight since he is of nobility and I would say the ground is just not fabulous enough for Virion to walk upon it.

Finally is Gerome.While I tend to make a Wyvern Lord for canon sake, I believe his canon class or what could be his canon class is Griffon Rider just based on the fact he wished to let Minerva go when he came from the future.

Except there is a fundamental difference between chucking light magic at enemies and taking a burly ax to crush some skulls. Of course the fact that light magic is basically non existent in this game beats the point of them being analogous to bishops.

Cordelia's personality and inherent talent would lend credence to her being a Dark Flier, it also adds more balance in class variety.

Gerome is the only one I feel that the developers should have made a Griffon Knight to give a new class some representation form a player character. It could have been done without altering too much of Gerome's back story. Just make it that Minerva died in the future after Cherce, and that he named his new Griffon after her. It would also contrast well with his tendency to avoid people, especially one's from his past, but with Minerva as the last real link that's always there tethering him to his roots.

Lissa's TCG art show her as a War Cleric full with axe, for what it's worth.

Wow, Never knew that. Stiil it's a really absurd choice based on what's known about her character and hard to believe since she lacks the physical presence that Cherce possesses. I could believe it if it was for Brady and if they had taken out his relative physical frailty that's part of his character.

Cordelia would/could pick up Dark Magic… she gets an entire class tree dedicated to it (Dark Mage).

Besides, one of the ideas behind her character is that she puts efforts into developing as many skills as possible.

Picking up attack spells (which she can use in 3 of her 6 promoted classes, Dark Flier, Sorcerer, and Dark Knight) would seem reasonable. Plus she's a Dark Flier in the Cipher. The funny thing is that stats wise she's more suited to a Falcon Knight and Sumia should be the Dark Flier, but personality wise I'd imagine the opposite.

Yeah, personality wise I can see her succeeding in that role, but the only pint of contention is that magic is portrayed in the series as something you have to be talented to really excel at. For example take Erk, an extremely studious persona yet he never sees himself approaching the raw capability of his teacher, Pent. His supports with Nino also lends to that theory that Magic is something one has to have in their blood to really be remotely good at.

Logically, Kellam should not have a promotion. He should either never be recruited or remain a level 5 Knight forever, as you should forget about him the moment you recruit him.

That's more of a writing failure than class mechanics. If they gave Kellam a personal skill of Pass it would be more believable but that's an entirely different tangent.

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Wow, Never knew that. Stiil it's a really absurd choice based on what's known about her character and hard to believe since she lacks the physical presence that Cherce possesses. I could believe it if it was for Brady and if they had taken out his relative physical frailty that's part of his character.

Her statlines definitely fit sage more, but her personality actually does work with War Cleric. Although she is pretty fragile, she likes to at least try to assert that she isn't.

I mean honestly she could go either way personally based on personality alone. Official works like to portray her more as WC, though. Possibly because it's also funny.

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Her statlines definitely fit sage more, but her personality actually does work with War Cleric. Although she is pretty fragile, she likes to at least try to assert that she isn't.

I mean honestly she could go either way personally based on personality alone. Official works like to portray her more as WC, though. Possibly because it's also funny.

You're right, there is something very deadly about a 15 year old girl wearing a metal ribbed skirt advancing towards you with Armads in her hands to assert her authority. AT least it adds to class variety although class variety would be better if magic wasn't put into one neat package.

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You're right, there is something very deadly about a 15 year old girl wearing a metal ribbed skirt advancing towards you with Armads in her hands to assert her authority. AT least it adds to class variety although class variety would be better if magic wasn't put into one neat package.

If you are so focused on class variety (which I do encourage), have you thought about implementing Bow Knight somehow? That and Berserker are the only promoted classes not represented as of yet (but none of the playable characters start as Barbarians, so Berserker is out of the picture).

An argument for Sully as a paladin is that she and Stahl is supposed to be Awakening's Bull and Panther, making them a paladin duo. But it really all depends on how you develop your story.

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Severa appears in the class reel as Bow Knight, but TCG as Hero. For a nonspoiler version, though, I would just default to BK. If you want the reason and don't mind spoilers, click below. It's, well...pretty conclusive.

[spoiler=for a game that isn't FE13, if you know what I'm getting at]

Luna in both Hoshido chapter 23 and the beach DLC defaults to Bow Knight instead of Hero, and in FE14 you only get a custom palette on your "canon" promotion, which Luna gets on BK and not Hero.

Luna is also confirmed Severa.

In the same vein, Inigo is definitely a Hero. Owain's a weird case since he reclassed his own ass to Dark Mage in Fates, but he can reclass to the equivalent of Myrm and its branch promotions, and he actually does have a custom palette in the class that's SM's equivalent.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Severa appears in the class reel as Bow Knight, but TCG as Hero. For a nonspoiler version, though, I would just default to BK. If you want the reason and don't mind spoilers, click below. It's, well...pretty conclusive.

[spoiler=for a game that isn't FE13, if you know what I'm getting at]

Luna in both Hoshido chapter 23 and the beach DLC defaults to Bow Knight instead of Hero, and in FE14 you only get a custom palette on your "canon" promotion, which Luna gets on BK and not Hero.

Luna is also confirmed Severa.

