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Apotheosis team?

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So I just finished maxing out all the children characters, Chrom, Anna, and my two rallybots/staffbots (MU from another file and Emmeryn). I spent my entire stockpile of about a million gold on forged weapons for all of them. It was a pain, especially on Lunatic/Classic "Finally." I thought. "Time for Apotheosis!"

So I head to the Outrealm Gate, load up the final DLC, and get to the character selection screen.

"Alright. So I'll use all the children characters, MU (Lucina's husband). I've got to bring Chrom, I guess he'll go with Anna (Maxed out Bride). Alright, I'll bring along my two rallybots (that also function as staffbots). Time to get this started!"

"Wait, I can bring two more? Oh. Uh."

I just went ahead and one turned the first round for the hell of it, then quit back to the world map. So... who should I use for the final two spots? I've already got two staff/rallybots. Also have an additional 3 units who can use staves, so I don't think I need more rescue users (or do I? I don't know). I guess more rallybots could be useful, but not as useful as more fighters. I don't like using Legacy characters, so I guess that leaves me with the "special" characters (Yen'Fay, Walhart, Gangrel, Tiki, Aversa, Priam), and the other first gen characters (none of which are even close to Apotheosis ready, except for Lon'Qu and Donnel). Any suggestions?

EDIT: Have access to all DLC exclusive skills, except for Iote's Shield.

Update: Was lazy, ended up throwing in a never used Olivia for dancing (which I used roughly 3 times) and Cherche as a staffbot. Beat it on second try, with a new strategy for the final round. I just used hit and run, I never let my units get attacked during the Enemy Phase. Worked pretty well! Got Katarina, gonna find another staff/rallybot to finish the team. I also need to fully max my team... most of them are missing ~5 in each stat (after LB).

Edited by ShadowSlayer
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I'd just bring two more rally/staff bots. You don't even need to grind them that much, just get two falco knights with some rallies and decent mag.

I bring like 6 of them whenever I play apotheosis, and the extra ones end up being useful whenever i make a small mess up

Edited by Nobody
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Rescue staves are an absolute godsend in Apotheosis because, apart from some specific cases like Alt. Route Parts 4 and 5, your positions don't get changed when the next wave comes in. They also let you whisk your rallybot or other units out of harm's way, and let you have extreme mobility, especially if you factor Olivia into the mix. They also help immensely for getting your units back into formation for another rally on the next turn, since any turn a unit isn't rallied in Apotheosis (Especially Alt route) puts them at dangerous risk of either dying, or just not contributing anything useful that turn.

I find them so crucial that, along with Fortify staves, I stick several of them on the pair-up partner of my rescue users just in case they're too far away from the convoy to get more.

One other little thing is that Ward/Pure Waters tend to be forgotten about, but they can actually be pretty helpful. For example the Alt. Route with its Vantage Vengeance Nosferatu sorcerers are pretty damn hard to deal with, but if you have a unit with high enough resistance you can let them attack you on enemy phase and kill them without letting them gain hardly any HP at all if any. A magic tank like a Male Sage or War Cleric with Resistance +10 paired up with another unit of a similar class, sporting the resistance buff, can take outright tink magic users who don't have Luna+. It's pretty crazy.

Just some notes from my own experience. I find Falconknights to be absolutely invaluable in Apotheosis because of their mov and the rescue staff.

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I would recommend using Palla and Katarina.(From DLC, not SpotPass)They both have Rally Strength and can be Falcon Knights, serving the purpose of both Rally Bots and Staff Bots.

Edited by Azz01
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Ty for the replies, everyone.

So I think I should just get two more rallybots and throw them into a high movement class that has access to staves.

Also, should I swap out Anna for Olivia? Anna is already maxed as a Bride and Olivia is pretty low level, is it worth grinding her up?

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Much as I hate grinding her up and wish Inigo could be a dancer GRRRR it really is worth it, that extra action can mean the difference between life and death on units. She's also probably the best person to give your boots to because ugh fuck having only 5 mov.

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Ty for the replies, everyone.

So I think I should just get two more rallybots and throw them into a high movement class that has access to staves.

Also, should I swap out Anna for Olivia? Anna is already maxed as a Bride and Olivia is pretty low level, is it worth grinding her up?

It really depends.I never used Olivia as a Dancer for Apo.I found her more useful as an offensive unit so I could kill more.

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Hmm. I'll try Apotheosis without switching Anna for Olivia. If it doesn't work out I'll get her leveled up.

And if I do decide to use Olivia, does she really need any good skills? I'm a bit skeptical that she'll be able to kill anyone, even with capped stats + LB.

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Hmm. I'll try Apotheosis without switching Anna for Olivia. If it doesn't work out I'll get her leveled up.

And if I do decide to use Olivia, does she really need any good skills? I'm a bit skeptical that she'll be able to kill anyone, even with capped stats + LB.

If you are using Olivia, if she is a Dancer Special Dance is a requirement.If you need to set-up Rally Mov and Rally Spd can be decent on turns you don't need extra moves.However, I am probably not the best person to advise you on how to use Olivia as a Dancer for Apo.

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Don't have the Palla DLC :(

Any substitutes?

I'm assuming you have all the children already recruited, so the one other option of having a Falcon Knight with Rally Strength is out, but really, rally bots can be anyone. Heck, I used a Wyvern Lord Eldigan as one of my rally bots in both routes of Apotheosis and I never had trouble. As long as you feel comfortable with what you should have, you should be alright.

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I'm assuming you have all the children already recruited, so the one other option of having a Falcon Knight with Rally Strength is out, but really, rally bots can be anyone. Heck, I used a Wyvern Lord Eldigan as one of my rally bots in both routes of Apotheosis and I never had trouble. As long as you feel comfortable with what you should have, you should be alright.

Was going to make Ephraim and Eirika my rallybots, but I'm too lazy. I'll try to get Katarina, then I'll pick a second one.

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Tried Apotheosis (Normal path), lost on the last round :(

I left Morgan in range of longbow snipers to prevent them from reaching the rest of the team, they all ganged up on her. They brought her down to roughly 15 HP. The last unit there killed her with a Vengeance boosted attack. It had like 20% chance of hitting. Morgan didn't even activate Aether once. Sigh. Maybe I should swap Aether back out for Vengeance?

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Risking for high chance is the price proc stackers pay for not eliminating RNG. I won't say to switch it to vengeance because the next time you run the map you could be successful. It's also a lot simpler to just brush off the bad situation you placed yourself in. Maybe next time.

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Risking for high chance is the price proc stackers pay for not eliminating RNG. I won't say to switch it to vengeance because the next time you run the map you could be successful. It's also a lot simpler to just brush off the bad situation you placed yourself in. Maybe next time.

Nah I'll just go for VV GF LB AT on Morgan. I made a lot of mistakes, like...

- Gave Brady Thoron's instead of Celica's Gales (Wtf was I thinking?)

- Gave support Laurent Nosferatu's instead of Wastes/Celica's Gales

- Really messed up on some skills. I gave Assassin Severa VV instead of Luna and Astra/Swordfaire

- Cynthia got PavGis instead of Luna + Pavise or Aegis. (I went a bit crazy with the PavGis combo)

- Owain got Astra instead of Luna

- Anna still had Locktouch equipped

- Was lazy so I just threw my under leveled Olivia and Cherche in the last two spots. (For a dancer and rescue-bot)

TL;DR I derped.

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