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Fixed Growths (In-depth discussion and calculations)


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It seems to be "fixed" in the sense you always get the same levels if restarting the chapter, but not fixed overall, as I'm pretty sure I'm seen character get different stats on different playthroughs (and they don't follow their averages).

This doesn't preclude FE9 style weapons/enemies affecting growths, but you get very weird growth patterns sometimes, like 50% proccing multiple times in a row.

Edited by XeKr
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XeKr, have you perchance tested whether or not growths are the same when attempting to do two chapters in a row, instead of simply restarting on the same one?

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The 2nd chapter in that situation is different.

I noticed when replaying chapters 4 and 5 for various exp distributions between Corrin and Kaze that Kaze would get a different level up in 5.

The level up rng seems "seeded" at sometime inbetween chapters.

I suppose this probably means weapons/enemies don't play a role, since we're only facing faceless/mages and only have 1 weapon. But who knows? >_>

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