In the same vein, Inigo is definitely a Hero. Owain's a weird case since he reclassed his own ass to Dark Mage in Fates, but he can reclass to the equivalent of Myrm and its branch promotions, and he actually does have a custom palette in the class that's SM's equivalent.

That's neat. Severa being a bow knight could also be connected with how much she wants to distance herself from her mother, and bow knights feel like the counter against pegasus knights.

EDIT: I just remembered about one of Owain's comment about Lissa, where she used to whack him in the future. So she could logically be a war cleric, but I can't see her using an axe. Maybe a cudgel or something instead?

Edited by Taka-kun
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I'd imagine Gaius would be a Trickster as he is shown to do tricks in his supports with Miriel and in chapter 6 he is shown to not want to kill but just take the treasure which is similar to how the trickster class is set up due to the addition of staffs making him more support than offence.

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Donnel - Hero

Does he not tell his mother as he leaves the village he'll become one?

Ricken - Dark Knight

Ricken loves animals, Chrom who is his idol uses swords, and DARK Knight? What class would be better for Mr. "Don'tLookDownOnMe?"

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I swear getting alerts in the spam box is irritating.

Donnel - Hero
Does he not tell his mother as he leaves the village he'll become one?

Ricken - Dark Knight
Ricken loves animals, Chrom who is his idol uses swords, and DARK Knight? What class would be better for Mr. "Don'tLookDownOnMe?"

There is a difference with being good with animals and commanding a steed to listen to your orders in a pitched battle. It doesn't help that Ricken is an immature kid with no experience in these matters. Chrom being his idol does not translate to riding a horse and flinging spells and killing people with swords. It doesn't help that pulling out the capability to use a sword on a steed is far different from being capable on foot such as a Swordmaster. Ergo, more of an asspull to justify Ricken as a Dark Knight than as a Sage.

Regarding Donnel, I believe you are conflating the class Hero with the generic noun referring to someone of great valor and bravery. Since Donnel starts with a spear, I thought it would be more sensible if he didn't suddenly drop the one weapon type he knows how to use for others that he would have a harder time adjusting for.

I'd imagine Gaius would be a Trickster as he is shown to do tricks in his supports with Miriel and in chapter 6 he is shown to not want to kill but just take the treasure which is similar to how the trickster class is set up due to the addition of staffs making him more support than offence.

No, there is mention specifically that Gaius is willing to do dirty deeds if necessary for the Shepards. IIRC it was in reference to doing the dirty jobs that most people in the army wouldn't want to do such as digging the latrines. I just extended that mindset to that.

Severa appears in the class reel as Bow Knight, but TCG as Hero. For a nonspoiler version, though, I would just default to BK. If you want the reason and don't mind spoilers, click below. It's, well...pretty conclusive.

[spoiler=for a game that isn't FE13, if you know what I'm getting at]

Luna in both Hoshido chapter 23 and the beach DLC defaults to Bow Knight instead of Hero, and in FE14 you only get a custom palette on your "canon" promotion, which Luna gets on BK and not Hero.

Luna is also confirmed Severa.

In the same vein, Inigo is definitely a Hero. Owain's a weird case since he reclassed his own ass to Dark Mage in Fates, but he can reclass to the equivalent of Myrm and its branch promotions, and he actually does have a custom palette in the class that's SM's equivalent.

Huh, I never knew that. [spolier] I suppose this makes sense for Severa from her perspective to be in a class that would generally be antithetical for a flier. Regarding Owain, does he have anything custom for Dark Mage or does it only extend to the Myrm equivalent? Also it would make sense that Owain would be a Dark Mage considering that Nohr does not have a Myrm equivalent inherent to their route.This way a vanilla run of Nohr does not really infringe on the cllases of the other path.

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Huh, I never knew that.

I suppose this makes sense for Severa from her perspective to be in a class that would generally be antithetical for a flier. Regarding Owain, does he have anything custom for Dark Mage or does it only extend to the Myrm equivalent? Also it would make sense that Owain would be a Dark Mage considering that Nohr does not have a Myrm equivalent inherent to their route.This way a vanilla run of Nohr does not really infringe on the cllases of the other path.

Owain has a custom palette in Sorcerer.

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There is a difference with being good with animals and commanding a steed to listen to your orders in a pitched battle. It doesn't help that Ricken is an immature kid with no experience in these matters. Chrom being his idol does not translate to riding a horse and flinging spells and killing people with swords. It doesn't help that pulling out the capability to use a sword on a steed is far different from being capable on foot such as a Swordmaster. Ergo, more of an asspull to justify Ricken as a Dark Knight than as a Sage.

Eh, depending on how much you consider historic noble pass times, Dark Knight isn't that much of an asspull. Given Ricken's alternate class of cavalier and his noble heritage, it is quite plausible he learned to ride from a young age. Being good with animals might not straight out equal using a war horse, but it does suggest he might not have a hard time learning, especially if he already had a lot of horse riding experience.

Plus in his supports with Tharja he mentions he's studying fencing (and butter sculpting of all things), so considering Dark Knight is a promotion, an argument could be made for him having the magic skills necessary to be a Dark Knight and be developing the sword skills in order to be of better all around use to the army (which does fit his motivation to become a war hero). More than one of his supports actually center around Ricken wanting to developing more skills than magic. So I wouldn't say Dark Knight is an inplausable promotion for him. (Gameplay wise, he has decent strength as a DK, so actually comes out nice and balanced)

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